
The man rescued people from the ancient well, accidentally fished out a piece of jade pendant, and the water god quickly took him to the mountain

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

But that day, for some reason, a little kid accidentally fell into the well while playing, and everyone was as anxious as ants on a hot pot. When Li Erniu saw this situation, he was so anxious that he didn't care about anything, threw down his hoe and jumped into the well. The well water was as cold as a popsicle, but Li Erniu had one thought in his heart: save people! He swam desperately to the struggling child, grabbed him, and swam to the well. After a lot of effort, Li Erniu finally rescued the child. Everyone gathered around, praising and thanking, Li Erniu was a little embarrassed. He waved his hand and said, "It's no big deal, we are all from the same village, as it should be." With that, he prepared to go home and change his clothes.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt heavy in his hand, and looked down, hey, it turned out to be a piece of jade pendant that was accidentally fished up from the well when he was saving children. This jade pendant is crystal clear, and there is a vivid dragon engraved on it, which makes people like it when they look at it. Li Erniu thought to himself: "This jade pendant looks unusual, maybe it is an heirloom of the child's family." So he took the jade pendant, found the child's home, and gave it back to them. When the child's parents saw the jade pendant, they were immediately stunned and thanked them repeatedly. But then, they looked embarrassed and said, "This jade pendant...... Actually, it's not ours. ”

When Li Erniu heard this, he wondered in his heart: "Then where did this jade pendant come from?" The child's parents sighed and said, "We don't know where this jade pendant came from." A few nights ago, we dreamed of a white-bearded old man, and he told us that this jade pendant belonged to the god of water in the well, and we should take good care of it. But I didn't expect that the child would fall into the well today, and you rescued him. As soon as Li Erniu heard this, he muttered in his heart: "The jade pendant of the water god? It's a mysterious. He looked at the jade pendant in his hand, then at the child's parents, and finally decided to take the jade pendant back to his house to see if he could find any clues.

The man rescued people from the ancient well, accidentally fished out a piece of jade pendant, and the water god quickly took him to the mountain

After returning home, Li Erniu put the jade pendant on the table, looked left and right, and didn't see anything famous. He thought to himself, "If this jade pendant really has the magic power of the water god, then it must have something special, right?" So he took the jade pendant and put it to his ear and listened carefully. Oh my god, this is really disturbing! Li Erniu, this kid, suddenly had a voice in his ears, and the voice said: "Li Erniu, you saved my baby, I have to thank you well." This jade pendant is a thank you gift from me, which can take you to find the baby. But you have to go up the mountain with me first, and I have something to tell you. When Li Erniu heard this, the excitement in his heart was like being beaten with chicken blood. He quickly looked around, and there was not even a ghost in the room except him. If you listen carefully, this voice actually came from Jade Perry! This thing is really evil, there are strange things every year, especially this year.

Although Li Erniu was a little drumming in his heart, he was more curious. He pondered: "If this jade pendant can really take me to find the treasure, then I will not have to worry about eating and drinking in this life." Besides, the water god said that he would take me to the mountain, so I'll go and see it. So, as soon as he grabbed the jade pendant, he walked out the door. As soon as he arrived at the door, he felt that his body was light and fluttering, as if he was being held up by something. Look down, oh my God! I was floating in mid-air! When I looked up again, there was a big mountain in front of me, and the mountain was shrouded in clouds and mist, and it was mysterious when I looked at it. Although Li Erniu was a little scared in his heart, he still floated forward.

In a few moments, he floated to the top of the mountain. There is a small temple on the top of the hill with a statue of an old man with a white beard. Li Erniu took a look, isn't this the water god who spoke in Yu Peili just now? He quickly knelt down, kowtowed, and said, "Lord Water God, what are you looking for me?" The statue moved suddenly, and the white-bearded old man walked out of the statue and said happily: "Li Erniu, you are really a brave young man. I'm coming to you today to tell you a secret. Next, the water god told Li Erniu a big secret. This secret is related to the baby, and it is also related to Li Erniu's life experience. As for what the secret is, let's break it down next time. Now, let's let Li Erniu have a good chat with the water god on the mountain.

