
Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

author:Lele Storyteller
Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

In 1996, the Hong Kong entertainment industry was shocked by a sudden lawsuit. Wen Zhaolun, an actor with unlimited scenery in the past, actually sued his ex-girlfriend Chen Meixin in court and asked for a "breakup fee" of 140,000 yuan.

This move was like thunder, and it exploded in the entertainment industry.

Wen Zhaolun, the idol who once made countless girls excited, has now fallen into the whirlpool of public opinion. His reputation took a heavy hit, and his career began to decline.

This lawsuit is not only a turning point in Wen Zhaolun's life, but also the prelude to his complicated love history. A story full of drama unfolds.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

Wen Zhaolun's acting career began when he was 17 years old. With a dream of music, he mustered up the courage to participate in the literary competition carefully planned by TVB. Although he failed to make it to the top 15, this experience opened the door for him to show business.

Soon after, by chance, he received an audition invitation from Radio Television Hong Kong and successfully became a children's program host.

The young Wen Zhaolun was not satisfied with this, he longed for a bigger stage. Soon, he got his wish and transformed into a radio DJ. This experience allowed him to accumulate valuable experience and laid the foundation for his future acting career.

In 1986, Wen Zhaolun ushered in an important moment in his acting career - starring in the TV series "City Story". Although this drama did not cause a sensation, it was an important step in his acting career.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

The real turning point came in 1989, when the famous producer Wei Jiahui threw an olive branch to him, suggesting that he try to play the role of a villain.

In "Intolerable", Wen Zhaolun played the role of "Ding Youkang". The mild-mannered, but actually vicious "Ding Youkang" left a deep impression on the audience.

Wen Zhaolun's acting skills are so realistic that even his family couldn't help but scold him after watching it: "You unlucky ghost, how many more people do you have to kill?" The success of this role made Wen Zhaolun famous in one fell swoop.

Subsequently, in order to change the audience's impression of him, TVB decided to give him the role of "Qi Haonan", which was originally scheduled for Tony Leung. Wen Zhaolun once again handed in a satisfactory answer sheet and successfully created this character who is both good and evil.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

With his excellent interpretation of the villain role, Wen Zhaolun stood out among many male stars and won the Best Villain Actor award. He has been on the top ten idol pop list many times, and his career has climbed to the peak.

However, just as Wen Zhaolun was standing at the peak of his career and enjoying the glory brought by success, fate played a joke on him. The sensational "demand turmoil" in 1996 caused a heavy blow to his career and reputation, and his career began to decline.

Wen Zhaolun's acting career, from a child star to popularity, and then to a trough, is like a roller coaster. This experience not only shaped his acting career, but also laid the groundwork for his complex emotional world in the future.

Wen Zhaolun's love life is like a romantic drama with ups and downs, full of drama. His first love was Li Lirui, and the two met because they participated in the same singing competition.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

Young hearts are attracted to each other and soon fall in love. However, this young relationship only lasted for a short year before it came to an end. Li Lirui chose to go to the UK to study, leaving Wen Zhaolun alone to remember.

When Li Lirui returned to China, her image changed dramatically. The former innocent and lovely person has become mature and unrestrained, which makes people wonder the real reason for her departure.

Although Wen Zhaolun wrote a song to express his thoughts, he seemed too indifferent. The end of this first love seems to have laid the groundwork for Wen Zhaolun's complicated love life in the future.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Zhaolun and He Meiting sparked love because of their collaboration on "City Story". This pair of "golden boys and girls" at that time attracted much attention, and they were talented and beautiful, which seemed to be a match made in heaven.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

However, the good times were short-lived. Wen Zhaolun showed a strong desire to control, which made He Meiting feel suffocated. He didn't want He Meiting to show her head too much on stage and screen, and even forbade her to act in emotional scenes with other male actors.

In life, Wen Zhaolun's violent temper made He Meiting even more miserable. In the end, He Meiting chose to leave this painful relationship.

At the peak of his career, Wen Zhaolun ushered in his first marriage. Surprisingly, his bride is not an insider, but Li Meiling from Malaysia.

Wen Zhaolun once vowed that this marriage could stand the test of time, and even disclosed his marital status regardless of his image. However, reality gave him a slap in the face.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

Cracks soon appeared in the marriage, and the divorce proceedings between the two parties were even more uproarious. Wen Zhaolun accused Li Meiling of cheating in marriage, while Li Meiling exposed Wen Zhaolun's intimate relationship with Chen Meixin.

After the divorce, Wen Zhaolun quickly got together with Chen Meixin, but this relationship triggered a "breakup fee" incident that shocked the entertainment industry. Immediately afterwards, he fell into an emotional entanglement with his assistant Pan Yanni.

Although the relationship lasted for a long time, it was still full of ups and downs.

In 2001, Wen Zhaolun, who was developing in the mainland, reported that he was about to enter the marriage hall with young actress Miao Hong. However, on the eve of the wedding, Wen Zhaolun suddenly repented, and this relationship became short-lived.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

In 2002, Wen Zhaolun, who had just ended his relationship with Pan Yanni, fell in love with Miss Hong Kong champion Guo Xianni again. This relationship has caused a lot of controversy, and some media even used "a man who eats soft rice" to describe Wen Zhaolun.

