
In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

author:Writers' Sharing Session
In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives
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In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

On an ordinary day in 2012, 14-year-old Wang Jing suddenly received a shocking news. The police informed her that a compensation of up to $410,000 was waiting for her to inherit.

This windfall not only unravels the mystery of her origins, but also triggers a fierce battle for family affection.

It turned out that Wang Jing was not Wang Jinping's biological daughter, but a child adopted by him. Just when everyone thought that the matter was over, a woman named Chen Airong suddenly appeared, claiming to be Wang Jing's biological mother, and asked to recognize her daughter.

This change plunged the otherwise peaceful life into chaos in an instant. Who is the legal heir to this indemnity? Is it Wang Jinping, who raised Wang Jing, or the biological parents who suddenly appeared? A battle of love, responsibility and money begins, tugging at everyone's heartstrings.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

On a cold morning in February 1999, Wang Jinping went out as usual. However, this day is destined to be extraordinary. As he passed by the local kindergarten, a heartbreaking image came into view: a one-year-old baby girl was sitting alone on the concrete floor at the door, shivering.

Wang Jinping stopped to observe and found that the little girl's hair was messy and her face was covered with tears and stains. The wind was cold, and her little face and hands were already red from the cold. There was a lot of talk among the passers-by around, but no one reached out to help.

Wang Jinping couldn't help but feel sour in his heart, he squatted down, gently stroked the little girl's face, and said softly: "Come home with me, poor little one."

When he returned home with the baby girl, Wang Jinping and his mother immediately took care of him. They bathed the little girl, changed into clean and warm clothes, and cooked hot porridge for her to eat.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

Although the little girl had the problem of wetting the bed due to the cold for a long time, the Wang family did not dislike it at all, but took care of her more attentively.

Wang Jinping asked around if anyone had lost the child, but three months later, no one had come to claim it. This fact made Wang Jinping realize that this poor little life was most likely abandoned.

Looking at the little girl who was gradually rejuvenating, Wang Jinping made an important decision: to officially adopt her and name her Wang Jing.

Under the careful care of the Wang family, Wang Jing thrived and became a lively and lovely little girl. She quickly adapted to her new family and developed a deep relationship with Wang Jinping and her grandmother.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

Wang Jinping has many males in his family, and Wang Jing's arrival has brought joy and warmth to the family.

Seven years later, Wang Jinping handled the household registration procedures for Wang Jing, making her officially a member of the family. Over time, Wang Jing excelled in school, had a cheerful personality, and was deeply loved by her teachers and classmates.

Whenever he saw his daughter's bright smile, Wang Jinping's heart was full of relief and pride.

This little life, who was tricked by fate, found his own happy harbor because of a stranger's kindness. Wang Jinping used practical actions to interpret what great love is, and also wrote a new chapter in Wang Jing's life.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

In 2012, a sudden news shattered Wang Jing's peaceful life. The police found the 14-year-old girl and informed her of a shocking fact: her biological father, Gan Shaoping, had died in a car accident.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, making Wang Jing unbelievable. She never thought that she had another father, and she couldn't accept this cruel reality for a while.

Just when Wang Jing was still immersed in this shocking news, a middle-aged woman named Chen Airong suddenly appeared in front of her, claiming to be her biological mother. Chen's appearance sparked a heated debate.

As the investigation deepened, the mystery of Wang Jing's life experience gradually surfaced. It turned out that in 1997, the young Chen Airong and Gan Shaoping began to live together. The following year, they ushered in the crystallization of love - Wang Jing.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

However, the arrival of a new life did not bring joy to the young couple, but only increased their financial burden.

Faced with an embarrassing situation, Gan Shaoping took a risk and embarked on the road of crime. Eventually, he was sentenced to five years in prison for theft and robbery. Chen Airong suddenly fell into a dilemma: she had to raise her young daughter alone, and she also had to think about her own future.

On a cold morning, Chen Airong made a heartbreaking decision. She put Wang Jing, who was only one year old, at the entrance of the kindergarten, hoping that someone would adopt her.

Chen Airong hid in the distance, watching Wang Jing being taken away by Wang Jinping, with mixed feelings in his heart. Then, she left this sad place and started a new life.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

In the years that followed, Chen Airong re-established a family and lived a happy life. She seems to have left everything in the past behind and is fully committed to her new family.

However, fate tricked him, and Gan Shaoping, who was released from prison five years later, found Chen Airong and asked about his daughter's whereabouts.

When the truth was revealed, Wang Jing fell into a huge emotional whirlpool. She didn't know how to face this sudden biological parent, let alone how to deal with the relationship with her adoptive father Wang Jinping.

Her heart was filled with confusion, anger, and uneasiness, and she felt lost about the future.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

Wang Jing began to question her identity and the meaning of her existence. She used to think that she was Wang Jinping's biological daughter, but now she finds out that everything is a lie. She felt cheated, lost, and had mixed feelings about her biological parents.