The man rescued people from the ancient well, accidentally fished out a piece of jade pendant, and the water god quickly took him to the mountain

Well, let's pick up where we left off. As soon as Li Erniu heard that the water god was going to tell him a secret, what could this secret be in his heart? He swallowed and pricked up his ears to listen. The water god happily patted Li Erniu's shoulder and said, "Li Erniu, you are actually not from our people, you are from the north." Li Erniu was stunned for a moment, and thought: "I grew up here since I was a child, why is it from the north?" But he still couldn't help but ask, and continued to listen to what the water god said. The water god continued, "Many years ago, your ancestors traveled all the way south to escape the war, and finally came to this town. They settled here and multiplied all the way to your generation. But when your ancestor left the north, he took a treasure with him, and that was the jade pendant in your hand. Li Erniu gently stroked the jade pendant in his hand, and the doubts in his heart became more and more serious. The water god continued, "This jade pendant is the treasure of our water tribe, and it contains extraordinary power. It can lead you to a treasure trove that holds the precious bequeries of your ancestors and the foundation of your family. Hearing this, Li Erniu was excited in his heart and asked eagerly: "Where is the treasure?" How can I find it? The water god smiled slightly and replied, "Just follow the guidance of the jade pendant, and the treasure will naturally appear in front of you." But I would like to remind you that the treasure hunt will not be easy, and you will face many trials. As long as you persevere, you will eventually succeed. Li Erniu nodded firmly and said, "I am not afraid of any test, as long as I can find the treasure and add glory to the family, I am willing to give everything." The water god bowed his head in satisfaction and promised, "Very well, I will help you." As soon as the words fell, he waved his hand lightly, and Li Erniu felt light and floated again. This time, he drifted faster, and soon reached a deep valley.

Hidden in the valley is a cave whose entrance is hidden by dense vines. Li Erniu thought to himself: "This may be where the treasure is." He stepped forward, brushed aside the vines, and stepped into the cave. It was pitch black inside the cave, and I couldn't see my fingers. Li Erniu touched the jade pendant again, and suddenly felt that it began to heat up. He followed Yu Pei's guidance and moved forward step by step. Soon, he saw the light ahead. Quickening his pace, he realized that the light came from a stone door. Li Erniu walked to the stone door and noticed that there was a groove on the door, which happened to be embedded in the jade pendant. He carefully put the jade pendant into the groove, and then he heard a crisp "click", and the stone door slowly opened.

When Li Erniu walked into the stone gate, he was greeted by a spacious hall filled with gold, silver, jewelry, and antique jade, which was dizzying. The joy in his heart bloomed like a flower, but he did not forget his mission and continued to search the hall for the relics of his ancestors. He walked to the end of the hall and found a painting hanging on the wall of a man holding a sword and staring resolutely into the distance. When Li Erniu saw this painting, a warm current surged in his heart, as if he had found his roots. He stepped forward and took down the painting, only to find that the back of the painting was still engraved with the words "Li Family Tree, passed down from generation to generation". He immediately realized that this was the precious legacy left by his ancestors and the foundation of his family.

The man rescued people from the ancient well, accidentally fished out a piece of jade pendant, and the water god quickly took him to the mountain

Li Erniu carefully collected the paintings, looked around at the treasures, and after careful consideration, decided to take only some necessities and leave the rest to future generations. He picked up a few antique jade items and some gold and silver treasures and prepared to leave. When he walked out of the cave, night had fallen. Looking at the piece of jade in his hand, Li Erniu found that it had changed back to its original appearance and was no longer hot. He muttered in his heart: "This jade is really a miraculous thing!" When he got home, he told his family about it, and when the family heard it, their eyes widened like brass bells, but they were also very proud of him. They gathered around and discussed how to use these treasures and how to make the family prosperous. Since then, Li Erniu has become the pride of the family, and he used his cleverness and courage to find the treasure and win glory for the family. That magical piece of jade has also become a family heirloom and has been passed down from generation to generation.

Hey, that's all for today's story, if you like to listen to my stories, remember to come and have a show! I'll tell you something new next time. Let's continue to chat, Li Erniu's discovery of the treasure has spread in the village. Some people say that he hit great luck, some people say that his ancestors accumulated virtue, and some people say that he has long known the secret of the treasure and deliberately pretended to be stupid. However, no matter what others say, Li Erniu knows very well in his heart, he knows which path he is taking, and he knows it in his heart.