Despite this, Wen Zhaolun still worked hard to maintain this relationship, and even cooked food for Guo Xianni himself. However, the relationship ended in the end.

Wen Zhaolun's love life is like a series with no end, and each segment is full of drama. These experiences not only affected his career development, but also made him gradually realize that true happiness may not lie in vigorous love.

After experiencing so many emotional twists and turns, Wen Zhaolun began to reflect on his life and laid the groundwork for future changes.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

Wen Zhaolun's acting career and love life are closely intertwined, like a symphony of ups and downs of fate. In 1993, Wen Zhaolun, who was at the peak of his career, made a bold decision - to disclose his marital status.

In the Hong Kong circle at that time, this was undoubtedly a thunderbolt. Many people believe that public marriages will affect the popularity of actors, but Wen Zhaolun doesn't seem to care about these worldly eyes.

He faced it calmly, even declaring that his marriage would stand the test of time.

However, reality gave him a slap in the face. As emotional disputes continue to be exposed, Wen Zhaolun's career has also begun to decline. He used to be dominant, but now he is almost snubbed by TVB.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

In order to maintain his acting career, he had to travel back and forth between the mainland and Hong Kong entertainment circles, accepting some small roles. This kind of gap is undoubtedly a heavy blow to him, who was once beautiful.

In 2002, Wen Zhaolun's relationship with Miss Hong Kong champion Guo Xianni became the focus of public opinion. This relationship not only did not save his declining career, but instead put him in an even more awkward situation.

The media mercilessly described him as a "man who eats soft rice", which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to a once dominant male star.

Faced with such a predicament, Wen Zhaolun did not give up. He tried hard to save his image, and even did not hesitate to cook for Guo Xianni himself. None of these efforts, however, seem to be able to change his declining situation.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

During this period, Wen Zhaolun experienced a double blow of career and relationship.

He was once high-spirited, but at this time he had to face the cruel reality. He once confessed: "I've never been popular, I'm just a zero player in life." This sentence is not only self-deprecating, but also reveals the helplessness and bitterness in his heart.

From a high-profile idol to a "man who eats soft rice" ridiculed by the media, Wen Zhaolun's life has experienced huge ups and downs.

However, it was these setbacks and blows that made Wen Zhaolun begin to re-examine his life. He gradually realizes that true happiness may not lie in the brilliance of his career or in the vigorous love.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

This realization laid the groundwork for his future transformation, and also paved the way for him to finally find peace in life.

Wen Zhaolun's story is not only the L of a star, but also a person's self-growth and transformation in the face of the ups and downs of life.

In 2009, Wen Zhaolun, who had experienced many emotional setbacks, seemed to have finally ushered in a turning point in his life. He fell in love with a post-80s actress named Pan Xingyi, and the two soon decided to enter the palace of marriage.

Pan Xingyi is young and talented, and this relationship gives people a refreshing feeling, as if it indicates that Wen Zhaolun is about to start a new chapter in his life.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

However, fate once again played a cruel joke on Wen Zhaolun. During the preparations for the wedding, the bad news came - Pan Xingyi passed away unexpectedly. This sudden blow plunged Wen Zhaolun into deep grief.

He was silent for a moment, as if his whole soul had been drained.

This painful experience brought a great touch to Wen Zhaolun. Since then, he has become unusually calm, and his whole person seems to have undergone a drastic change.

He used to be in love, and he began to deeply reflect on what he had done in the past and think about the true meaning of life.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

Although Pan Xingyi's departure brought a huge blow to Wen Zhaolun, it also became an important turning point in his life. He began to find true peace of mind and was no longer keen on love battles.

This man, who once made the hearts of countless girls, finally began to face his heart and look for what is really important in life.

This experience laid the groundwork for Wen Zhaolun's future life changes, and also paved the way for him to finally find a home in life.

In 2012, after experiencing the ups and downs of life, Wen Zhaolun finally ushered in his turning point. This year, he and mainland actress Zhao Ting entered the marriage hall.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

This marriage seems to have given Wen Zhaolun a new life.

After marriage, Wen Zhaolun judged the two of them. The "prodigal son in love" who frequently appeared in entertainment news headlines is gone, replaced by a warm husband who focuses on family life.

He no longer indulges in scandals, but turns his attention to his family, often sharing his daughter's growth on social media, showing the image of a loving father.

Although Zhao Ting is not as famous as Wen Zhaolun in the entertainment industry, her tenacity and integrity have given Wen Zhaolun a lot of support. In 2013, when unscrupulous artists attacked Wen Zhaolun's patriotic remarks on the Internet, Zhao Ting did not hesitate to stand up for her husband, showing her courage and responsibility.

Wen Zhaolun: "provoked" many actresses in his life, but was "conquered" by the unknown Zhao Ting

This move not only moved Wen Zhaolun, but also let the public see the mutual support between the couple.

This marriage made Wen Zhaolun deeply understand the true meaning of "the prodigal son does not change his money". He finally found inner peace in his ordinary daily life and regained the happiness of life.

Wen Zhaolun's story may give some enlightenment to those who are still in love: true happiness is often hidden in ordinary life.

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