
Equipment update, how to renew new material enterprises?

author:Chengdu Jingxin was released
Equipment update, how to renew new material enterprises?

Recently, Chengdu new material enterprises large-scale equipment update policy and related program promotion meeting was held in Chengdu, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal New Economic Commission introduced the relevant support policies for equipment renewal, and a number of representatives of new material enterprises shared their useful experience and feasible solutions in industrial equipment renewal and enterprise upgrading.

Equipment update, how to renew new material enterprises?

In the venue, a white handbook - "Large-scale Equipment Renewal" Related Policies Compilation" was sent to the hands of enterprise representatives, and everyone read it carefully. The booklet compiled by the Chengdu Advanced Materials Industry Ecosystem Alliance compiles comprehensive policies for large-scale equipment renewal and policy documents closely related to the industry's promotion of equipment renewal, such as comprehensive policies for large-scale equipment renewal and advanced technology equipment renewal, intelligent transformation and digital transformation, green and low-carbon transformation, and special policies for safety production and technological transformation.

One participant said, "I'm going to take this compilation back and continue to study it." ”

Equipment update, how to renew new material enterprises?

Demand-oriented, favorable policies

New material enterprises are actively "renewing"

At present, the country is promoting large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in. The power of enterprises to update equipment comes from the drive of market demand, the requirements of new technologies for production lines and the characteristics of the industry.

"High-tech enterprises in the field of new materials are intensive, and the proportion of investment in R&D and innovation is large, of which experimental technology and equipment investment occupy an important position in R&D and innovation, which is the key for enterprises to maintain technological leadership and product iteration." Li Hao, assistant director of the power generation glass division of Chengdu China Building Materials Optoelectronic Materials Co., Ltd., said that this year, the company has promoted two major technology upgrading projects, among them, the photovoltaic building integration product production equipment put into use in March is now in the verification stage, and the market feedback is good. "This is a very positive sign and bodes well for the future of the market."

"It just so happens that the market has demand, enterprises have plans, and policies have support. This week, we are applying for a subsidy project from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Zhang Ying, general assistant of Chengdu Chenguang Boda New Materials Co., Ltd., said that the company's main business is high-end fine fluorine silicon polymer materials and related products, and the plant in Chengdu has been 12 years, and some equipment has reached the service life. Now, in addition to upgrading its own equipment, it is also planned to build a clean workshop and extend the product category to the semiconductor field.

"Based on the layout of new technologies and new products, we are introducing advanced production lines and expanding production workshops at the same time." Deng Yuan, deputy general manager of Chengdu Junma Sealing Technology Co., Ltd., said that at present, they plan to invest about 100 million yuan in the early stage to update a batch of equipment that can produce automotive transmission friction plates and other products. ”

From "Dot" to "Chain"

Multi-party collaboration empowers application scenario updates

When it comes to the benefits that equipment renewal will bring, many enterprise representatives believe that improving product quality is an intuitive result, followed by issues such as achieving technological breakthroughs, increasing market share, green and low-carbon transformation, and promoting intelligent transformation and digital transformation.

"Equipment renewal is not only a simple equipment replacement process, but also an opportunity to promote the development of the industry in the direction of green and intelligent." Sun Hao, head of the strategic planning department of Zhongzi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., said that the company conducts product research and development around the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, such as sodium-ion batteries, solid-state batteries and hydrogen energy, etc., and needs to achieve mass production through equipment renewal after successful research and development.

At the same time, the representatives of enterprises also paid attention to the synergistic effect of equipment renewal on the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain. Sun Hao believes that "the equipment renewal of a single enterprise may trigger a chain reaction in the industrial chain, driving industrial renewal and upgrading from point to chain." "It is reported that China Building Materials Optoelectronics and China Self Technology have obtained purchase intentions in the day's activities." We are updating our production lines to achieve diversification and overall quality leadership in power generation glass products, and we are also actively working with enterprises on the chain to promote equipment renewal and green empowerment of new building application scenarios. Zhou Yi, director of the development department of Chengdu China Building Materials Optoelectronic Materials Co., Ltd., said.

New materials are one of the five pillar industries in Chengdu, and also one of the key industries for equipment renewal, data show that Chengdu has 908 new material enterprises. At the event site, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal New Economic Commission said that he hoped that enterprises would have more contact with government departments and more docking with industry alliances, comprehensively and accurately understand the policy and its significance, make good use of the policy, and develop business thinking to optimize the development strategy of the enterprise.

The action plan for promoting large-scale equipment renewal issued by Chengdu proposes that by 2027, the energy efficiency of the city's main energy-using equipment in key industries will basically reach the energy-saving level, the proportion of production capacity with environmental protection performance reaching the A-level level will be greatly improved, and the penetration rate of digital R&D and design tools in industrial enterprises above designated size will exceed 94%, and the numerical control rate of key processes will exceed 75%.

Equipment update, how to renew new material enterprises?
Equipment update, how to renew new material enterprises?

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