
In 2024, the pension will rise by 3%, 5 types of people will rise, and 3 types of people will not rise, what's going on? How to issue additional shares

author:Tonghe 3110

In this era full of uncertainties, at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, there is always such a topic that can easily tug at the heartstrings of hundreds of millions of people - pension. That's right, the pension adjustment drama in 2024 has quietly kicked off, this time not only staged the joyful scene of "national salary increase", but also cleverly laid out the exquisite chess game of "differentiated growth". Xiaobian will take you to find out today to see who will be the biggest winners in this big drama, who may just be bystanders, and those hilarious and thought-provoking pension adjustment cheats.

In 2024, the pension will rise by 3%, 5 types of people will rise, and 3 types of people will not rise, what's going on? How to issue additional shares

First, the pension "salary increase" has risen, and five types of people are smiling

Imagine that when the New Year's bell rings along with the news of the pension increase, it is not only a change in numbers, but also a warm increase in life. In this feast of "salary increases" in 2024, there are five categories of people who are undoubtedly the biggest beneficiaries:

  1. Practitioners of "pay more, get more": This kind of friend is an activist of social security contributions when they are working, and their pension accounts are already full. According to the principle of "pay more, get more", their pension increase will naturally rise, and they will become a veritable star of "salary increase".
  2. The years are quiet and long-term payers: the years not only soften their faces, but also quietly add weight to the pension. With the accumulation of time, they enjoy a higher growth rate than short-term contributors, which proves the truth that "persistence is victory".
  3. Seniors at sunset: As they get older, they are not only a valuable asset to the family, but also a favorite object of pension adjustment. The elderly tilt policy makes their later life more worry-free.
  4. Guardians of remote areas: On the borders of the motherland, there is a group of unsung retirees. Their contribution may not be known, but the adjustment of pensions has made them feel the warmth and care of the country.
  5. Honorees of special contributions: For example, veterans, whose youth was dedicated to the country, are now duly respected and rewarded in the pension adjustment.
In 2024, the pension will rise by 3%, 5 types of people will rise, and 3 types of people will not rise, what's going on? How to issue additional shares

The second and third types of people "stand still", but don't be discouraged

Of course, some people are happy and some people are worried. On the stage of pension adjustment, there are also three types of people who seem to be standing in the "audience" temporarily:

  • Friends with low contributions: may be limited by economic conditions, their contributions are not high, resulting in a relatively small increase in pensions. But I would like to say that every point of growth is an investment in the future, which is worth cherishing.
  • "New" retirees with shorter contributory years: Retirees who have just met the minimum contributory period may be a little less likely to grow later. But life is still long, and future adjustment policies may bring more surprises.
  • "Young" retirees who have not yet reached the threshold of old age: Although they will not be able to enjoy the benefits of the old age tilt for the time being, they will have a more exciting life in the future if they maintain a healthy and optimistic attitude.

3. Revealing the "three magic weapons" of pension adjustment

In 2024, the pension will rise by 3%, 5 types of people will rise, and 3 types of people will not rise, what's going on? How to issue additional shares

When it comes to pension adjustment, we have to mention the three magic weapons: fixed adjustment, linked adjustment and tilt adjustment. They are like three magicians, weaving together a dreamy chapter of pension growth.

  • Quota adjustment: Just like a rain of red envelopes, each retiree can receive a fixed increase to ensure fairness and justice.
  • Linked adjustment: It is like a trophy for the incentive competition, which is differentiated according to the payment period and pension level, and encourages everyone to pay more and pay for a long time while on the job.
  • Tilt adjustment: It is a warm and caring hand, especially caring for the elderly and retirees in difficult and remote areas, so that their old age life is more warm and comfortable.

Fourth, the actual case: pension adjustment "addition, subtraction, multiplication and division"

Let's take a look at an example of the pension adjustment of the two aunts:

In 2024, the pension will rise by 3%, 5 types of people will rise, and 3 types of people will not rise, what's going on? How to issue additional shares
  • Aunt Chen: 65 years old, 25 years of payment, and a pension of 3,500 yuan at the end of 2023. After the quota adjustment of 61 yuan and the peg adjustment of 35 yuan, the total increase reached 121 yuan, with a growth rate of 3.45%, much higher than the average level. This made her laugh and bluntly said, "The country's policy is really getting better and better!" ”
  • Aunt Liu: 68 years old, 35 years of payment, pension of 5,000 yuan. Her total increase reached 146 yuan, and although the growth rate was slightly lower than average, the absolute amount was still considerable. Aunt Liu said with emotion: "Pay more, pay more, pay more for a long time, this policy is really intimate!" ”

5. Editor's views and personal perceptions

In 2024, the pension will rise by 3%, 5 types of people will rise, and 3 types of people will not rise, what's going on? How to issue additional shares

In this feast of pension adjustment, Xiaobian deeply felt the country's deep care and respect for the elderly. Whether it is the incentive mechanism of "pay more and get more", or the warm policy of tilting the elderly, it reflects the fairness and justice of society. At the same time, Xiaobian also realized that the growth of pensions is not achieved overnight, but requires our efforts and persistence in office.

6. How to enjoy the "dividend" of pension adjustment?

For the majority of retirees, there is no need for complicated operations, just patience. Local human resources and social security departments will formulate specific adjustment plans according to the unified deployment of the state, and distribute the adjusted pension to your account through banks, communities and other channels. If you have any questions about the pension adjustment or need to inquire about the specific amount, you can call the local social security service hotline or go to the community service center for consultation.

In 2024, the pension will rise by 3%, 5 types of people will rise, and 3 types of people will not rise, what's going on? How to issue additional shares

Seventh, the sweet cheats for increasing the pension for the elderly

When it comes to the increase in the issuance of old-age pensions, this is one of the "sweet benefits" that elderly friends are most looking forward to. In the mainland, many places have implemented an old-age tilt policy, that is, retirees who have reached a certain age (such as 70 years old, 75 years old, 80 years old, etc.) can receive an additional old age allowance on top of the basic pension. The amount of this subsidy varies from region to region, but all of them reflect the care and respect that society has for the elderly.

Imagine, when you enter the old age, in addition to enjoying the family fun of your children and grandchildren, there is also a "longevity red envelope" from the country quietly coming, do you feel that life is more beautiful and warm?

8. Case extension: the transformation from "digital" to "life".

In 2024, the pension will rise by 3%, 5 types of people will rise, and 3 types of people will not rise, what's going on? How to issue additional shares

Let's go back to the story of Aunt Chen and Aunt Liu again. Aunt Chen used her increased pension to enroll in the community's senior college to learn calligraphy and gardening, and her life became more colorful; Aunt Liu chose to use the money to improve the family's food, and often invited relatives and friends to come to the house for dinner and enjoy the joy of family. Their stories tell us that the growth of pensions is not just a change in numbers, but also an improvement in the quality of life and happiness.

9. Conclusion: Draw a new chapter for the elderly

With the continuous progress of society and the deepening of aging, the pension system, as an important part of the social security system, will be directly related to the vital interests of hundreds of millions of elderly people. The pension adjustment drama in 2024 has begun, and we look forward to seeing more humanized policies introduced in the coming days, so that every elderly person can enjoy their old age and enjoy their families. At the same time, we also call on the whole society to pay attention to the living conditions and spiritual needs of the elderly, and create a more harmonious and warm social environment for them.

In this era full of love and care, let us work together to draw a new chapter of elderly care and make the sunset more brilliant!

That's the end of today's sharing, if you have any other thoughts or opinions, please leave a message in the comment area.

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