
Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

author:Lele Storyteller
Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

In the entertainment industry, the sentence "In order to save rent, I married the landlord's daughter" has sparked widespread discussion. This is not the plot of a romantic comedy, but the true experience of well-known Taiwanese actor Wang Yaoqing.

This seemingly random decision has lasted for 21 years, and Wang Yaoqing regards his wife Guo Yanqing as a treasure. However, are the beginnings of this marriage really that simple? Is there a deeper emotional bond hidden beneath this surprising surface? Let's unravel the mystery of this unique marriage and discover the heartfelt emotions and wisdom it contains.

Wang's story begins in 1974 when he was born into a large but extremely low-key family in Taiwan. As the eldest grandson of the family, Wang Yaoqing has been pampered since he was a child, especially with his grandfather.

This childhood experience laid a solid foundation for his later family values.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

In Wang Yaoqing's growth process, there is a particularly warm fragment. When he was five years old, his grandfather took him to get vaccinated. Faced with the fear of injections, the clever grandfather diverted his attention with a small bet.

This experience not only allowed Wang Yaoqing to obtain the "first pot of gold" in his life, but also made him deeply appreciate the warmth and love between his family.

In high school, Wang Yaoqing and Guo Yanqing met for the first time. At that time, Wang Yaoqing was an out-and-out "otaku", living in a simple house and having few friends. And Guo Yanqing is a lively and cheerful girl.

Although the two were classmates, they were not as close as others thought. Interestingly, Wang Yaoqing confessed in a class discussion that his dream was to become a successful businessman, but this seemingly vulgar dream unexpectedly caught Guo Yanqing's attention.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

After graduating, the two embarked on different paths in life. Wang Yaoqing accidentally entered the Department of Mass Media at Fu Jen University instead of the business school he had originally wanted.

This seemingly wrong choice laid the groundwork for his future acting career. During college, Wang Yaoqing got the opportunity to participate in the shooting of the advertising MV with his young and handsome appearance, which opened his acting career.

Many years later, at a chance class reunion, Wang Yaoqing and Guo Yanqing reunited. The baptism of the years has made both of them have different transformations. After experiencing a military career, Wang Yaoqing has become more confident and humorous, while Guo Yanqing has become more gentle and moving.

The two regained their old friendship and chatted about the recent situation, and unconsciously, a subtle feeling quietly germinated in each other's hearts.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

This reunion became a turning point in their relationship. Wang Yaoqing took the initiative to ask for Guo Yanqing's contact information, and the two began to contact frequently. On days when there are no shooting tasks, Wang Yaoqing always finds time to ask Guo Yanqing to go out, or go shopping, or have food together.

With the deepening of the relationship, the relationship between the two is heating up day by day, and finally they come together naturally.

This story of the reunion of childhood sweethearts not only shows the wonderful arrangement of fate, but also lays a warm foreshadowing for Wang Yaoqing and Guo Yanqing's future married life.

Wang Yaoqing's acting career started by chance. During college, he was photographed by director Guan Jinpeng with his handsome appearance and participated in the shooting of an advertising MV.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

This experience not only gave Wang Yaoqing a taste of the sweetness of the entertainment industry, but also made him realize that the profession of actor may be able to realize his dream of earning wealth. When he was paid for the first time, he excitedly spread the money all over the bed and lay on it enjoying the feeling of being "rich".

This experience made him determined to make a big show in the entertainment industry.

As his career got off to a start, Wang Yaoqing began to rent a house in Guo Yanqing's city so that the two could see each other often. However, the frequent out-of-home work often leaves the rental house vacant, which makes the budget-conscious Wang Yaoqing feel very wasteful.

In this way, the two began to live together. However, the good times did not last long, and Guo Yanqing's mother soon found the clues. As a traditional mother, she could not accept her daughter living with an unmarried man and insisted that Wang Yaoqing move out.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

Faced with this dilemma, Wang Yaoqing had an idea and made a decision that surprised everyone: to propose to Guo Yanqing.

His reasoning was simple and straightforward: "If we get married, I can live here justifiably and save on rent!" Although this marriage proposal seemed a little hasty, and even made people feel that they were getting married to save rent, Guo Yanqing was still moved by Wang Yaoqing's sincerity and tearfully agreed to his request.

Life after marriage is not as good as imagined. Wang Yaoqing seems to have found new pleasure and indulges in computer games all day long. He has eight computers in his room and more than twenty game accounts.

During this period, Wang Yaoqing completely became an "otaku", and even neglected his acting career.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

Every morning, when Guo Yanqing wakes up, he can always see Wang Yaoqing focusing on the game. When she returned home from a day's work, Wang Yaoqing was still immersed in the virtual world.

At first, Guo Yanqing did not interfere too much, thinking that it was understandable to relax appropriately. However, as time went on, the situation became more and more serious.

Wang Yaoqing played games at home for three months in a row, completely leaving his acting career behind. Finally one day, Guo Yanqing couldn't bear it anymore, snatched Wang Yaoqing's headphones, and asked, "Which is more important, the game or me?" This sentence was like a wake-up call that woke up Wang Yaoqing, who was addicted to games.

