
I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

author:Strange Fantasy Shop9527

Whether you are an office worker or a self-employed person, you need to eat, and if you don't have time to cook by yourself, then a roadside shop has become the best choice.

Generally, some stores become regular customers after a long time, and they are familiar with the owner.

But some old customers often disappear suddenly and never go again, what is the reason behind it?

The scheming proprietress of the house

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

The last sentence is a critical hit and a real injury, and that woman must feel that she is too inferior!

So the essence of the matter is that the owner's wife found out that her husband had provided unconventional services to the young girl, so she made a verbal attack, the intention of which was to arouse her husband's self-awareness. I didn't expect to be subconsciously counterattacked by the girl, and I also hit a critical hit, and the blood groove was empty in an instant.

In the end, the girl returned victorious, and the bubble tea shop lowered the roller shutters and began the second act of the bloody storm

A noodle restaurant owner who doesn't understand the world

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

He's really too much, and it's not a buffet, even if three adults come to buy two bowls of noodles, he doesn't have a reason to say anything about others.

A one-year-old child orders a bowl of noodles, and this boss is afraid that he is not crazy about money!

I have taken my children out to eat many times, and I have never met anyone who asks for a small bowl and still charges money.

A steamed bun shop that bullies children

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

Even children's money is pitted, it's no wonder that it's not yellow!

Some people will bully children, but I was not uncommon when I was a child!

The owner of my high school store was too, I gave her 50, she didn't ask me for money immediately, I haven't stepped out of the store to ask her for it, she doesn't admit it, my classmates have also encountered it.

Warm hot and sour lady proprietress

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

She thought we'd meet tomorrow, but only you know that this might be the last time we'll see each other!

Many people suddenly stopped visiting, and it is possible that they have moved out of the area, or even left the city.

It is normal for people to come and go!

When you get acquainted, the boss doesn't take you seriously

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

At the beginning of baking cold noodles, there should be a question!

If it were me, I would definitely say out loud, "I came first, why did he come later?!" Are you mistaken? "I keep talking about the people behind me and I'm embarrassed to pick it up, I think who else can the boss lady give to?

When you get acquainted with it, the boss thinks that you won't leave, and will make you wait longer!

A hard-mouthed roast duck shop owner

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

This boss is also principled!

The boss has a lot of brains, you can say generously, we don't discount, but buy 10 get one and two bottles of beer, there is not much money, and the big customers also pulled, and also stimulated consumption :)

The boss thought to himself: Why don't you leave? If you don't leave, how can I tell people about discounts?

If you are too familiar, you will not be a customer in the eyes of the boss

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

This boss won't say that he doesn't care about red things and white things, just say that he is happy to smoke, and you buy this to be happy. How can it not be sold? As long as the boss has a high emotional intelligence, he will not lose this customer.

Because the owner feels that the old customers have become acquaintances and are easy to talk to, the service can be worse, the attitude can be worse, and the products can be worse.

The problem is, you don't sell lithography machines, and customers have to buy them with their noses pinched.

Everyone votes with their feet

A shopkeeper who doesn't know how to be flexible

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

The old man won't think that his broken business is a monopoly!

Whoever sells is not selling, selling early and collecting money early, what kind of business does this old man have if he can't calculate the account!

If you have to say loudly to the proprietress next door: It's all up to you in the future!

The owner who sells egg scones

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

People are customers, and it's not the small workers you hire, it's me, I won't help at all, obviously she is bullying you for your young age!

This is the tone of calling your own child, I'm afraid it's not a hallucination!

The owner of a roast duck restaurant

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

He dared to do this, which means that he has succeeded before, and you can't see the takeaway, when he stared at him with such a boss, he still dared to do this, I guess I thought the students were so foolish!

So don't order half a takeout in the future!

Diligent aunt

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

In the restaurant industry, this behavior is called "driving customers".

This aunt has a bit of a feeling of teaching people to do things, and anyone will feel uncomfortable; And the guests are in a hurry to put away the table before they finish eating, which is a bit of a sense of urging the guests to leave quickly.

Not caring about the emotions and feelings of the guests at all, this aunt is really not suitable for the service industry.

Customers come to the store just to have a good meal, not to find something uncomfortable.

Too enthusiastic ramen owner

I see! Why are many regular customers slowly stopping patronizing the business? If you are cooked, you are not a customer

Boss: After all, it was a mistake!

Other bosses are looking at sheep for a long time and want to get wool, but the boss you meet here is a pet who has been raising for a long time and wants to get fat!

The boss thought to himself: Add more to you, yo, this can be eaten, it doesn't seem to be enough, add more, yo, this can also be eaten, it doesn't seem to be enough.....

Have you ever experienced a slow reluctance to go to the restaurants you frequent? Feel free to leave a message
