
The husband and wife were in the same room, and Lao Xiucai hid outside the door to peek, and was so frightened that he peed his pants and fled in a hurry

author:Jax's hand

In our Yunxi Village, there is such a pair of young couples, the male is called Li Tiezhu, and the female is called Liu Cuihua. Li Tiezhu, this young man, is as honest as anything, full of strength, and his heart is so good that he has nothing to say; Liu Cui tweed, that little girl, diligent and smart, looks smart, and everyone praises her. The two of them lived a life as sweet as honey, and the people in the village said that they were a match made in heaven. But something strange happened to such a loving little couple. This has to start with that night. The moonlight was hazy that night, and the wind was gentle. Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua finished dinner, cleaned up the housework, and went into the bedroom. It is said that this husband and wife have the same room, it is not a big deal, but there is an old talent in our village, named Zhao Wenyuan. This Zhao Wenyuan, he is a lot older, and he is still nosy, looking around, always wanting to inquire about something.

That night, Zhao Wenyuan finished dinner, and he was idle, so he slipped to the door of Li Tiezhu's house. He pondered in his heart: "This Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua have been married for several years, why don't they have a baby yet?" I'll have to see. So, he tiptoed to the window of Li Tiezhu's house, trying to look through the window paper. But the window paper is as thick as something, and Zhao Wenyuan can't see anything clearly. He was ruthless and decided to push the door straight in. But that door, made of wood, has grown over the years, and it is very heavy, and as soon as Zhao Wenyuan pushed the door, he accidentally made a little noise. Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua in the house were startled when they heard the movement. Liu Cuihua hurriedly asked, "Who?" In the middle of the night, what's going on? Li Tiezhu got up to open the door, muttering as he walked: "In the middle of the night, who is so short-sighted to disturb us?" When Zhao Wenyuan heard this, his heart tightened, and he thought: "It's broken, what's wrong with this?" He hurriedly hid by the door, wanting to wait for Li Tiezhu to open the door before slipping away. But the door squeaked open, and Li Tiezhu stood at the door with an oil lamp. When Zhao Wenyuan saw it, he panicked, and it was too late to run. He stubbornly said and pretended: "Ah, haha, it's Brother Li, I'm ...... I was passing by, and I heard movement here, so I came over to take a look. Li Tiezhu saw that it was Zhao Wenyuan, and he was also strange in his heart: "This old man is doing here in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?" But he still said politely: "Oh, it's Brother Zhao, please come in." With that, he let Zhao Wenyuan into the house. When Liu Cuihua saw the guests, she also hurriedly came out of the bedroom and poured a cup of tea for Zhao Wenyuan. Zhao Wenyuan sat there, his heart was up and down, and he didn't know what to say. He secretly looked over to the bedroom, only to see that the bedroom was brightly lit and the figures were dangling, and he was even more curious. At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the bedroom. It sounded like the wind blowing through the treetops, like the murmuring of a river, mixed with a low hum. As soon as Zhao Wenyuan heard this, his face turned pale, and his heart beat a drum: "This... This can't be—" He couldn't sit still, stood up suddenly, and stammered, "Lee... Brother Li, I... I suddenly remembered that there was something urgent at home, and I had to go back quickly. Before he could finish speaking, he hurried out the door.

Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua looked at him like that, and they were a little puzzled in their hearts, but they didn't think much about it, so they let him go. Zhao Wenyuan trotted all the way and returned home, as soon as the door was closed, he sat on the ground with his butt on his butt, and it was hard to breathe. The voice echoed in his head, and his heart went up and down: "That... That voice can't really be legendary... Immortals descend to earth, right? "The more I think about it, the more scared I get, and the more I think about it, the more I feel bad.

The husband and wife were in the same room, and Lao Xiucai hid outside the door to peek, and was so frightened that he peed his pants and fled in a hurry

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he ran to the temple in the village and told the old monk in the temple about it. When the old monk heard this, he frowned, pondered for a while, and then said slowly: "Master Zhao, you have to keep this matter a secret. In my opinion, Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua may have received the guidance of the gods and are cultivating some advanced spells. That voice may have come from their cultivation time. ”

When Zhao Wenyuan heard this, he was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, and he hurriedly asked, "That... So what should I do? The old monk sighed and said, "You, just don't bother them as if nothing happened." This immortal matter, we mortals are better to mix less. Zhao Wenyuan listened, nodded again and again, and left the temple with great gratitude. Since then, he no longer dared to go to Li Tiezhu's house to inquire about the news, and when he saw Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua, he hid far away.

As the days passed, Yunxi Village was still so quiet and peaceful. Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua are still living their ordinary little life, and that bizarre experience seems to have never happened. However, on a sunny afternoon, a group of villagers suddenly gathered under the big locust tree at the head of the village, and everyone was talking about the same topic - the strange things that happened to Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua's family recently.

