
The original intention is like a rock, and the new era is to keep in mind the mission and forge ahead on a new journey

author:Record what you have seen and heard

——Qishan Tianyuan Party Branch carried out a series of activities to celebrate the seventh day: the original intention is like a new era of contributions, keep in mind the mission and forge ahead on a new journey

The original intention is like a rock, and the new era is to keep in mind the mission and forge ahead on a new journey

On the morning of July 1, in accordance with the unified deployment of the company's party branch, all party members and party activists gathered at Tianyuan Home to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the great Communist Party of China, and at the same time comprehensively summarized and commended the work of the branch. Comrade Zhang Zongke, secretary of the party branch and chairman of the company, attended and made a concluding speech. The meeting was presided over by Comrade Wang Xianghui, member of the organization committee of the company's party branch.

Organize life and work together

All party members sang the national anthem, reviewed the oath of joining the party and carried out organizational life meetings. At the meeting, all party members and comrades carried out profound criticism and self-criticism in combination with their own ideological and work shortcomings. Huo Yongqi, the live broadcast group of the Innovation Center, shared: Since the live broadcast, from spitting in front of the camera to facing it calmly, to sharing good products, telling good stories, and sharing corporate culture, individuals have made great growth and progress on the big stage provided by the company. Qi Jilong of the Cultural Tourism Division shared: I am fortunate to be a probationary party member, and I am especially grateful to the Communist Party of China and the company's party branch for their care and training. Individuals lack initiative in learning, and should have a correct attitude in the future, practice the spirit of three creations and three diggings, and improve their ability to solve problems.

Under the infection of party members, probationary party members and party activists also participated in the party, talking about their shortcomings and improvement points. Through organizational life, everyone fully realizes that criticism and self-criticism are very conducive to personal growth and progress, and to the cohesion and unity of the organization.

The original intention is like a rock, and the new era is to keep in mind the mission and forge ahead on a new journey

Following the organizational life meeting, Comrade Ma Weigang, deputy secretary of the company's branch, made a report on the work of the branch in the past year, existing problems and next steps.

First of all, he said that he was very pleased after listening to everyone's reports and reflections. We closely integrate the understanding of the party, the gratitude to the party and their own work, and have a better understanding of the spirit of "three digging" and "three creations" advocated by the company. It is recommended that the party members and comrades who do online live broadcasts show their party member identities in the process of bringing goods, be beautiful "party members online", and share the experience, perception and spirit of party members with more people.

The original intention is like a rock, and the new era is to keep in mind the mission and forge ahead on a new journey

Secondly, when summarizing the work of the branch in the past year, Deputy Secretary Ma said that under the leadership of Comrade Zhang Zongke, secretary of the party branch, the branch organized everyone to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, learn the spirit, strengthen the party spirit, emphasize practice, and make new contributions, and the work of the branch has been recognized by the provincial party committee, the municipal party committee and the higher-level party organizations. The Tianyuan practice of "party building leads to promote the innovation and development of enterprises, and the integration of three industries promotes the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas" has been rated as an excellent case of national rural revitalization empowerment; The trade unions, the Women's Federation, the Communist Youth League has made remarkable achievements, the company was awarded the honorary title of "Baoji May Day Labor Medal" by the Baoji Federation of Trade Unions, and the Women's Federation established the first batch of studios named after the executive committee members in the county; The Youth League branch was awarded the honorary title of "Shaanxi Province May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Branch". Under the leadership of the party members, the cultural tourism team also won the honor of the national 3A-level scenic spot for the company...... Behind these achievements and honors is the innovative practice of the branch team to lead the struggle of party members. Comrade Zhang Zongke, Secretary of the Party Branch and Chairman of the Company, was awarded the "10th Outstanding Entrepreneur of Shaanxi Province" and "Qishan Philanthropist", which set a benchmark and set an example for us.

At the same time, Deputy Secretary Ma also pertinently pointed out four deficiencies in the work of the branch: the study and understanding of political theories should be more thorough; The degree of integration with their own work should be closer; The self-requirements and role of individual party members should be further strengthened; The overall publicity work needs to be further improved; The knowledge and understanding of the company's strategy and corporate culture need to be clarified.

For the next work plan, Deputy Secretary Ma summarized it with "three grasps" and "three promotions": grasping party building, learning, and discipline; Promote growth, promote promotion, and promote value. Call on everyone to promote party building around development and do a good job in party building to promote development.

Commend the advanced and set an example

The original intention is like a rock, and the new era is to keep in mind the mission and forge ahead on a new journey

In the outstanding commendation session, Li Lilong, a member of the study committee of the party branch, read out the branch's "Decision on Commending Outstanding Party Workers, Outstanding Communist Party Members and Party Member Vanguard in 2023". Zhang Zongke, secretary of the company's branch and chairman of the board, personally awarded honors to Comrade Wang Shuting of the Administrative and Personnel Department of the "Outstanding Party Worker", Comrade Zhao Yongpeng of the Financial Center of the "Outstanding Communist Party Member", Comrade Huo Yongqi of the Live Broadcast Group of the Innovation Center, and the Tianyuan Cultural Tourism Team of the "Party Member Pioneer Team".

The original intention is like a rock, and the new era is to keep in mind the mission and forge ahead on a new journey

Integrity and innovation, courage and perseverance

At the end of the event, Comrade Zhang Zongke, secretary of the party branch and chairman of the company, shared and exchanged with everyone in the way of "secretary lectures on party lessons". He asked all party members and comrades to listen to the party, feel the party's kindness, follow the party, cheer up their spirits, gather strength, keep upright and innovative, move forward bravely, lead high-quality development with high-quality party building, and make new and greater contributions to the economic development of the county!

The original intention is like a rock, and the new era is to keep in mind the mission and forge ahead on a new journey

(Text/Wang Shuting Photo/Li Xiaoyu)