
The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

author:Strawberry Tea Party

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The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

Edit: Strawberry Tea Party

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

At the age of youth and high spirits, a sudden accident and misfortune suddenly took a young life.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

It is a tragic tragedy that a promising new sports star has left us forever.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

On June 30, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old player of the Chinese youth badminton team, suddenly collapsed and fainted on the court during the Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia and had convulsions.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

Despite the emergency rescue efforts of the medical staff of the organizing committee and local hospitals, Zhang Zhijie still passed away. In the face of this sad news, all parties have expressed their deep condolences. The Chinese Badminton Association will continue to follow up on this matter, and will inform the society in a timely manner if there is any new development.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

Undoubtedly, this tragic incident has aroused widespread concern and questions. There are many criticized links in the treatment process, no wonder it will attract strong doubts from netizens about this matter.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

According to the video at the scene, after Zhang Zhijie had convulsions, the on-site referee failed to call for medical personnel to intervene in time, which can be said to be one of the important reasons for the tragedy.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

It stands to reason that in the event of such an emergency, the first reaction of the staff should be to call an ambulance and paramedics. However, neither the Chinese side nor the local referees and staff were able to take emergency relief measures efficiently and decisively.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

Netizens jokingly said: "Although the report said 'he will be sent to the hospital in two minutes', it was two minutes after he fell to the ground, and he had already missed the golden time for treatment." It can be seen that the rescue received by the parties is obviously lagging behind. Sister Zhang also questioned: "Isn't this untimely medical team and poor medical conditions the main cause of this worst result?"

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

During the on-site first aid, the two medical staff were in a hurry, neither carrying the necessary AEDs nor performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Zhang Zhijie. This greatly delayed the timing of Zhang Zhijie's rescue.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

Some industry insiders believe that Zhang Zhijie may have suffered cardiac arrest. As a common first aid method, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is very important for this. Unfortunately, it is clear that the medical staff on the scene are poorly prepared and trained, and lack the knowledge and skills to do so. As some fans questioned: "I even doubt that they have basic first aid knowledge." Their response is so slow and rusty!"

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

A similar tragedy has occurred in Indonesia, where the famous badminton player Quito suffered his death in 2021. However, just three years later, the same mistake was repeated in the local area, which raised more questions about the overall preparation of the event.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

The root cause of this is that the organizers may not pay enough attention to safety awareness and emergency plans. First aid equipment is not in place, and ambulances and medical points may not be as complete as expected. It can be said that there are serious loopholes in some important links. If he prepares properly before the game, Zhang Zhijie may still have a chance to live. As the so-called "precautionary measures", the inaction of the organizers is deeply regrettable.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

For such a tragic event, the blame cannot be placed solely on the individual. What we need to reflect on is to fundamentally reinvent the concept of safety first. Whether it is in the organization of the event, the facilities of the venues, or the preparation and training of employees, all standards of safety and security should be implemented at all levels.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

This requires a variety of approaches such as legislation, policy, and education to embed the concept of safety in the minds of workers in different fields. Everyone should always remember that safety is the top priority, and there is no room for mistakes and negligence. Only by truly internalizing the concept of safety and strictly implementing it at all levels can we avoid the recurrence of such tragedies to the greatest extent and create a safe and secure environment for all workplaces.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

This incident shocked the global badminton community, and everyone couldn't help but deeply regret and regret the death of this young athlete. Some fans sighed: "He was unwilling, but his life was suddenly stopped like this, which is really embarrassing."

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

Zhang Zhijie was talented and promising during his lifetime, won a number of youth group championships, and is undoubtedly one of the most promising seedlings of the new generation of Chinese badminton. His passing is tantamount to the loss of a future star player forever, and it also deprives the global badminton sport of a valuable talent pool.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

As a family member, a family member and a friend, the loss of a young loved one must be an unbearable blow. We sincerely hope that they will be able to come out of the gloom, regain hope, and bravely face the rest of their lives.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

Let us mourn deeply for the passing of Zhang Zhijie and wish this young life rest in peace.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

At the same time, we hope that similar tragedies will not happen again, and the original intention of sports is to inspire lives and promote positive energy.

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie unfortunately passed away, and the first aid measures of the event aroused strong doubts!

We should learn from this experience, examine the risks of various industries with a sincere and fearful attitude, and earnestly safeguard the life and health rights and interests of practitioners.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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