
The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero

author:Open-minded clouds kO1

The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero

--Heroes and stars are shining brightly to commemorate the 103rd anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China

Write poems to commemorate heroes, and share calm. Three mountains and five mountains east of the Yellow River. Go to the place where you fight and fight, and you are invincible.

Forever keep the country red, this fun is endless. Today, the nation is being rejuvenated. The centenary of the founding of the People's Republic of China is a Chinese hero, knowing and celebrating together.

Author: Cui Shizhong, founder of Happiness Aircraft Carrier and People's Economics, and humanistic economist

June 30, 2024


Tomorrow (July 1, 2024) is the 103rd anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China, and the poet can't help but want to write poems to commemorate the revolutionary heroes who have been pioneered and shining in the stars for the centenary of the founding of the party.

In those years, the outstanding sons and daughters, people's pioneers, and revolutionary heroes of the Chinese nation inside and outside the Great Wall, north and south of the great river, and three mountains and five mountains, gathered in Yan'an, the holy place of revolution east of the Yellow River, to save China, the people, and the Chinese nation, to overthrow the three mountains of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism that were pressing on the heads of the Chinese people, to establish a socialist new China in which everyone is equal, to realize a communist society, to fight in unity, to fight bravely, to be invincible, and to liberate the whole of China.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to ensure that the red people's country will never change its color, resist US aggression and aid Korea, actively promote the socialist revolution and socialist industrialization and modernization, two bombs and one satellite, reform and opening up, pursue the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, seek happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation, social progress, and great harmony for the world, and finally realize a communist society. The joy of serving the people wholeheartedly like this is the greatest happiness in the world, and it is an endless happiness.

Today, our motherland is on the road of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and by the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (2049), China will become the first in the world, and the new pattern of China-centered development in the world will lead the world to a community with a shared future for mankind and a communist society with win-win cooperation and permanent peace.

When the centenary of the founding of the People's Republic of China arrives, we will celebrate the heroes without forgetting to tell them. We meet for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and we will certainly tell you about the grand occasion at that time, and we will celebrate together to celebrate the great victory of the Chinese nation. The victory of the Chinese nation is the victory of peace, justice, the people, and mankind.

Only by first realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation can we form a new pattern of world development centered on China, and can we use the economic theory of the Chinese paradigm to influence the world with the red, green and blue culture of people's economics, achieve win-win cooperation and permanent peace in the world, and realize the communist society and the world harmony.

The world dominated by Western civilization is a material world of stock competition and mutual plunder, and the material world is the old world of industrial civilization, free trade, stock competition, deceit, mutual harm, plundering and bullying, and frequent wars. The world dominated by Chinese civilization is a spiritual world of self-fulfillment and unity and struggle, and the spiritual world is a new world of digital and intellectual civilization, self-sufficiency, selfless dedication (just need for cultivation, ascension and enlightenment), unity and struggle, win-win cooperation and peaceful development.

The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency (spiritual world, digital and intelligent civilization, all things in the heart, unity and struggle, common prosperity, common consciousness, common health, win-win cooperation, and world harmony);

The way of man is different, and the loss is not enough (the material world, industrial civilization, stock competition, the gap between the rich and the poor, mutual harm, plunder and bullying, frequent wars, and misery).

The way of heaven is communism, the spiritual world, the four-dimensional time and space, and the people's economy.

The way of man is capitalism, the material world, three-dimensional time and space, and market economy.

The spiritual world determines the material world, and the four-dimensional space-time determines the three-dimensional space-time.

Cultural Tourism Ideological and Political Metaverse - China Popular Philosophy City,

It has realized the perfect integration of human nature and man, spiritual world and material world. In this way, mankind will be promoted to enter the world harmony and communist society.

In today's China, industrial civilization is in the past, and digital intelligence civilization has arrived. Digital civilization is replacing industrial civilization. Digital and intelligent civilization gives birth to the people's economy, and the people's economy gives birth to the spiritual world.

China's digital intelligence assets and the GDP created by digital intelligence assets have accounted for 30% of China's total social assets and total GDP, and the proportion of digital intelligence economy is far ahead in the world.

