
Innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine services Community residents are "circled fans"

author:Community release

For a long time, traditional Chinese medicine has been well received by the masses for its characteristics of "simplicity, convenience, testing and inexpensiveness". Since the official opening of the Bailianchi Community Health Service Center in Chenghua District, Chengdu in January this year, it has actively promoted the construction of grassroots Chinese medicine service capacity, combined traditional Chinese medicine with modern rehabilitation medicine, and extended the health management of children, the elderly, pregnant women and patients with chronic diseases with the central characteristics of "health care and traditional Chinese medicine conditioning". To further make traditional Chinese medicine services "grounded", continue to promote traditional Chinese medicine services to benefit people's livelihood, and a series of operations have "circled" a large number of community residents.

Integrate and facilitate the people to create an integrated "business card of traditional Chinese medicine"

Zhang Huifang (pseudonym), a resident of Yilitang Community, now praises the traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation department of the Bailianchi Community Health Service Center when she meets people. She has suffered from a herniated lumbar disc for many years, and in the past, she had to rush to a major hospital in the city for treatment every time she had a painful attack. "It's hard to walk when it's painful, and the big hospital is far away, so the condition is getting worse and worse." This year, Zhang Huifang was pleasantly surprised to find that the Bailianchi Community Health Service Center at the door of her home has also opened a traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation department, with antique decoration, acupuncture, massage, and cupping can be done, and there is no need to travel long distances for treatment. After the use of TCM acupuncture, massage and drug treatment by the TCM rehabilitation doctors of the center, Zhang Huifang's low back pain symptoms were significantly relieved. In the follow-up treatment, Zhang Huifang's family also had cervical spine problems one after another, and they all improved significantly after acupuncture and massage treatment in the TCM rehabilitation department, and sent a pennant to the department to express their gratitude.

Innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine services Community residents are "circled fans"

The case of Zhang Huifang's family of three is a microcosm of the center's "one push and one injection" treatment project. "We focus on the old and the young, and create a special brand of 'one needle and one push' treatment project, which is used to prevent and treat lumbar disc herniation, cervical and lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, frozen shoulder and children's massage." According to the relevant person in charge of the center, the center relies on the team building of family doctors, makes the "one needle and one push" brand practical and excellent, and has established a health lecturer group to teach how to protect the joints of the body; From mobilization, screening, diagnosis to comprehensive management and follow-up, it provides integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine and whole-process management for various pain diseases such as cervical and lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, frozen shoulder, sequelae of stroke, facial paralysis, migraine, and sequelae of herpes zoster. The center also actively cultivates special brands for children and adolescents and promotes the concept of modern Chinese medicine. Due to the radiation of 8 kindergartens and 4 primary and secondary schools in the surrounding area, the center not only opens special services such as pediatric massage of traditional Chinese medicine, but also goes out of the community and into the campus, using new media to carry out various forms of traditional Chinese medicine health science education, and inheriting the essence of traditional Chinese medicine.

Innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine services Community residents are "circled fans"

By fully integrating into the comprehensive functional areas of communities, schools, elderly care institutions and other streets, the center combines traditional Chinese medicine health care for residents, traditional Chinese medicine knowledge lectures for schools, and traditional Chinese medicine health services for elderly care institutions, so as to create a "traditional Chinese medicine business card" integrating centralized medical treatment, elderly care and rehabilitation, science popularization and cultural experience.

Integration and innovation to build a creative "traditional Chinese medicine position"

"Mind to keep the dantian, calm the mind, adjust the breathing, and correct the body shape......" Every Friday at 16:00, the "Baduanjin" live broadcast room was officially launched, and the residents of the jurisdiction walked into the live broadcast room on time and followed the Chinese medicine rehabilitation doctor to practice Baduanjin.

Innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine services Community residents are "circled fans"

In order to meet the residents' pursuit of a healthy life, after preliminary research and visits, the center learned that there are not a few residents with sleep disorders and cervical spine discomfort in the jurisdiction. The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation innovatively launched the "Go to Banwei" national fitness program and launched the "Baduanjin" exercise and teaching activities. "Baduanjin is a traditional health care exercise in the mainland, which can promote the circulation of qi throughout the body, eliminate chest tightness, and make people feel relaxed." Since the beginning of this year, the center's family doctor team has carried out 12 Baduanjin teaching activities in the communities under its jurisdiction, which have been welcomed by residents.

"It takes about 12 minutes to practice Baduanjin once, and at the beginning, many elderly fans couldn't keep up halfway because of poor cardiopulmonary function. But after a month of practice, many people were able to play very well, so our practice content is constantly expanding. According to the relevant person in charge of the center, after the residents in the jurisdiction master Baduanjin, the live broadcast room will plan to introduce more forms of traditional Chinese medicine fitness methods such as tai chi, and take everyone to practice in turn every week.

Convergence of health care and the launch of a new Chinese style "Chinese medicine tea"

Since the beginning of this year, the older generation is keen on traditional Chinese medicine health preservation is becoming a new fashion for young people, and all kinds of traditional Chinese medicine tea drinks have exploded. In order to further give full play to the characteristic advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in "curing diseases", so that residents in the jurisdiction can enjoy summer health tea at the "doorstep", the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation has carefully launched "Wumei Soup", which is placed on the service desk every morning for patients to drink for free according to their needs.

Innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine services Community residents are "circled fans"

The new "Internet celebrity" tea drink black plum soup launched by the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Department selects high-quality black plum, mulberry and licorice to nourish yin and nourish Jin; Hawthorn and tangerine peel to reduce turbidity and lipids. "The launch of Wumei soup is not only an innovative attempt to traditional beverages, but also a useful exploration to improve the health service level of residents." It is understood that at the same time as the launch of the classic "Wumei Soup", the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation will also combine the needs of residents to develop various tea drinks such as beauty and blood tea, spleen and dampness tea, lipid reduction and weight loss tea.

Traditional Chinese medicine characteristic treatment, online live broadcast education, and traditional Chinese medicine drinks are prominently encircled...... The traditional Chinese medicine services of Bailianchi Community Health Service Center not only reflect the timeless and new excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also reflect the people's deeper expectations for health and happiness. In the future, the center will continue to focus on improving medical quality and service levels, improve comprehensive service capabilities, continue to innovate, and effectively escort the healthy life of the people in the jurisdiction.

Photo courtesy of West China Community Daily reporter Peng Rong Center

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