
Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?

author:Zhongyi said

Water bears: extreme life forms on Earth

Water bears (or tardigrades) are tiny, multicellular animals known for their ability to survive extreme environments, and they are able to survive in the following extreme conditions:

Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?
  • Extremely high and very low temperatures: Water bears can survive in high temperatures close to 150 degrees Celsius, exceeding the boiling point of water. They can also survive in extremely low temperatures close to minus 200 degrees Celsius, and even resume their life activities in a frozen state.
  • High and low pressure: Water bears can survive in high-pressure environments thousands of times the atmospheric pressure on the ground, such as in the depths of the deep ocean. They can also survive near vacuum and are adapted to extremely low pressures.
  • Radiation: Water bears are able to survive in high-intensity radiation environments, including cosmic rays in space and radiation sources on Earth.
Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?
  • Drought and dehydration: Under drought conditions, tardigrades can enter a state of dehydration, in which they can survive for long periods of time before resuming their activities when conditions improve.
  • Space Environment: Experiments have shown that tardigrades can survive in space and resume their activities after returning to Earth. They are resistant to extreme temperature changes, radiation, and vacuum environments in space.
Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?

The resilience of water bears provides scientists with an ideal research model to help understand the survival strategies of life in extreme environments and its distribution in the universe.

1 Ability to survive in space

Water bears have become one of the focal points of scientific research due to their extreme resistance to stress. They are a class of tiny, multicellular organisms that have been found to survive extreme environmental conditions on Earth and even exhibit amazing survivability in space.

Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?

High radiation environment

In space, cosmic rays and solar radiation create a high-radiation environment that is extremely challenging for most life forms. Radiation can cause severe damage to an organism's DNA, leading to cell death or mutation. However, tardigrades have a powerful DNA repair mechanism that is able to repair the DNA damage caused by radiation, thus keeping cell functions functioning properly.

Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?

Extremely low temperatures

In space, temperatures can quickly change from extremely high temperatures (when directly exposed to solar radiation) to extremely low temperatures (when in solar shadow). Water bears have been shown to survive in extremely low temperatures near absolute zero. They can cope with extreme cold temperatures by entering a dehydrated state that protects their cells from damage caused by freezing.

Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?

Extremely low pressure

In space, the environment of a vacuum means that there is almost no air pressure, which is fatal to the vast majority of life forms. However, the body structure and epidermis of the tardigrades are effective in preventing the rapid evaporation of water from their bodies, thus maintaining the stability of the cells. Their ability to withstand vacuum allows them to survive exposure to extreme low-pressure conditions during space missions.

Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?

Scientific implications of resilience

The stress resistance of tardigrades is not only surprising, but also scientifically significant. By studying how tardigrades survive in extreme conditions, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of the limits and adaptability of life. These studies not only contribute to the development of new biotechnology and strategies to cope with environmental change, but also provide theoretical support for exploring the conditions of life beyond Earth.

Survival strategies in space

When faced with extreme environmental conditions in space, tardigrades adopt a survival strategy known as the "drought buffer state". This state allows them to survive for long periods of time in dry and cold conditions and is an important manifestation of their resilience to stress.

Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?

Mechanism of drought buffer state

  1. Dehydration and shrinkage:

When tardigrades perceive that their environment is beginning to deteriorate, such as drought or extremely low temperatures, they will actively contract their bodies while quickly losing water in their bodies and entering a state of dehydration. This state results in a greatly reduced amount of water in their bodies, which reduces water loss in extreme conditions.

  1. Metabolic slowdown:

Once dehydrated, the metabolic activity of the tardigrades slows down significantly. This means that their cellular and physiological functions enter a state of stagnation or very low activity, which greatly reduces the need for energy and resources. This ability to slow down metabolism allows tardigrades to survive for long periods of time in conditions of lack of water and energy.

Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?
  1. Enhanced Cold Resistance:

The dehydrated state can also enhance the tardigrades' tolerance to low temperatures. Through dehydration, tardigrades can prevent water in the body from freezing and causing structural damage to cells. This allows them to continue to survive in extremely low temperatures close to absolute zero and resume normal activities when conditions improve.

Scientific research and application prospects

  • Biotechnology and medical research: Understanding how tardigrades enter and maintain dehydration under extreme conditions can help develop new bioprotection techniques for the preservation of biological samples or medicinal products. For example, it may have important applications in the stability enhancement of vaccines and biologics.
  • Space Exploration and Planetary Biology: The dehydration ability of water bears provides a theoretical basis for humans to explore the universe and find life on other planets. If similar organisms are found on other planets or moons, their dehydration strategies may be key to their survival in extreme environments.
Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?

Experiments and research

Scientists have conducted several experiments on places such as the International Space Station to verify the ability of tardigrades to survive in the space environment. These studies not only help to understand the stress resistance mechanism of tardigrades, but also help to explore the survivability of life in extreme environments, providing important references and enlightenment for future space exploration and life exploration.

Do you know about tardigrades? What happens if you leave it in space? How long can you live?

The resilience of tardigrades makes it an ideal model for studying astrobiology and planetary exploration biology. Their research will not only help to understand how life adapts to Earth's extreme environments, but may also have important implications for future exploration projects to search for life on other stars.

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