
The ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds"! Ji Shuran shot again, but she didn't expect that the final surprise was not Xue Fangfei

author:Social observer

Since the launch of the TV series "Ink Rain Clouds", the show has attracted much attention. Among them, the revenge story of the heroine Ji Shuran has aroused heated discussions among the audience. However, as the plot develops, Ji Shuran's revenge plan seems to deviate more and more obviously from the original goal.

In the play, Ji Shuran is portrayed as a betrayed woman, who not only lost her child, but her husband also eloped with her best friend Xue Fangfei. In order to retaliate, Ji Shuran launched a series of sharp actions, forcing Xue Fangfei to a desperate situation. The audience applauded the strength and wisdom of this female character and looked forward to the final ending of the play.

The ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds"! Ji Shuran shot again, but she didn't expect that the final surprise was not Xue Fangfei

However, when the plot came to the finale, Ji Shuran's plan took an unexpected turn. She didn't choose to let Xue Fangfei completely collapse, but instead punished her in a more unique way - she chose forgiveness.

This ending undoubtedly sparked controversy among the audience. Some people think that such an ending is too bland and does not match the previous image of Ji Shuran's revenge. They believe that Ji Shuran's character has always been portrayed as strong, cold-blooded, and ruthless in the play, and forgiveness seems to be a little out of harmony with this image.

The ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds"! Ji Shuran shot again, but she didn't expect that the final surprise was not Xue Fangfei

However, there was also a part of the audience that gave positive comments about such an ending. They believe that forgiveness is a human virtue that purifies the wounds of the heart and allows people to regain happiness and freedom. Ji Shuran's choice not only shows her noble sentiments, but also gives the whole story a more harmonious ending.

What's more, this ending provoked the audience to think deeply about the theme of revenge. We often see revenge plots in film and television works, but such endings rarely give the audience inspiration. Ji Shuran's forgiveness method makes people reflect on whether it is really a choice to use hatred to fight hatred?

The ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds"! Ji Shuran shot again, but she didn't expect that the final surprise was not Xue Fangfei

Ji Shuran's role in the play is not only an avenger, but also an existence that inspires people to think. Her choice is neither a complete hero nor a complete villain, but a more complex and realistic character. Because of this, the ending in the play is so controversial.

Whether it is the audience who supports Ji Shuran, or the audience who questions her choice, such a controversy undoubtedly adds more viewing value to "Ink Rain and Clouds". A good film and television work should not only resonate with the audience, but also give the audience space to think. And the ending shown in this drama successfully achieves this in its own unique way.

The ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds"! Ji Shuran shot again, but she didn't expect that the final surprise was not Xue Fangfei

Either way, for a good story, it's not the ending that matters, it's the process and the thinking that goes into it. Through the choice of Ji Shuran's character, "Ink Rain and Clouds" conveys a power to the audience, that is, the power of tolerance and understanding. Such power undoubtedly has important implications for us in real life, allowing us to face setbacks more courageously, forgive others, and move forward.

Although Ji Shuran's ending did not satisfy the audience's desire for revenge, it added a deeper meaning to "Ink Rain and Clouds". Whether this ending is the best choice or not may not be conclusive. However, in any case, the character conflicts and thoughts shown in the play are worthy of our serious thinking and absorbing the wisdom from them.

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