After getting the treasure, Li Erniu didn't forget Ben, he first built a road for the village to make it easier for everyone to go out. I opened another school and invited a gentleman to teach the children in the village to read and write, saying that it was to let the dolls in the village be able to read and write, and not be as illiterate as he is. When everyone saw Li Erniu doing this, their hearts bloomed with joy, and they all praised him for being a good person and having a conscience.

The man rescued people from the ancient well, accidentally fished out a piece of jade pendant, and the water god quickly took him to the mountain

But the good times didn't last long, and something strange happened in the village. That night, the moonlight was hazy, and Li Erniu was sitting in the courtyard to cool off, when he suddenly heard a strange sound from the mountain. The sound was like someone playing the flute, and it was like someone crying, and it made people's hearts furious. Li Erniu thought to himself: "Who is playing the flute on the mountain in the middle of the night?" He stood up and looked up the hill, and saw a little light flickering on the top of the mountain. Curious, he decided to go up the mountain to take a look.

As he walked up the mountain road, his voice getting louder and louder. When I got to the top of the mountain, I found that the light came from a small temple. He took a closer look and saw that the temple was dedicated to the statue of the god of water, who held a flute in his hand and blew it gently. Li Erniu was stunned for a moment, and thought, "Why did this water god play the flute?" As soon as he wanted to go in and ask, he heard the water god speak: "Li Erniu, you are here." As soon as Li Erniu heard this, he understood in his heart that the water god was waiting for him. He hurriedly entered the temple, knelt in front of the water god, and said, "Lord water god, what are you looking for me?" The water god sighed and said, "Li Erniu, I didn't want to bother you, but something happened recently and I have to look for you." "Oh mom, Li Erniu, this young man, is really warm-hearted. That day, he was in a panic, and the water god came to the door and said: "Erniu, there was a monster on our mountain, I sealed it, but now that the seal is loose, the monster may be making trouble, I am afraid that it will harm our villagers, I want to ask you for a favor, and then reinforce it." When Li Erniu heard this, he was anxious, and quickly asked, "What is that monster?" How can I strengthen it? The water god said: "That monster is very powerful, but it's not without tricks, you just find a special stone and put it on the seal." The stone is in a cave at the foot of the mountain, and you should look for it early tomorrow morning. ”

When Li Erniu heard this, he nodded like pounding garlic: "Okay, I'll go tomorrow." He thought to himself that if the youkai did come out, he would be the first to rush up and fight it. The water god was happy: "With your words, I am relieved." But ah, don't tell the people in the village about this, so that everyone won't panic. Li Erniu agreed, and went home, thinking about it in his heart.

The man rescued people from the ancient well, accidentally fished out a piece of jade pendant, and the water god quickly took him to the mountain

Before dawn the next day, Li Erniu ran to the foot of the mountain and, according to what the water god said, found the cave. There was a black rumbling in the cave, and he couldn't see anything, but Li Erniu was not afraid, he walked in the dark, walked and walked, and finally found the stone. The stone looked inconspicuous, but it was cold to the touch, as if it could absorb all the heat of a person. Li Erniu knew in his heart that this was the stone he was looking for.

He picked up the stone and trotted all the way up the hill. When I got to the seal, I saw that the monster had broken through the seal and was rushing down the mountain. Li Erniu didn't say a word, put the stone on the seal, and blocked himself in front of the monster. As soon as the monster saw that someone was in the way, it roared angrily and rushed over. Li Erniu was not ambiguous, and he swung his fist. The two fought for a while, and although Li Erniu took a few hits, he finally beat the monster back.

The stone in his hand became hot and hot, as if it had just been taken out of the fire. Li Erniu knew that this seal had been reinforced, and he felt so comfortable in his heart. He sat on the ground, panting, and thought, "This time the monster has been defeated, and the villagers should be able to stabilize for a while." Just as he was thinking about it, the voice of the water god sounded in his ears again: "Erniu, well done, in order to thank you, I will bless you and your family with safety and health." As soon as Li Erniu heard this, his heart was as warm as if he had drunk hot wine. He jumped up from the ground, kowtowed respectfully three times to the blue sky and white clouds, and then went down the mountain in a puff of smoke. Since then, Li Erniu has changed as a person and has become a celebrity in our Gada.

The man rescued people from the ancient well, accidentally fished out a piece of jade pendant, and the water god quickly took him to the mountain