
iQIYI's screen casting turmoil ended, iQIYI compensated for 41-day gold VIP members, and the comment area fryer!

author:Good mood
iQIYI's screen casting turmoil ended, iQIYI compensated for 41-day gold VIP members, and the comment area fryer!


"Screen projection", a common behavior in daily life, has recently become the core of a year-long legal dispute. On July 1, 2024, with the judgment of the Beijing Internet Court, a lawsuit caused by the iQiyi platform restricting the user's screen projection function has been settled. This case not only involves the protection of users' rights and interests, but also triggers extensive discussions on the business model of online video platforms.

iQIYI's screen casting turmoil ended, iQIYI compensated for 41-day gold VIP members, and the comment area fryer!

【Event Review】

A year ago, an old user with a seven-year iQiyi membership filed a lawsuit because the platform suddenly restricted his use of the screen projection function. The move quickly attracted public attention, with Modern Express reporting exclusively on the incident, bringing out the dissatisfaction of users and the platform's policy adjustments. Subsequently, the two sides entered the judicial process for more than a year, during which there was a heated debate around the projection permission, membership rights and responsibilities of the platform.

iQIYI's screen casting turmoil ended, iQIYI compensated for 41-day gold VIP members, and the comment area fryer!


On July 1, 2024, the Beijing Internet Court officially announced that iQiyi should compensate the plaintiff for 41 days of gold VIP membership time, and confirmed that the plaintiff enjoys 720P and 1080P high-definition screen projection rights before July 15, 2025. This judgment marks the end of the final trial of the "iQIYI Restriction Projection Case", and it also means that users have won to a certain extent, and some of the platform's behaviors have been judged to be improper.

iQIYI's screen casting turmoil ended, iQIYI compensated for 41-day gold VIP members, and the comment area fryer!

【User's Perspective】

The plaintiff in the case issued a statement after the verdict, expressing his recognition of the verdict, and also called on iQIYI to treat all damaged members equally, and looked forward to the platform issuing an official announcement to clarify the follow-up measures. He pointed out that the restrictive measures implemented by iQIYI from January 11 to February 20, 2023, should give corresponding compensation to all affected gold members, reflecting the adherence to the principle of fairness.

Hot comments from netizens

iQIYI's screen casting turmoil ended, iQIYI compensated for 41-day gold VIP members, and the comment area fryer!

Transparency and reasonableness of the charging model of the video platform

"The mirror reflects the form, and the ancient things know the present." The transparency of the charging model of video platforms is directly related to users' right to know and choose. The judgment of iQIYI's restriction on screen projection is like a mirror, reflecting the ambiguous area in the platform's charging model. The platform should take this opportunity to follow the principle of "those who are sincere, the way of heaven is also; Those who think sincerely are also the way of people. Enhance the transparency of the charging model, ensure that users can clearly understand the service content, avoid confusion and dissatisfaction caused by nesting doll charges, and achieve the superb realm of "knowing enough to see the end of the day, but not seeing the salary".

Protection of user rights and interests and platform responsibility

"The people are only the state, and the country is solid." Users are the foundation of the development of video platforms, and the responsibility of the platform lies in safeguarding the rights and interests of users and ensuring fairness and justice. iQIYI was sentenced to compensate users, which is not only a victory for individual cases, but also an awakening of users' awareness of protecting their rights and interests. Platforms should "seek their own attention", take the initiative to assume social responsibility, improve the user complaint mechanism, establish a rapid response system, and ensure that all damaged users are properly handled. "The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the husband." The platform and users should form a benign interaction to jointly promote the healthy development of the industry.

The sustainability of the video platform's business model

"A gentleman is a gentleman, and he is born from the beginning." The business model of a video platform must be based on user value in order to achieve sustainable development. The strategy of charging offline for free online has been criticized as "ugly", reflecting the platform's neglect of long-term planning in pursuit of short-term profits. Platforms should learn from the wisdom of "fishing without drying up the water, hunting without burning forests", and explore new paths that can be profitable without affecting the user experience, such as advertising optimization, derivatives development, etc., to achieve "both rich and strong, not also good?" ".

iQIYI's screen casting turmoil ended, iQIYI compensated for 41-day gold VIP members, and the comment area fryer!

The discussion of the three core issues is not only a reflection on the current situation of video platforms, but also a prospect for the future development direction of the industry. Platforms should pay attention to the protection of users' rights and interests in the spirit of "benevolence and love others", improve the transparency of the charging model with the attitude of "knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, and knowing is also knowing", and explore sustainable business models with the wisdom of "listening to it is clear, and partiality is dark". Only in this way can video platforms be invincible in the highly competitive market.

iQIYI's screen casting turmoil ended, iQIYI compensated for 41-day gold VIP members, and the comment area fryer!

【Industry Impact】

The judgment of this case is not only a case-by-case treatment of the iQIYI platform, but also triggers a reflection on the charging model of the entire video platform industry. As the ancients said: "A gentleman loves money and takes it in a good way." "Platforms should respect and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers while pursuing commercial interests, and avoid adopting practices that may harm the user experience, such as "nesting doll" fees. Although the verdict has been handed down, it remains to be seen whether platforms can truly rethink and adjust their business models.

[Social Repercussions]

The verdict has attracted wide attention from all walks of life. On the one hand, netizens questioned iQiyi's behavior of free offline activities and online live broadcast fees, believing that the platform is unreasonable in its business strategy. On the other hand, iQIYI's explanation of the mixed charges in the middle of the episode limit and exemption, that is, the limit and exemption are usually the first two episodes, and the number of subsequent episodes will be moderately adjusted according to time adjustment or fan feedback, which has also become the focus of discussion. This reflects the challenges that video platforms still face in balancing the need to monetize and meet user needs.

iQIYI's screen casting turmoil ended, iQIYI compensated for 41-day gold VIP members, and the comment area fryer!


"Knowing and then there is determination, determination and then being quiet, being quiet and then being peaceful, being safe and then being able to worry, and then being able to get after thinking." This sentence in "University" reminds us that when facing complex social phenomena, we should keep calm thinking and look for the root cause of the problem and the solution. Although the dispute between iQiyi and users for the rights and interests of screen projection has been preliminarily resolved through legal channels, it leaves us with thoughts that are far from over. How to build a more harmonious relationship between consumers and service providers in the digital era and protect the legitimate rights and interests of every user will continue to be an important topic that needs to be explored in the future.

iQIYI's screen casting turmoil ended, iQIYI compensated for 41-day gold VIP members, and the comment area fryer!


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