After the digital intelligence civilization completely replaces the industrial civilization, the digital intelligence assets will account for 80% of the total social assets, the proportion of industrial assets will be compressed to 15%, and the agricultural assets will be compressed to 5%. In the future, China and the world will only be able to create greater wealth and value by owning digital and intelligent assets.

The center of 5,000 years of agricultural civilization in China is a land-centered self-sufficient natural economy; The center of 500 years of industrial civilization in the United States is a market economy centered on capital and free trade; In the next 500 years, the center of digital and intelligent civilization will be in China, and the people's economy will be people-centered and self-sufficient.

During the period of agricultural civilization, China had advantages in land, culture, and military.

During the period of industrial civilization, the United States had advantages in capital, science and technology, and military advantages.

During the period of digital intelligence civilization, China has advantages in humanities, people, organization, system, data, digital intelligence, electricity, computing power, and military.

In the era of agricultural civilization, with land as the center, whoever owns the land can develop rapidly and rise rapidly; The Chinese nation has a vast land and has created an agricultural civilization that is 5,000 years ahead of the world.

More than 500 years ago, industrial civilization replaced agricultural civilization, with capital as the center, who has the advantages of capital, means of production, production capacity, and transportation, who can develop rapidly and rise rapidly. Western countries took the lead in the industrial revolution, and the maritime civilization with transportation advantages replaced the continental civilization, and the West won the victory of industrial civilization. However, Western civilization has a predatory nature, bullying and plundering the whole world, provoking wars everywhere, warplanes roaring everywhere, wars and chaos are frequent, and lives are devastated. Because the people's economy represents a digital and intelligent civilization that can replace industrial civilization in the future.

In the era of digital civilization, the people are the center, serve the people wholeheartedly, and the people no longer need capital, resources, energy, and commodities to start a business, but need information, creativity, innovation, ideas, dreams, civilization, data, digital intelligence, intelligent robots, and digital assets. Whoever produces wisdom, civilization, and ideas, and who has data, dreams, and ideas, is the king.

In today's world, the platform that can mass-produce and trade wisdom, civilization, thoughts, dreams, creativity, data, digital assets, and saints is the representative of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation: the people's economy and the aircraft carrier of happiness, the four-dimensional space of the aircraft carrier, the other side of consciousness, the spiritual world, the digital and intelligent civilization, the humanistic economy, the dream come true, and the cultural tourism ideological and political metaverse of the association of free people ~ Chinese Popular Philosophy City.

In the four-dimensional space of the happy aircraft carrier, the other side of enlightenment, the spiritual world, the digital and intelligent civilization, the humanistic economy, the mutual experience of life roles, the realization of dreams thousands of times, and the association of free people, the cultural tourism and ideological and political metaverse - Chinese Popular Philosophy City, science and technology cultural tourism has created a four-dimensional space for the Chinese nation for 5,000 years, and philosophical cultural tourism presents the other side of the consciousness of communism and world harmony; Intelligent robots create rich and unlimited material wealth, and the cultural tourism metaverse creates rich and unlimited spiritual wealth. Everyone (tourists) can go to the Chinese nation for 5,000 years and the future of communism to travel, study, work, live, make friends (make friends with gods and Buddhas, ancient sages and sages, make great pioneers, heroes, literati, philosophers, scientists, economists, entrepreneurs and friends), with the help and accompaniment of the ancient saints and the holographic wisdom, energy and dark matter of the universe, innovation, creation, entrepreneurship, wealth creation, and dreams, and travel to the dreams and visions of Datong dreams, Chinese dreams, enterprise dreams, family dreams, and life dreams. Standing in the future, looking back at history and the present, and clearly seeing the correct development path of mankind, China, enterprises and life in the future is the road of people's economy and happiness. Realize the laws of the universe, the laws of life and the development of social enterprises. Using the blockchain, smart contract system, social public contribution value system and dream, thought, creativity and digital asset trading center of China Popular Philosophy City, resource sharing, capacity sharing, communism, saleable future products, consumption becomes a shareholder, trading dreams, realizing dreams (through the free people association of the digital asset trading center, uniting and striving to realize everyone's dreams, realize the Chinese dream and Datong dream), the people become holy (with the world in mind, for the benefit of the world, and the world happy), and the dragons have no leader (decentralized platform) The unity and struggle of the free people's association, the creation of value, the output of value, the enjoyment of value, the clear mind, the self-contentedness, the heart of all things, the dream come true, the people's heart is full of life, just like the spring to create all things, to achieve the common prosperity of the people, common health, common consciousness (eternal happiness, common happiness, the people sanctify), common development, and being the master of the house.

