
Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

author:Zhuxiao Institute
Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely
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Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

In August 2015, under the night sky of Tianjin Port, a silent tragedy was brewing. As the hustle and bustle of the city subsides, 25 young firefighters are dressed up and ready to take the police for the last time in their lives.

They are the elite of the Fifth Brigade of the Tianjin Port Fire Detachment, but they don't know that this night will change their fate forever.

As the siren broke through the silence, this group of "most beautiful retrogrades" rushed to the fire without hesitation. With the mission of protecting people's lives and property, they never thought that they would become victims of this disaster.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

Not only did the night claim more than 110 precious lives, but it also uncovered a shocking truth about negligence and corruption. In the stories that follow, we will witness the interweaving of courage and responsibility, and the power of sacrifice and dedication.

On a night in August 2015, the Tianjin port area was shrouded in silence. Suddenly, several unusual wisps of black smoke rose from the night sky, and a faint glow of fire flickered in the darkness.

A passer-by noticed the unusual sight and immediately called the police. The shrill siren soon broke the silence of the night, and the members of the Tianjin Port Fire Detachment quickly assembled and prepared to go to the rescue.

The 25 firefighters of the 5th Brigade were the first rescue force to arrive at the scene. These experienced and well-trained players are no strangers to fire in general.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

The captain calmly directed the team to extinguish the fire, but as time passed, they were unable to determine the location of the fire, which made the captain feel uneasy.

Just as the firefighters were searching for the source of the fire, disaster struck. At 23:33, an urgent warning came from the radio: "The situation is critical, evacuate immediately!" However, this warning came too late.

Just six seconds later, an earth-shattering bang shook the entire Minato area, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the air. The explosion was powerful with a magnitude of 2.3, equivalent to the explosive equivalent of 3 tons of TNT.

The firefighters at the scene didn't even have time to react, let alone evacuate. Many people may have left this world forever in that instant. However, this is only the beginning of the disaster.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

Just 30 seconds later, a second, more violent explosion followed. The power of this explosion reached 2. A magnitude 9 earthquake is comparable to a 21-ton TNT explosion.

When the smoke cleared slightly, people saw a purgatory-like scene. The once-bustling Binhai New Area has been changed beyond recognition, with huge cracks in the ground and fires still raging in it.

However, even in the face of such a horrific situation, the surviving firefighters did not back down. They quickly adjusted their strategy and continued to go deep into the fire, starting a life-and-death race against death.

The nightmarish fire lasted for two full days and was not finally extinguished until around 4 p.m. on August 14. However, in this disaster, all 25 heroic members of the 5th Brigade died, and none of them were able to witness this hard-won moment of victory.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

The disaster not only took the lives of the firefighters, but also brought a huge shock to the entire Tianjin city and even the whole country. It reveals the hidden safety hazards behind the rapid economic development, and also highlights the greatness and value of those firefighters who are silently dedicated.

They used their lives to interpret the meaning of "the most beautiful retrograde", and their heroic deeds will forever be engraved in people's hearts.

On that night destined to go down in history, among the 25 firefighters, two young lives stood out: 18-year-old Qi Jixu and 21-year-old Hu Le.

Their story has become the most heart-wrenching chapter of this tragedy.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

Qi Jixu, a young man who has just entered adulthood, is the youngest member of the team. On that ill-fated night, he was on the phone with his father as usual.

On the other end of the phone, it was the familiar voice of my father: pay attention to keep warm, work hard, and don't miss home too much. Qi Jixu replied with a smile, sharing his experience in the fire brigade.

Who would have thought that this would be the last conversation between their father and son.

Qi Jixu's father had hoped that his son would choose a more stable career, but this enthusiastic young man was full of enthusiasm for firefighting. He revels in his sense of mission to save lives in times of crisis, a continuation of his childhood dream of being a hero.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

However, fate is impermanent, and on the way to realize his dream, the flame of life is extinguished forever.

The 21-year-old Hu Le is also full of vitality. Shortly before this disaster, he was wounded during a rescue operation. It stands to reason that he should have been recuperating at home, but this idle young man secretly returned to the team.

When his family found out, they were furious and even threatened to teach him a good lesson. However, they forever lost the opportunity to fulfill this "threat".

These young lives were supposed to have a bright future. Some of them are the pearls of their parents, some are the solid support of their wives, and some are the pistachios in the eyes of their friends.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

However, on that night, they chose to remain as firefighters forever in the fire that consumed everything.

When the surviving firefighters returned to their dormitories, each had more than 200 missed calls on their phones. It was the anxious call of the family, and it was endless worry and concern.

The survivors had to pick up the phone again and again and tell each other in trembling voices: "They sacrificed their ......", but the last bad news that countless families want to hear.

The story of Qi Jixu and Hu Le is just two microcosms of these 25 heroes. Their youth, dreams and lives are forever frozen in that summer night. They have interpreted what a "retrograde" is with their actions, and their sacrifices make us cherish the hard-won peace of the era of peace even more.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

Their spirit will forever inspire future generations and become the most shining star in the fire industry.

As the investigation deepened, the truth of the disaster, which claimed more than 110 lives, gradually emerged. The fire broke out at Ruihai International Logistics Co., Ltd., a company founded in 2011 in Xingang, Tianjin.

