
Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?

author:Southern Entertainment

Photo/Southern Entertainment

Editor/Southern Entertainment

Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?


Ma Li's acting style has made her a high-profile comedian. She doesn't mind being ugly or gaining weight in her roles, and even laughs uninhibitedly. In the eyes of the audience, she is not remembered for her femininity, but for her funny and masculine nature. However, comedy not only made her career, but also healed herself to some extent, and today we will talk about the story about Ma Li.

Meet "Bole" Shen Teng

Born in 1982, she faced the divorce of her parents at a very young age. Because her mother was busy with work and couldn't take care of her, she was sent to live at her grandmother's house. From childhood to adulthood, she has spent almost all of her growth in the care of her grandmother. When she was ten years old, her mother found a new stepfather for her. This stepfather not only has a good life, but also treats her very well.

Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?

During her school years, Ma Li not only achieved good results in academics, but also showed talent in sports. Therefore, her mother wanted to train her to be a sports student. However, fate is always full of accidents, and life turning points often come unexpectedly.

Once, the Liaoning Culture and Art School went to their hometown to recruit students. Ma Li's stepfather happened to know the teacher in charge of admissions, so he encouraged Ma Li to give it a try. Unexpectedly, Ma Li was easily admitted to art school. Teachers at the school also praised her for her high talent in acting.

Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?

Ma Li's Bole turned out to be Shen Teng, who didn't look reliable at all, this coincidence is really unbelievable. The encounter between the two is also quite dramatic, Shen Teng accidentally found Ma Li in a drama performance, and her performance deeply attracted him and inspired a strange idea: "The Happy Twist team lacks such an explosive actor!" ”

The opportunity came at a good time. During a rehearsal, an actress from Shen Teng's team was suddenly unable to participate, and Shen Teng immediately thought of Ma Li and quickly invited her to join. When she received the invitation from Happy Twist, Ma Li felt a little stunned, she had never thought of getting involved in the field of comedy. However, in the face of the mundane daily life, she had to start struggling with her choices. In the end, Ma Li stepped into the Happy Twist team alone, but then a question came in front of them: who will be her partner?

Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?

In comedians, the level of chemistry of the partner is crucial. In the Happy Twist team composed of a group of big men, Ma Li's appearance seemed a little out of place at the beginning. However, she proved to be the heart of the team. At first, she partnered with Allen, and the two had a tacit understanding, and their performance on stage was frequently praised by the audience.

Career and love are both harvested

Shen Teng and Ma Li, as partners, when their names are mentioned, many people will think of each other at the same time. They are not only colleagues and friends, but also seen as one of the most harmonious couples on screen. Even though they are married, have children, and become parents, there are still many who insist that they have a deep bond with each other and should be together. But everyone seems to forget the fact that they are actors, and their superb acting skills may make people mistakenly think that they are also in the play in real life.

Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?

In fact, there is not only love between men and women, but also a deep friendship. Shen Teng and Ma Li's years of cooperation have allowed them to know each other very well, perhaps better than their families. Their collaboration began with the 2013 Spring Festival Gala, and this experience made them famous, although in the comedy circle, their tacit understanding and cooperation have gradually been praised by people.

However, what really took their careers to new heights was participating in "The Happy Comedian". In the performance of the finals, the tacit understanding and interaction between Shen Teng and Ma Li not only sublimated their sketches, but also finally brought the honor of the champion. These honors and achievements are important, but in comparison, the ups and downs and growth they have gone through together are the most real.

Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?

Ma Li and Shen Teng's "Charlotte Troubles" deeply affected the audience and opened a new chapter in her career, but it was also accompanied by emotional troughs. The betrayal between friends in the movie echoes her real-life experiences. She was obsessed with a boyfriend she loved, but in the end, she was betrayed and hurt, which made her unacceptable and her mood fell into a low point.

After a period of self-adjustment and reflection, she gradually came out of her pain, cut off her long hair, and chose a smart short hair, symbolizing the beginning of a new life. At the age of 35, Ma Li ushered in love again, and this time she made her relationship with Xu Wenhe public.

Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?

They were colleagues, with an age difference of 11 years, but Xu Wenhyuk's carefulness and care touched her, and finally the two entered the palace of marriage. Although she once had lingering palpitations because of the hurt of her old love, she dared to invest in her feelings again and reaped happiness. These experiences have made Ma Li grow into a stronger and more mature person, and her story is not only an emotional up-and-down, but also a testimony to the courage to face life's challenges.

I'm happy now

Ma Li and Xu Wenhe's sister-brother relationship once became the focus of public opinion. When the lovers were first exposed, they faced doubts from all sides, especially from Ma Li's mother. Ma Li's mother expressed concern about Heo Wenhyuk's young age, and she believed that men should be more mature and capable of supporting their families, so she hoped that her daughter would find a man to rely on.

Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?

Ma Li is also struggling inwardly, because if Xu Wenhe really has a relationship with her, he is likely to be criticized as a "soft rice man", and no matter what he does, he will be considered to have ulterior motives. However, Xu Wenhe did not care about these doubts. In fact, in the few years they got along, Xu Wenhe gradually faded out of the public eye, and did not use Ma Li's fame to gain his own interests as the outside world expected. Now, many people have even forgotten what Heo Wen-hyuk looks like.

At the age of 38, she welcomed her baby and became a mother. For her, an actor is not a machine, and she can press the "start" or "pause" button at will. Now, she's learned to slow down and clear space for herself. This lifestyle is the most desirable and happiest for her. When Xu Wenhe and Ma Li made their relationship public, many people were not optimistic.

Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?

Xu Wenhe is 11 years younger than Ma Li, and the gap between the two is obvious. Although the two are colleagues, Xu Wenhe's reputation is far less than that of Ma Li. Differences in age and status can be potential conflicts in relationships. However, the speed and smoothness with which they got married and had children was unexpected. Ma Li's happy life silenced everyone who doubted her.


Mary's story is full of ups and downs and miracles. She was once abandoned by a scumbag, and she is determined to start over. She chose a boyfriend who was 11 years younger than her, a decision that sparked discussion in society, but she did not back down because of it. At the age of 38, she welcomed her own child, and the arrival of this life became one of the great blessings in her life.

Ma Li, who was abandoned by a scumbag, married an 11-year-old boyfriend, and gave birth at the age of 38, is she happy now?

Today's Ma Li lives a very happy life. Despite experiencing emotional setbacks and the pressures of age, she redefined happiness with her strength and optimism. In her new family, age is no longer a limit, but an accumulation of experience and a manifestation of wisdom. The relationship between her and her husband is deep, and the birth of a child has injected new hope and motivation into her life.

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