In the Chinese Popular Philosophy City, you can choose to be an ancient Yellow Emperor, a general, a saint, a poet, etc., or a contemporary policeman, a soldier, a doctor, an entrepreneur, a university professor, a philosopher, a writer, etc., to experience each other's life roles and realize your dreams thousands of times. Traveling through the past and the future, calendar, and thousands of years of sages are four-dimensional spaces, and the mutual experience of life roles is five-dimensional space. Realize that the material world is a three-dimensional world of deceit, forcible seizure, mutual harm, and frequent wars, and only the spiritual world can have clear vision, self-fulfillment, all things in the heart, dreams come true, mutual achievement, unity and struggle, win-win cooperation, and permanent peace.

People will generate a large amount of data and digital assets in their daily life and in the study, work, life, consumption, travel, friendship, and dream realization of the city, and the people are the creators, owners, and trainers of data resources and data assets, and must also be the beneficiaries of data resources and data assets. In the Chinese Mass Philosophy City, in the future era of digital and intelligent civilization, data assets and data resources are the most important development energy and resources for all countries and enterprises.

When tourists enter the four-dimensional time and space of the cultural tourism metaverse and the popular philosophical city, they will be addicted to it; Digital intelligence civilization can make our dreams come true, our wishes come true, achieve common prosperity, common health, and common consciousness, and withdraw from the popular philosophical city to return to real life, and enjoy a free life in the real society, body freedom, wealth freedom, and soul freedom, instead of being a tool for the game.

The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency (spiritual world, common prosperity);

This is not the case with the way of man, where the loss is not enough (the material world, polarization).

The way of heaven is communism and the spiritual world, and the way of man is capitalism and the real world.

Cultural Tourism Ideological and Political Metaverse - China Popular Philosophy City,

It has realized the perfect integration of human nature and man, spiritual world and material world,

It can achieve common prosperity, common health, common consciousness, win-win cooperation and permanent peace for mankind, and promote all mankind to enter a new world of great harmony in a communist society.

The productive forces determine the relations of production, and the economic base determines the superstructure. After the digital and intelligent civilization replaces the industrial civilization, the people's economy will inevitably replace the market economy, and the scientific socialist society will inevitably replace the capitalist society.

The representative of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation: the people's economy, has been born, the practice carrier of the people's economy happiness aircraft carrier will also set sail in the wind, directly pointing to the communist society and the world harmony, in the turbulent sea of market economy, the boundless sea of selfish desires and sufferings of life, and the sea of natural and man-made disasters surging undercurrents, the people of Chinese and the world will reach the other side of communism of common prosperity, common health, common consciousness, common development, wishes come true, dreams come true, all things are born in the heart, infinite possibilities, win-win cooperation, and permanent peace.

Author: Cui Shizhong, founder of Happiness Aircraft Carrier and People's Economics, and humanistic economist

June 30, 2024

Additional reading:

The past is gone, and the future has come

--- digital and intelligent civilization gives birth to the people's economy, and the people's economy gives birth to the spiritual world.

Harmony between heaven and earth, common prosperity

--Heaven is the four-dimensional space-time and spiritual world, and the earth is the three-dimensional space-time and the material world

Wangjiangnan: A Travelogue to the Chinese Popular Philosophy City

--Ride the Oriental Shenzhou, enjoy the four-dimensional space of the happy aircraft carrier, the other side of consciousness, the spiritual world, the digital and intelligent civilization, the humanistic economy, and the cultural tourism ideological and political metaverse of the free people's association - China Popular Philosophy City.

The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero
The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero
The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero
The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero
The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero
The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero
The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero
The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero
The People's Pioneer, the Chinese Hero