In the fierce market competition, in order to stand out, Ruihai Company took the risk to undertake the dangerous goods transportation business.

Storing dangerous goods is a high-risk job that requires strict precautions and a huge investment in safety. Ruihai did approach the business cautiously in the early days, but over time, they gradually let their guard down.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

Warehouse expansions and repairs have been put on hold, hazardous chemicals have been piled up haphazardly, and safety hazards have become increasingly serious.

In August 2015, Tianjin's high temperature continued for days, and the surface temperature repeatedly exceeded 40 degrees. In such extreme weather, the nitrocellulose in the warehouse becomes unusually dry due to water loss.

Nitrocellulose has a very low ignition point, which can easily cause spontaneous combustion in a high-temperature environment. To make matters worse, there were large quantities of highly reactive chemicals piled up around, which set the stage for the huge explosion that followed.

The investigation also found that Ruihai's dangerous goods storage permit had expired long ago, but they had not reissued it. In order to pursue higher economic efficiency, the company's top management chose to ignore this important safety guarantee.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

This disregard for safety ultimately led to an irreparable tragedy.

What is even more shocking is that Ruihai's top management has successfully bribed some high-ranking officials in Tianjin's political circles, making every security inspection a mere formality. This collusion between officials and businessmen has directly led to the failure of supervision, so that potential dangers cannot be discovered and dealt with in a timely manner.

As the truth gradually came to light, public anger reached its peak. It is unacceptable that human negligence and corruption have led to such a tragic loss of life.

Under strong pressure from public opinion, the judiciary acted quickly. After a court trial, 49 people, including the bribe-taking officials and the main responsible person of Ruihai Company, were found guilty.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

Among them, Wu, the main person in charge of Ruihai Company, was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and the other defendants were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 1 to 10 years.

This tragedy, caused by human negligence and corruption, not only claimed hundreds of precious lives, but also sounded the alarm for the entire society. It is a profound reminder that the string of security must be tightened at all times in the pursuit of economic gain.

Any neglect of security can lead to irreparable disaster.

The incident also exposed many loopholes in the management and supervision of dangerous goods on the mainland. It has prompted the government to revisit and strengthen regulations and regulatory measures to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

However, for those families who have lost loved ones, these changes have come too late. Their loss is irreparable, leaving only endless grief and longing for the deceased.

This painful lesson tells us that the responsibility for safety is heavier than Mount Tai. Every individual and organization involved in the management of dangerous goods should keep this in mind and take practical actions to ensure public safety and avoid the recurrence of the tragedy.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, seven years have passed since the Tianjin explosion. For some, life is back on track; For others, especially those who have lost loved ones, grief lingers.

In this disaster, the Fifth Brigade of the Tianjin Port Fire Detachment paid the most painful price. All 25 members of the team died, leaving behind nothing but devastation and endless grief.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

However, in this ruin, the hope of a new life is quietly sprouting.

Wang Jin, a former instructor of the 5th Brigade, immediately returned to the fire department from his day off after learning the bad news. However, it was too late, and the entire Fifth Brigade was left with him and a newly recruited recruit.

In the face of such a blow, Wang Jin's heart was full of pain and self-blame. Those 25 young beings were not only his students, but more like his brothers. Their loss has caused him unspeakable pain.

However, Wang Jin knew that he could not sink. Although the comrades-in-arms have left, fires and other emergencies continue to occur, and the safety of people's lives and property needs to be protected.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

He had to pick himself up and rebuild the Fifth Brigade, the only thing he could do for his fallen comrades.

Over time, more and more young people joined the rebuilt Fifth Brigade. Whenever he sees these energetic new faces, Wang Jin's heart will always involuntarily think of the 25 deceased comrades-in-arms.

He silently vowed in his heart that he would do his best to teach these new members so that they could inherit and carry forward the glorious traditions of the Fifth Brigade.

Wang Jin devoted all his energy to the rebuilding of the team. He not only wants to teach the new team members firefighting skills, but also to pass on the spirit of selfless dedication and self-sacrifice.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

Thanks to his efforts, the new Fifth Brigade has gradually grown into a well-trained and well-styled team.

Although the deceased are gone, their spirit lives on. The rebuilt Fifth Brigade has become the new inheritor of the spirit of "the most beautiful retrograde", and they interpret the best commemoration of the deceased heroes with practical actions.

This is not only a tribute to the sacrificed comrades, but also a promise to the whole society: no matter when and where, they will rush to the fire without hesitation to protect the safety of the people.

In this world, there is a group of people whose profession is extremely admirable, and they are firefighters. They are not unafraid of death, but constantly challenge their survival instincts with a high work ethic and determination to protect others.

Retrograde: 25 police officers, all of whom died, and a fire brigade where no one returned safely

The 25 firefighting heroes in the "8.12" catastrophic fire and explosion accident in Tianjin Port used their lives to interpret what true courage and dedication are. Their sacrifice is not only a personal tragedy, but also a spiritual inheritance.

Let us always remember these heroic firefighters, as well as all the rescuers, police officers and unsung heroes who stepped forward in times of crisis. Their sacrifice has built a solid line of defense to protect us; Their spirit will always inspire us to move forward.

This is the true portrayal of "the most beautiful retrograde", they deserve our eternal admiration and praise. Their deeds will forever be etched on the monuments of history, inspiring generations to stand up for others.

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