
The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

author:Gubei's private chef food diary

The term "quiet years" comes from Bai Luomei's "The Years Are Quiet and the Present World is Stable": a cut of idle clouds, a stream and a moon, and a journey of mountains and rivers for a year. A life is floating in a moment, a tree Bodhi is a haze.

So what is the quiet years?

The so-called quiet years are just someone waiting at home, a hot meal at home, and a lamp that always lights up for you......

May Day is coming, and the movement between friends has become more frequent, have you ever experienced that friends want to come to the house for dinner, but there is still a lack of a big dish?

Roche shrimp is larger than ordinary shrimp, thin shell, fat meat, delicious, rich in high-quality protein and other nutrients, easy to digest, suitable for the elderly, children, pregnant women......

【Garlic fried finger sucking Roche shrimp】

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

Each shrimp is full of garlic fragrance, salty and fresh taste, whether it is rice or wine, it is a very good choice......

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The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!


1/2 tablespoon aged vinegar, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce

1 tablespoon of cooking wine, salt to taste, half a spoon of sugar


1. Wash the shrimp and cut off the shrimp tongs and shrimp whiskers.

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

2. Open the back of the shrimp.

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

3. Cut off the front part of the shrimp head, squeeze out the shrimp brain and discard.

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

4. After the pot is hot, pour in an appropriate amount of oil, then pour in 2/3 of the minced garlic, stir-fry over low heat until golden brown and remove it.

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

5. Put together with the minced garlic that has not been put into the pot and set aside.

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

6. Leave the bottom oil in the pot and add the shrimp.

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

7. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

8. Add aged vinegar, oyster sauce, cooking wine, light soy sauce and sugar.

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

9. After stir-frying evenly, add water, cover the pot, and simmer over medium heat for 8 minutes.

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

10. After opening the lid, add minced garlic and salt to taste, and stir-fry until the juice is reduced.

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!
The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

11. Sprinkle chopped green onions before cooking, stir-fry evenly, and you can put it on a plate!

The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!
The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!
The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!
The recipe is simple and time-consuming, and the banquet is so delicious that you don't even want to let go of your fingers!

The sweetness of the shrimp is mixed with the rich garlic fragrance, which is not a delicious taste that can be described by a fresh word, and when you eat it, you don't even want to let go of your fingers......


1. Be sure to open the back of the shrimp first, and then remove the shrimp brain, if the order is reversed, the shrimp paste will be squeezed out when the shrimp is opened.

2. Mix the fried golden garlic with the minced garlic without frying, so that the taste of the minced garlic will be better.

3. When frying Roche shrimp, do not turn it frequently, wait until one side is fried red and then turn it over until both sides are red.