The husband and wife were in the same room, and Lao Xiucai hid outside the door to peek, and was so frightened that he peed his pants and fled in a hurry

It turned out that in the past few nights, a mysterious light would appear on the roof of Li Tiezhu's house, and the light would be colorful and varied, and it looked like something was flying around the house. Moreover, the light will dance to the rhythm of the music, like a grand dance party. This matter spread ten, ten, hundreds, and soon spread throughout Yunxi Village. The villagers talked a lot, some said that it was a fairy apparition, some said that it was a monster, and some said that Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua had a treasure. When Zhao Wenyuan heard the news, his heart was even more up. He thought to himself: "If this thing is true, then wouldn't Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua become immortals?" No, I'll have to check it out. "Oh, this Zhao Wenyuan, he was really bold and fat that night, taking advantage of the dark night and high wind, he quietly touched the door of Li Tiezhu's house. He hid in the corner and peeked through the crack in the window. The room was bright, Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua were around a large table, the table was full of melons, fruits and wine, the two of them laughed, eating while looking at the strange light on the roof. Zhao Wenyuan's eyes straightened, and he wondered in his heart: "What's going on?" As soon as his curiosity rose, he decided to take a closer look. He tiptoed to the door, and was about to push the door in, when he heard Li Tiezhu say on the other side: "Cuihua, look at how beautiful this light is, isn't our love like this, gorgeous and colorful." Liu Cuihua listened and smiled shyly: "Brother Tiezhu, it's really good that the two of us can be together." Now it's like a dream. Zhao Wenyuan listened, and was confused in his heart: "What are these two people doing?" Could it be that you still invited the gods? Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sudden burst of singing in the room, and the sound sounded like heavenly fairy music. Zhao Wenyuan was fascinated by what he heard, and as soon as he pushed his hand, the door opened, and the light rushed straight towards him. As soon as his eyes were dark, he didn't know anything.

Zhao Wenyuan's kid slowly became a nobody in the village, and Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua's days also made a little waves. The mysterious light flashed, and the two of them were still in love like something, but there was a little more indescribable sadness on their faces. It turned out that the light was gone, and the two of them found that their youthful energy was also gone. My hair is starting to turn gray, my skin is not so tight, and I even have a bit of a hard time walking. The people in the village talked a lot, saying that this was the gods who took back the gift and made them ordinary people again. But Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua know in their hearts that this matter is not so simple. They began to recall the light of that night and the beautiful singing, and realized that it was not a reward from the gods, but their desire and pursuit of a better life. Now this desire and pursuit is gone, and life has become gray.

In order to regain the lost vitality, Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua decided to trace the source and find the origin of that light. They believe that if they find the source, they can get back what they have lost. So, the two embark on a journey to find the mysterious light. They trekked through mountains and rivers and went through a lot of hardships, but they couldn't find any trace of that light. Just when they were about to lose heart, they came to a small mountain village in the middle of nowhere. The village is hidden deep in the forest, as if forgotten by the world. Under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village, they met an old man with gray hair. The old man looked amiable, and there was wisdom in his eyes. Seeing Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua, the old man smiled and asked, "What are you two looking for here?" Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua told the old man about them. The old man listened, pondered for a while, and then said slowly: "The light you are looking for is actually not given by the gods, but the strength and belief in your own hearts. ”

The husband and wife were in the same room, and Lao Xiucai hid outside the door to peek, and was so frightened that he peed his pants and fled in a hurry

"Strength and faith?" Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua were confused. The old man then explained: "You used to be full of yearning and pursuit for life, and this yearning and pursuit made your heart shine. But after a long time, you have lost this yearning and pursuit, and the light of your heart will slowly be extinguished. "Then how can we regain our lost strength and faith?" Liu Cuihua asked eagerly. The old man smiled and pointed to the mountain at that end: "See, there is an old temple on the top of that mountain, and there is a mysterious god in it." I heard that you have to be the kind of person who has enough heart and can trust yourself to see this god. You two might as well give it a try. Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua listened to the old man's words, hit it off, and decided to go up the mountain to take a look. The two of them had a lot of ups and downs along the way, and finally climbed to the top of the mountain. In the temple at the top of the mountain, the two of them prayed sincerely, hoping to meet the mysterious deity.

At this moment, a blinding light suddenly lit up in the temple. In the light, a figure slowly appeared, it was a goddess who was too beautiful to speak. The goddess looked at Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua with a smile and said, "You are welcome to come to me." I feel your strength and faith. "Goddess, you have to tell us how we can regain our lost strength and faith!" Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua asked in unison. The goddess nodded slightly: "You guys, you just need to rekindle your love and pursuit of life." Remember, no matter what difficulties and setbacks you encounter, don't lose your dreams and beliefs. As soon as she finished speaking, the goddess disappeared in that light.

Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua glanced at each other and held each other's hands tightly. They knew in their hearts that the words of the goddess had given them the answer. From that day on, the two rekindled their love and pursuit of life. They began to work diligently, live actively, and every day was filled with hopes and dreams. Gradually, they found that their bones had become younger, their hair had darkened, and their skin had become firmer and more elastic. The people of the village were shocked to see their changes and asked them how they did it. Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua told everyone with a smile: "As long as we have love, dreams, and faith in our hearts, we can get back everything we lost." ”

The husband and wife were in the same room, and Lao Xiucai hid outside the door to peek, and was so frightened that he peed his pants and fled in a hurry

The village that was once mysterious and talked about has become more beautiful and mysterious because of this story. People say that there is a couple living in this village who can create miracles, and they use their own stories to tell us a profound truth - that is, cherish the people in front of you, cherish the present life, and never lose your dreams and beliefs!

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