
Wang Xiangjun's prose: Qingming returns to his hometown

author:Fool's Tales
Wang Xiangjun's prose: Qingming returns to his hometown

It's another year of Qingming.

"During the Qingming Festival, it rained a lot, and the pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls. By asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy refers to Xinghua Village", Du Mu's "Qingming" fusion scene and feelings of the beautiful article is widely spread, and people will come casually on this festival. The poems not only give people the cold rain of the season, but also make Xinghua Village famous for thousands of years. Xinghua Village has made the wine full of bowls and urns by virtue of Lao Du's famous chapter, the fragrant Fenjiu is mellow and fragrant, and there is no shortage of guest officials in the alleys, and everyone knows the drinkers.

Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in the mainland, but also the most important sacrificial festival, the history records that the Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty, has a history of more than 2,500 years. Qingming as a festival, which is different from the pure solar terms. The solar term is a clever combination of astronomy, agriculture, phenology and folk customs, revealing the law of astronomical and meteorological changes, while the festival contains certain customs and certain commemorative significance. To this day, we still worship our ancestors and mourn our deceased relatives on the day of Qingming Festival, which is not only an affectionate remembrance of our deceased relatives, but also our respect and inheritance of fine traditional culture.

The three-day holiday of the Qingming Festival sacrifices to the deceased relatives, conveys the sorrow of the living, and takes a walk around the road to enjoy their spiritual world. Before the festival, I contacted the time of going to the grave and agreed on the dinner arrangements for these days. "The broom sweeps the dust of the court, the family style filial piety and friends go on a blind date", said that the good family style brings the harmony of relatives and neighbors, I often hear others say that the family collective activities to eat is to eat in the way of the AA system, and we have to make an appointment in advance to eat, otherwise we can't even seize the opportunity to invite someone to eat. Two days ago, the brothers patriotic made an appointment on the phone, saying that the dinner on the night before the grave was arranged at the second mother's house, and some time ago there was a sheep at home who may suffer from cerebral infarction and walked unsteadily, so he killed and said that the nephews and daughters came back to eat during the Qingming Festival. So everyone agreed to arrange it like this, and the next day's activities were randomized.

The arrangement is the same, the adults get off work and the children return to their hometowns at the same time after school, and the time to pick up the children is too late, and they quickly gallop back to their hometowns. The colorful glow on the horizon reflects the red west sky, and the willows on the roadside begin to turn green and bloom with vitality, which is spring, and the romantic air can reveal a piece of lovely surprises. Because it is the pre-holiday holiday traffic is more than usual, the long-distance drivers are eager to move forward quickly, in fact, the mood is as eager as the speed, just want to return to the familiar hometown as soon as possible, set foot on the land in the heart, see the relatives who have been separated for some time, and drink the more intoxicating wine. The coincidence of time passed all the way through the green light, and the accompanying mother-in-law looked surprised, saying that I didn't encounter a red light today, and I laughed at the old lady because I was too busy, and the traffic light automatically turned green when I saw the leader passing by. The old man's eyes widened, his face full of suspicion, and he showed surprise, "No."

When we arrived at our hometown, the village was silent, and the houses on the side of the road were hidden in the darkness that had fallen, and many people went to the empty houses, standing alone in the old trees and dead forests, without a little light and life, and may still be recalling the noise and noise that there used to be. There are several small cars parked around the house of the second mother, and the times have changed greatly, I want to lead a donkey set of cars yesterday, and the traffic depends on it; Look at the speeding car today, the distance is not difficult for us. At that time, those of us who went out got up early in the morning and took a shuttle bus in the dark, and then tried our best to return to the village, and endured all the hardships of hurrying. Through the window, I could see that the people inside had already begun to raise their glasses, probably impatiently drinking "waiting for someone to drink". Hurriedly stepping into the house, the smell of meat in the big iron pot in the stove room has not yet filled the house, and the sound of coo-dong has just begun to play, looking at this invisible meal (Shenmu words: it takes time to get the meal to be good, which also means that there is still a long way to go before things are successful) The appearance of today's meal is just to see it again with my drinking test. The people are coming, and the wine is beginning to fill up. Everyone sat together, and first they could say some common words about the rules and regulations, but after a short time, the sword went sideways to subvert the convention, and the song turned into another topic: pursuing the full and satisfying years at that time, and the strange past of the brothers when they were young, and making it public for many years to keep it secret for another year.