Faced with this sudden change, Wang Jing needed time to digest this information and rediscover her identity. She began to think about what true family affection was, and whether blood ties were more important than nurturing grace.

Standing at a crossroads in her life, this young girl is faced with a difficult choice.

In this complex family entanglement, two fathers who love Wang Jing deeply are each facing a difficult choice.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

After Gan Shaoping was released from prison, he looked for his daughter with great expectations. When he finally found Wang Jing, what he saw was a little girl who was happy in someone else's family.

He stood in the distance, silently watching his daughter's smile, his heart full of mixed emotions. Although he longed to recognize his daughter, seeing Wang Jing's happy life in the Wang family, he chose to guard silently.

Every day, Gan Shaoping carries a heavy sack on his back and picks up waste in the town. He wanted to see his daughter often, even if only from a distance. Sometimes, he would try to get close to Wang Jing and want to say a few words to her, but the words would always be swallowed back when they came to his lips.

His heart was filled with guilt and self-blame, and he felt that he was not qualified to disturb his daughter's life.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

Gan Shaoping's choice was full of helplessness and self-sacrifice. He would rather stay by his daughter's side and be an obscure scavenger than disturb his daughter's peaceful life.

This deep fatherly love, although silent, is shocking.

On the other hand, Wang Jinping still insisted on raising Wang Jing in the face of sudden changes. In his heart, Wang Jing has long been an inseparable part of his life.

He recalled that in the past ten years, watching Wang Jing grow from an infant baby to a lively and lovely girl, his heart was full of pride and relief.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

In the face of Chen Airong's appearance, Wang Jinping's attitude was extremely resolute. He was even willing to give 50,000 yuan and begged Chen Airong to leave. However, Chen Airong scoffed at this and insisted on taking Wang Jing away.

Wang Jinping realized that money would not solve this problem.

Wang Jinping was determined to protect Wang Jing from any harm. He knows that true fatherly love does not lie in blood relations, but in companionship and care day after day.

He was ready to do everything he could to protect this daughter he regarded as his own.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

The choice of these two fathers shows the different forms of fatherly love. One chooses to guard silently, and the other chooses to fight resolutely. Their actions all stem from their deep love for Wang Jing, but they are very different in their ways.

This kind of love contest not only tests the hearts of the two men, but also deeply affects Wang Jing's future.

When the negotiation failed, Chen Airong chose the legal route and took Wang Jinping to court. This lawsuit, which lasted for more than two years, was not only a battle for custody, but also a fierce battle for family, morality and law.

During the trial, Chen Airong vigorously defended that his actions were not "abandonment" but "trusteeship". She claimed that she was just forced to do so, hoping that someone could take care of Wang Jing temporarily.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

However, it turned out that during those cold ten hours, no one came to claim Wang Jing until Wang Jinping brought her home.

In order to prove the importance of Wang Jinping's family to Wang Jing, several neighbors testified in court. They recalled the day Wang Jing was brought back to Wang's home, and described how Wang Jinping's family took good care of the young life.

These testimonies strongly support Wang's position and demonstrate the deep emotional ties between their family and Wang Jing.

However, what shocked the court the most were Wang Jing's two handwritten letters. The first letter revealed her fear and anxiety about Chen Airong's frequent visits to the school to find her and try to take her away.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

The second letter expressed her disgust for Chen Airong more bluntly, saying that she had never regarded her as a mother, but instead accused her of committing the crime of abandonment. What is even more touching is that Wang Jing promised in the letter that all the compensation she received would be used to pay for her adoptive father's upbringing expenses over the years.

These sincere words not only deeply touched everyone present, but also let the judge see a young girl's deep feelings for her adoptive father. Wang Jing's choice was clear and firm, and she expressed her love and gratitude to Wang Jinping in her own way.

After a lengthy legal dispute, the court finally ruled that Wang Jing should stay at Wang's house. This result is not only a victory for the law, but also a victory for love. It proves that blood relationship is not the only criterion in the recognition of family affection, and the grace of nurturing is equally important, if not more precious.

Wang Jing's choice gives a powerful answer. In her heart, Wang Jinping is her real father. Although she is not related by blood, it was Wang Jinping who gave her selfless love and care and accompanied her through the most important ten years of her life.

In 2012, the woman abandoned her 1-year-old daughter, and later learned that her daughter inherited 410,000 yuan, so she hurriedly ran to recognize her relatives

This choice is not an easy one. Wang Jing may be confused and sad about her life in the silence of the night. But more is grateful, grateful that fate allowed her to meet a loving adoptive father like Wang Jinping and gave her a warm home.

In the end, both law and morality are on the side of love. This is not only an affirmation of Wang Jinping's years of dedication, but also a modern interpretation of the ancient proverb "father's love is like a mountain".

It reminds us that when judging family affection, we should value the love and dedication that accumulate over time, rather than relying solely on blood relations.

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