
A 15-year-old woman sheltered from the rain and slept with someone in the melon shed for a night, and the old man said: Be my wife

author:Persistent warmth and sunshine

"Melon Shed Night Talk: Fate Determines Life"

Let's talk about it, in that distant place, there is a place called Yunmeng Village, which is like spring all year round, with beautiful mountains and rivers, and it is too beautiful to say. There is a melon field on the edge of the village, when summer comes, the melon vines climb everywhere, the melon fragrance floats far away, and it has become a good place for the people in the village to escape the summer.

At the head of this Yunmeng Village, there is a fifteen-year-old girl named Cui'er. Cui'er is very smart, smart and clever, and the people in the village praise her when they see her, she is a baby bump. But in the summer when she was fifteen years old, a heavy rain turned her life upside down.

A 15-year-old woman sheltered from the rain and slept with someone in the melon shed for a night, and the old man said: Be my wife

That day, Cui'er went to the melon field to deliver food to her father, and the sky suddenly changed her face, dark clouds pressed down, and heavy rain fell. Cui'er hurriedly hid under the melon shed, and silently thought in her heart: Rain, stop quickly. But God didn't seem to hear it, and the more the rain fell, the happier it became. At this moment, there was the sound of stumbling footsteps outside the melon shed. Cui'er was shocked, and said in her heart: On this rainy day, can anyone still come to the melon field? She cautiously poked her head out, and saw an old man on crutches, covered in mud, staggering in. The old man looked to be in his sixties, and although his face was full of weather, there was a spirit in his eyes.

When the old man saw someone in the melon shed, he was stunned at first, and then grinned. He walked up to Cui'er, arched his hand and said, "Little girl, on this rainy day, you also come to the melon field?" Can you let me hide from the rain here, old man? Cui'er saw that the old man was very kind, so she nodded and gave him a place. The two of them were under the melon shed, hiding from the rain, and chatting.

The old man said that his name was Li Laohan, and he was a lonely and miserable vagabond. When he was young, he was a famous carpenter, but later because of an accident, his leg was lost, so he wandered around and relied on his craft to make ends meet. Cui'er listened to the old man's story, and she felt very uncomfortable. She thinks that although her family is poor, her family is harmonious and her life is very nourishing. She couldn't help but ask the old man: "Uncle Li, you are so old, why don't you find a place to settle down?" Li Laohan sighed, shook his head and said, "Who wants to follow me with my disabled body?" Besides, if I run around, how can I give people a stable home? ”

A 15-year-old woman sheltered from the rain and slept with someone in the melon shed for a night, and the old man said: Be my wife

When Cui'er heard this, her heart moved, and she looked at Li Laohan's eyes full of wisdom, and suddenly had a bold idea. She bit her lip and plucked up the courage to say, "Uncle Li, if you don't dislike it, I am willing to be your daughter-in-law!" When Li Laohan heard this, his eyes widened, as if he had heard it wrong. Cui'er hurriedly explained: "Uncle Li, I'm sincere. I see that although your legs and feet are inconvenient, you have a good heart and good craftsmanship. I am willing to work with you to live a good life. ”

Li Laohan listened to Cui'er's words, his eyes flashed with tears, and he was moved in his heart, don't mention it. Oh, that's exciting! Old Li Tou'er, the wrinkled old man, was so excited that his voice trembled, and he asked Na Cui'er: "Little girl, are you ...... Are you really willing to marry my old bone? Cui'er's girl, with a determined light in her eyes, nodded, and her voice was loud: "I do!" That's it, under the melon shed, the two of them gave a lifelong event. The two discussed, and as soon as the rain stopped, they went to the village chief to witness and officially became husband and wife.

The rain slowly stopped, and the sky showed a smiling face for the first time in a long time, and the sun was shining down. Cui'er and Lao Li Tou'er held hands, with happy smiles on their faces, as if they had seen the beautiful life in the future. But this marriage is not optimistic about everyone. Some people in the village think that Cui'er is too impulsive, how can she marry an old man and still be a disabled person. But Cui'er didn't care about the gossip, she was convinced that she had made the right choice. Lao Li Touer is also a trustworthy person who has proved himself with his actions. He not only took good care of Cui'er, but also used his skills to help the villagers repair houses and make furniture. His kindness and diligence have won the respect and affection of the villagers.

A 15-year-old woman sheltered from the rain and slept with someone in the melon shed for a night, and the old man said: Be my wife

Time flies, and a few years have passed in the blink of an eye. Cui'er and Lao Li'er's lives are getting sweeter and sweeter. Their story spread in Yunmeng Village and became a beautiful legend. No matter what outsiders say, the days of Cui'er and Lao Li Tou'er are getting more and more prosperous. Although Lao Li Tou'er is old and his legs and feet are not good, his carpenter work is famous far and wide. He helped the villagers to repair houses, build houses, and make furniture, never caring about the remuneration, just for fun. Cui'er is diligent and capable, and keeps the home and outside in order. The two supported each other and lived a good life.

Once, a rich man came to Yunmeng Village, who took a fancy to Lao Li Touer's craftsmanship and wanted to invite him to the house to be a full-time carpenter. The rich man was generous and paid several times more than the people in the village. The people in the village were very envious, and they persuaded Lao Li to agree. But Old Li Tou'er shook his head and politely declined. He said: "I'm old, and I want to be at ease." With Cui'er, it is enough to be able to do something you like every day. When these words reached Cui'er's ears, her heart was sweet and warm. She knew that although Lao Li didn't say it, she had long regarded her as her dearest person in her heart.