"During the Qingming Festival, it rained a lot, and the pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls. By asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy refers to Xinghua Village", Du Mu's "Qingming" fusion scene and feelings of the beautiful article is widely spread, and people will come casually on this festival. The poems not only give people the cold rain of the season, but also make Xinghua Village famous for thousands of years. Xinghua Village has made the wine full of bowls and urns by virtue of Lao Du's famous chapter, the fragrant Fenjiu is mellow and fragrant, and there is no shortage of guest officials in the alleys, and everyone knows the drinkers.

Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in the mainland, but also the most important sacrificial festival, the history records that the Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty, has a history of more than 2,500 years. Qingming as a festival, which is different from the pure solar terms. The solar term is a clever combination of astronomy, agriculture, phenology and folk customs, revealing the law of astronomical and meteorological changes, while the festival contains certain customs and certain commemorative significance. To this day, we still worship our ancestors and mourn our deceased relatives on the day of Qingming Festival, which is not only an affectionate remembrance of our deceased relatives, but also our respect and inheritance of fine traditional culture.

The three-day holiday of the Qingming Festival sacrifices to the deceased relatives, conveys the sorrow of the living, and takes a walk around the road to enjoy their spiritual world. Before the festival, I contacted the time of going to the grave and agreed on the dinner arrangements for these days. "The broom sweeps the dust of the court, the family style filial piety and friends go on a blind date", said that the good family style brings the harmony of relatives and neighbors, I often hear others say that the family collective activities to eat is to eat in the way of the AA system, and we have to make an appointment in advance to eat, otherwise we can't even seize the opportunity to invite someone to eat. Two days ago, the brothers patriotic made an appointment on the phone, saying that the dinner on the night before the grave was arranged at the second mother's house, and some time ago there was a sheep at home who may suffer from cerebral infarction and walked unsteadily, so he killed and said that the nephews and daughters came back to eat during the Qingming Festival. So everyone agreed to arrange it like this, and the next day's activities were randomized.

The arrangement is the same, the adults get off work and the children return to their hometowns at the same time after school, and the time to pick up the children is too late, and they quickly gallop back to their hometowns. The colorful glow on the horizon reflects the red west sky, and the willows on the roadside begin to turn green and bloom with vitality, which is spring, and the romantic air can reveal a piece of lovely surprises. Because it is the pre-holiday holiday traffic is more than usual, the long-distance drivers are eager to move forward quickly, in fact, the mood is as eager as the speed, just want to return to the familiar hometown as soon as possible, set foot on the land in the heart, see the relatives who have been separated for some time, and drink the more intoxicating wine. The coincidence of time passed all the way through the green light, and the accompanying mother-in-law looked surprised, saying that I didn't encounter a red light today, and I laughed at the old lady because I was too busy, and the traffic light automatically turned green when I saw the leader passing by. The old man's eyes widened, his face full of suspicion, and he showed surprise, "No."

When we arrived at our hometown, the village was silent, and the houses on the side of the road were hidden in the darkness that had fallen, and many people went to the empty houses, standing alone in the old trees and dead forests, without a little light and life, and may still be recalling the noise and noise that there used to be. There are several small cars parked around the house of the second mother, and the times have changed greatly, I want to lead a donkey set of cars yesterday, and the traffic depends on it; Look at the speeding car today, the distance is not difficult for us. At that time, those of us who went out got up early in the morning and took a shuttle bus in the dark, and then tried our best to return to the village, and endured all the hardships of hurrying. Through the window, I faintly saw that the people inside had begun to hold their glasses, probably impatiently drinking "waiting for the wine". Hurriedly stepping into the house, the smell of meat in the big iron pot in the stove room has not yet filled the house, and the sound of coo-dong has just begun to play, looking at this invisible meal (Shenmu words: it takes time to get the meal to be good, which also means that there is still a long way to go before things are successful) The appearance of today's meal is just to see it again with my drinking test. The people are coming, and the wine is beginning to fill up. Everyone sat together, and first they could say some common words about the rules and regulations, but after a long time, the sword went sideways and subverted the convention, and the song turned into another topic: chasing the full and satisfying years at that time, the brothers' strange past when they were young, disclosing the encounter on the road of herding sheep that had been kept secret for many years, and the vivid expression of embarrassment on the face of exposing the lie. There are many stories that I didn't hear today, and I realized that I had actually gone far as if I had gone far yesterday, and I suddenly felt that life was in a hurry and I cherished it. Talking and laughing, jokes accidentally fell into the ears of the elders walking back and forth, laughing and scolding "this group of gray he is big" and hurriedly avoided it. Pushing and pushing the bowl back and forth a few times, noisy and damp, the fragments on the dinner table began vaguely: remember to put meat in the bowl, remember that someone was saying something in their hearts again, remember to have another drink before getting up, and then left the table to go to the resting home.

