
If you don't have enough car skills, you have to make up for it! The woman manually lifted the car into the warehouse, shocking a group of netizens!

author:The big ship of Six-Six

Recently, a woman in Hunan Province directly lifted her car into the parking space because she couldn't park in the parking space on the side, which caused heated discussions among netizens.


Video source: Hunan TV and Radio Station

As can be seen from the video, this young lady couldn't stop in the line because her friend couldn't stop when she parked, and finally parked the car on the line after several attempts. The average person may not care, or get in the car and try a few more times and park the car in it.

If you don't have enough car skills, you have to make up for it! The woman manually lifted the car into the warehouse, shocking a group of netizens!
If you don't have enough car skills, you have to make up for it! The woman manually lifted the car into the warehouse, shocking a group of netizens!

But the young lady couldn't wait, because she didn't have a driver's license, she walked to the back of the car, grabbed the butt of the car with both hands, exerted force under her feet, and lifted the car directly, and then lifted the car into the line.

If you don't have enough car skills, you have to make up for it! The woman manually lifted the car into the warehouse, shocking a group of netizens!

The young lady's operation was simply amazing. A car weighs a few tons, to say the least, how can it be moved by manpower alone?

If you don't have enough car skills, you have to make up for it! The woman manually lifted the car into the warehouse, shocking a group of netizens!
If you don't have enough car skills, you have to make up for it! The woman manually lifted the car into the warehouse, shocking a group of netizens!

In this regard, some netizens said that some girls seem to be weak and can't even unscrew the bottle cap, but in fact, they can really lift your heavenly spirit cap!

If you don't have enough car skills, you have to make up for it! The woman manually lifted the car into the warehouse, shocking a group of netizens!

In the face of absolute power, no skill is worth mentioning! What's wrong with bad driving skills, as long as you have enough strength to park, you can stop wherever you want!

If you don't have enough car skills, you have to make up for it! The woman manually lifted the car into the warehouse, shocking a group of netizens!

Some netizens raised questions, when the car was lifted, the tires and the body moved synchronously, if it was a real car, because of the existence of shock absorbers, it was impossible for this situation to occur, so it could only be a fake model!

If you don't have enough car skills, you have to make up for it! The woman manually lifted the car into the warehouse, shocking a group of netizens!

It is said that this is a video posted by a blogger named Iron Bone Zengzeng. Looking at the videos she released in the past, they are all showing her "natural divine power", it is estimated that this is a joke, after all, lifting the car with bare hands is really beyond human power!

If you don't have enough car skills, you have to make up for it! The woman manually lifted the car into the warehouse, shocking a group of netizens!

What do you think about this?