This turning point not only made Wang Yaoqing realize his mistakes, but also made him re-examine the importance of family. He immediately deleted all of his game accounts and vowed to get back on his feet.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

This decision not only saved their marriage, but also laid the foundation for Wang Yaoqing's future success in his acting career.

Although this experience almost led to a crisis in Wang Yaoqing's career and marriage, it also made him deeply realize the preciousness of family. It was this experience of "the prodigal son" that made Wang Yaoqing cherish his marriage even more, and also laid the groundwork for him to spoil his wife into a treasure in the future.

Just when Wang Yaoqing was addicted to games and almost forgot the real world, an unexpected news was like a thunderclap that completely changed the trajectory of his life: Guo Yanqing was pregnant.

This news not only made Wang Yaoqing sober up instantly, but also made him realize that he almost missed the most important moment in his life.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

When Guo Yanqing told him the good news, Wang Yaoqing's reaction was both agitated and clumsy. He instinctively wanted to hug his wife, but he was worried that he would hurt the fetus in his womb, and he was at a loss for a while.

At this moment, Wang Yaoqing seems to have rediscovered his role - he is no longer just an "otaku" addicted to games, but is about to become a father.

This turning point not only saved Wang Yaoqing's marriage, but also made him re-examine his career. He realized that as a soon-to-be father, he needed to take on more responsibilities for the family.

So, Wang Yaoqing resolutely deleted all game accounts and vowed to regain his strength.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

Wang Yaoqing, who regained his career, began to devote himself to acting work. He is particularly focused on stage plays, and although he knows that stage plays have limited influence, he is convinced that this is the best platform to practice his acting skills.

Wang's hard work soon paid off, and his acting skills became more and more sophisticated, gradually winning a reputation in the industry.

Wang Yaoqing's transformation is not only reflected in his career, but also in his attitude towards his family. He began to care more about Guo Yanqing's needs and be by her side as much as possible.

When his son was born, Wang Yaoqing became a conscientious father, trying to balance career and family.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

Looking back on this experience, Wang Yaoqing was deeply touched. He said frankly in an interview: "If I hadn't woken up in time at that time, I might have faced the tragedy of family breakdown."

This crisis not only allowed Wang Yaoqing to regain the direction of his life, but also made him cherish the people and things around him more.

In 2011, Wang Yaoqing ushered in an important turning point in his career. With his outstanding performance in the movie "33 Days of Broken Love", he won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the Hundred Flowers Award and successfully entered the mainland market.

This award is not only an affirmation of his acting skills, but also marks a significant improvement in his status in the entertainment industry.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

Despite his thriving career, Wang Yaoqing has always put his family first. He rarely talks about his family in public and strives to protect his family's privacy. When working with actresses, he will also be strict with himself, insisting on not sticking out his tongue, avoiding touching each other's hands, and maintaining appropriate physical distance as a sign of respect for his wife.

Wang Yaoqing's family concept is deeply rooted in his upbringing. He once recalled seeing his grandfather miss his hometown as a child, which made him deeply understand the importance of family.

Therefore, his love for his wife has always been the same both before and after he became famous.

When it comes to balancing career and family, Wang Yaoqing has his own way. When asked how to please his wife, he admits that he is not good at it, but he will use "shopping therapy" to make his wife happy.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

This unpretentious way just reflects the importance he attaches to his family and his thoughtfulness towards his wife.

Wang Yaoqing's story teaches us that success in a career does not mean sacrificing family. On the contrary, the happiness of the family can be a solid backing for the career to take off. He used practical actions to explain how to still protect his small family under the bright spotlight and treat his wife as a treasure.

Wang Yaoqing and Guo Yanqing's marriage started with a seemingly hasty decision, but it has gone through 21 spring and autumn. This long-term relationship has not only withstood the test of time, but also become more mellow in the baptism of the years.

In the past 21 years, Wang Yaoqing and Guo Yanqing have faced various challenges in life together. From the early economic difficulties, to the trough of Wang Yaoqing's addiction to games, to the ups and downs of his career, every crisis has become an opportunity for their feelings to sublimate.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

Wang Yaoqing admitted frankly that he is not good at sweet words, but he interprets his love with practical actions. When there is an argument between husband and wife, he always chooses to bow his head and apologize first.

He is convinced that no matter whose fault it is, it is always right to apologize first. This attitude not only resolves many potential contradictions, but also deepens their feelings.

Guo Yanqing also supported her husband in her way. When Wang Yaoqing's career was at a low point, her encouragement and understanding became the driving force for him to regain his strength. While Wang Yaoqing was busy with work, she silently guarded her family.

The story of Wang Yaoqing and Guo Yanqing tells us that the true meaning of marriage does not lie in vigorous confessions or expensive gifts, but in mutual understanding and support day after day.

Wang Yaoqing: In order to save rent, he married Guo Yanqing as his wife, and spoiled his wife after marriage

It is this kind of ordinary and sincere love that makes their marriage as sweet as ever after 21 years, and also allows Wang Yaoqing to successfully "spoil his wife into a treasure". Their story is undoubtedly a clear stream in modern urban love, interpreting what it means to really grow old together.

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