When I woke up early in the morning, I realized that I had slept at my second brother's house last night, and there was an unfamiliar picture along the bright window: the fog was frivolous, and there was a large mountain abruptly on the eastern horizon, running from north to south, the mountain was undulating, and occasionally the peaks like wolf's teeth protruded, and the fog spread from the woods to the side of the mountain. I was happy to see the mirage today, and said with them, the second brother said that he saw such a scene when he got up early in the morning. I quickly grabbed my phone and ran out of the house to see what movement and changes would happen. With the flow of time, a fiery red disk-like sun actually rose from the front of the mountain, and the woods in the light mist merged with it, and the clouds and fog felt like fairies. I wondered why the sun rises or sets behind the reference object today? Gradually, the sun disappeared again, and suddenly the top of the mountain began to brighten, and the sun slowly climbed out of the mountain, no longer as red and dazzling as before, and the outline of the valley in front of the mountain was visible. How can mortals like us understand the mystery of nature?

"The festive season is clear and the peach and plum are smiling, and Noda Arata is only worried." At the agreed time, everyone gathered at the cemetery of the forest farm, the warm sun of Qingming gently shone on the earth, and the morning fog was far from the edge. The morning without a trace of wind allowed us to go to the grave to reduce the worries of the fire, and sincerely placed our sorrow for the departed relatives on the grave, which is a kind of longing that can be immersed in the bone marrow. Talking about their high spirits, festivals, diligence, kindness and righteousness during their lifetimes, they mention the past events in the depths of our memories. Although the father is the son is a special moral relationship between the father and the son in the feudal society, the father is an example and the son is still inherited from the father in our family, and we have always taken these ancestors as an example and followed their promises. Looking at the various families reflected in the society around me, father and son turn against each other and brothers become enemies, neighbors hurt chickens and dogs, I don't know whether society is developing or civilization is regressing, it is really emotional!

There is a poem that says: "No flowers and no wine are Qingming, and the taste is like a wild monk", Du Mu also did not forget to "ask where the restaurant is" when he broke his soul, so our Qingming Festival is still accompanied by wine and food, confusing our confusion and comforting our taste buds. When I got up early in the morning, the eldest brother and sister-in-law were already busy packing up the lunch food, running in the courtyard from time to time to make phone calls, yelling at the people who ate at noon, and won the initiative to invite people at noon (get up early in the morning), and the second brother had to temporarily arrange it for the evening. Towards noon, everyone arrived, and the wine table began to have rich content, continuing the topic that was not finished yesterday, exploring the results that he still wanted to know, and persuading the brothers who wanted to stop drinking, drinking more and drinking less and swaying slowly, why not let everyone else get drunk and he woke up alone, and then let him make up the story for you to hear. Because there is another stall at night, and the people who wake up are invited to participate, so they are drunk and slippery to a buffer brake, and the wine is stuck in the position of the second tide, and after the wine and food are full, they go home to hunt chickens and feed the dogs to settle the livestock, and then look forward to the two heroic battles in the evening.

In the evening, the number of people was still increasing, and a few relatives and friends who had returned to the village were invited to sit at the table, and the two large tables were full, and the underground was still busy running back and forth. The first one drank "waiting for the wine", and the later one made up for the "entrance wine" and the wine under the delay, in short, the first one was slow to get drunk, and the later one hurried into the state. urged each other to drink quickly, and persuaded them to let the empty stomach pluck some first, don't wait for the meal to climb the table again. The night silence in the countryside is surprisingly beautiful: the stars twinkle in the sky, the sheep and dogs neigh, the birds in the forest are terrifying, the spring fragrance is blowing in the nose, and the occasional outside is faint, and the night breeze is pleasant. The fighters on the table followed the drinking habit of "total score", and those who had not seen each other for a long time were interspersed with "touch one" or persuade "you drink two and I will accompany one". When the night was already deep, the drunken Chaohan no longer thought that his voice was incomplete, and bravely sang those songs that I would sing such as "Heaven and Earth are long, passers-by are in a hurry", and everyone also pretended to clap their hands and echo, in fact, they were all talking nonsense without a word, and then boasted that they raised their heads and poured the wine into their mouths, supervising that others were also drinking.

Qingming wine drank the taste of hometown and tasted the true feelings of the world. The tediousness in the text is not to show off the richness of the festival, but to express the family affection of the hometown is really the most blazing warmth in the heart. Jia Pingwa said: "It is sad to find that I have lost my hometown after a few decades", and I don't know if the deep affection for my hometown will be lost one day?