The two relied on each other for their lives and lived a dull and happy life. But on this day, there are unforeseen circumstances, and people have good and bad luck. On a sunny afternoon, Lao Li suddenly fell ill. He was lying on the bed, his face pale and his breath faint. Cui'er was so anxious that she sought medical advice everywhere, but Lao Li Tou'er's condition never improved. Just when Cui'er was almost in despair, she remembered the ancient temple at the entrance of the village. Legend has it that there is a miracle doctor who can cure all kinds of incurable diseases. Cui'er, the girl, didn't say much, gritted her teeth, picked up Li Laohan and rushed to the temple. In the temple, she knelt like something, and she was pious in her heart, hoping that the divine doctor would show a spirit to save her sick husband. When it was too late, a small wind blew, and in the incense burner in front of the statue, green smoke rose up, and slowly, it gathered into a shadowy human form. The figure opened his mouth and said: "Cui'er, you are so sincere, I will give you an elixir to ensure that your man will be cured." As soon as the words fell, the green smoke turned into a ray of light, and it swooped into the porcelain bottle in Cui'er's hand.

A 15-year-old woman sheltered from the rain and slept with someone in the melon shed for a night, and the old man said: Be my wife

Cui'er was excited, and hurriedly kowtowed to thank her, and ran home with Li Laohan on her back. After arriving home, she carefully fed the elixir to Li Laohan. It's strange to say, after a while, Li Laohan's face turned red and his breathing became stable. Cui'er was in tears, and she knew in her heart that this was the miracle doctor who had appeared and saved her man. Since then, her belief in the divine doctor is called a deep ah, burning incense in the temple every day to worship God, and thanking the great kindness of the divine doctor.

Li Laohan has recovered from his illness, and he knows how to cherish it, no longer running around, and accompanying Cui'er at home with peace of mind. The two of them farmed together, raised chickens, cooked, and cooked home...... The days are plain, but they are also sweet. Time flies, decades have passed, Cui'er and Li Laohan are white-headed, but the relationship between the two is still as good as it was at the beginning. People in the village said that the two of them were a natural pair, and they were the happiest couple in Yunmeng Village.

One night, Cui'er was lying in bed, looking out the window at the stars, thinking about something. She remembered the time when she met Li Laohan when she was young, and the ups and downs that the two of them walked together. She suddenly said: "Old man, do you think our life is too smooth?" Why aren't there any strong winds and waves? When Li Laohan heard this, he laughed and said, "Cui'er, you are still thinking like a little girl." Although there are no winds and waves in our lives, with you, this love, this love, it is enough. Besides, wouldn't it be nice for us to do this! When Cui'er heard this, her heart was warm, she held Li Laohan's hand tightly and said, "Old man, you are right, you are enough." Being with you in this life is my greatest happiness. ”

A 15-year-old woman sheltered from the rain and slept with someone in the melon shed for a night, and the old man said: Be my wife

The two of them just looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of love. Hand in hand, they walked a long road of life until the last moment of their lives. After their deaths, the villagers built a monument next to the temple to commemorate the loving couple, with their names and deeds engraved on it. Whenever someone passes by, they stop and look at the monument with a lot of emotion.

Time flies, Yunmeng Village has changed, new houses are built one after another, but the monument is still standing so steadily, witnessing the rock-solid love between Cui'er and Li Laohan. Our Gada children love to have fun under the monument, how do they know what story is hidden behind this. But every time I listen to the elders in the village, the little eyes are round and admired. Time flies, decades have passed, and we have a young scholar from Yunmeng Village, Lin Hao. He came from the big city, and he was very curious about the customs of our northeast. After hearing the story of Cui'er and Li Laohan, the itch in my heart had to figure it out.

Lin Hao, this young man, as soon as he arrived in our village, went straight to the old villager's house, wanting to hear more stories about Cui'er and Li Laohan. The old man saw that Lin Hao was quite sincere, so he slowly told him about it. Lin Hao listened to the old man's story, and his heart was so moved that he decided to dig up the story of the couple himself. He walked all over the corners of Yunmeng Village, just to find some clues.

A 15-year-old woman sheltered from the rain and slept with someone in the melon shed for a night, and the old man said: Be my wife

Coincidentally, Lin Hao found a worn-out diary under the melon shed at the entrance of the village. As soon as I opened it, hey, it was full of Cui'er and Li Laohan's daily life, and it was full of love between the lines. Lin Hao looked at this diary, as if he saw the ordinary and warm little life that the two of them lived together, farming and cooking together. Their love is like a melon in a melon field, looking ordinary and eating sweet.

Lin Hao decided to write these stories out and let more people know. He returned to the city and began to write biographies of Cui'er and Li Laohan. He digs deep into their backgrounds, personalities, and the feelings between them, and strives to restore a real and touching story. After several months of hard work, Lin Hao finally finished writing his biography, and named it "Melon Shed Night Talk: The Legendary Love of Cuier and Li Laohan".

As soon as this biography was published, it became popular, and everyone was moved by the story of Cuier and Li Laohan. The folk culture of the Northeast and Yunmeng Village have become hot topics. Lin Hao also became famous, giving speeches everywhere, telling the story of Cui'er and Li Laohan. Every time I gave a speech, there was thunderous applause and tears of emotion. Everyone was touched by their love, and they all said that they should cherish the people around them and pursue true love.

A 15-year-old woman sheltered from the rain and slept with someone in the melon shed for a night, and the old man said: Be my wife

In the dead of night, the lights under the monument are lit up, illuminating the entire melon field as if it were day. People seem to be able to see Cui'er and Li Laohan under the melon shed, you and me, listening to their hearty laughter, it seems to be right in front of them. This love story, like the melons in the melon field, is sweet to the heart and has become an eternal memory in everyone's hearts.