
Wind (divergent wind chill medicine)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Wind (divergent wind chill medicine)

The function of traditional Chinese medicine to prevent wind was first recorded in the "Shennong's Materia Medica". "This Sutra" mainly records its application in dispelling wind, brightening the eyes, and relieving pain, saying: "The main wind, dizziness and pain, evil wind, wind evil blindness and nowhere to see, the wind runs all over the body, the joints are painful and paralyzed, and the annoyance is full." "Famous Doctors" supplements and treats "hypochondriac, coercion and face, limb spasm, and internal spasm of milk sores", which is the origin of the antispasmodic effect of this product. The "Commentary on the Materia Medica" listed it as the first of all medicines "common to all winds", and called it "killing aconite poison". "Rihuazi Materia Medica" said that it treats "red eyes", "anti-tearing and paralysis", "weight", "damage and night sweats", etc., which provides a reference for later generations to dispel wind and clear the channel, win dampness and promote clearing. During the Jin and Yuan dynasties, the understanding of wind protection was deepened. For example, the "Medication Law" said that it was: "to remove the lungs, scatter the stagnant qi in the head, and remove the scorching wind evil", and for the first time, it was proposed that the wind prevention was "the emollient in the wind medicine". "Materia Medica" has added the function of "lifting yang qi, stopping blood and leakage under intestinal wind". "Changsha Medicinal Solution" also added the role of "relieving the heat and poison of aconitum, coriander, and wild mushrooms". The modern Chinese medicine work "Chinese Materia Medica" summarizes the effect of wind prevention as "dispelling wind and relieving the surface, winning dampness and relieving pain, relieving spasmodics, relieving itching", and the main treatment is "external wind and cold, headache and body pain, rheumatism and paralysis pain, joint soreness, abdominal pain and diarrhea, intestinal wind and blood, tetanus, rubella itching, and the beginning of sores".

Wind (divergent wind chill medicine)
Wind is a natural phenomenon; Wind prevention is the need for disease prevention and disaster prevention. The wind, there is good and evil. Normal wind, generally not pathogenic. Abnormal wind, which can cause disease when it invades the human body, becomes what Chinese medicine calls "wind evil". There are many cases of wind evil causing diseases, and traditional Chinese medicine says that "wind is the long of all diseases", which can be understood as: many diseases can be caused by wind evil, and many diseases will also be accompanied by the characteristics or manifestations of wind evil. The traditional Chinese medicine for curing diseases is called "fengfeng".
Wind (divergent wind chill medicine)
Since the beginning of the pre-Qin period, this product has been named "windproof". Zhang Zhicong said: "The specialization of the local flavor cures the wind disease around the body." If the cover is thick, the wind can be screened, so it is called windproof". It can be seen that the name of the wind is related to its function. Later, the "Compendium of Materia Medica" contained: "Preventer, royal also." Its power and healing wind are the most important, hence the name". The understanding is basically the same as Zhang Zhicong. According to research, the windproof contained in the Materia Medica in the past dynasties is the genuine windproof currently used, and its aliases include copper rue, huiyun, screen, hundred branches, wind meat, etc.
Wind (divergent wind chill medicine)

Chinese medicine

The traditional Chinese medicine parsnip is the dried root of parsnip of the Apiaceae plant. It is mainly produced in Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Liaoning. In spring and autumn, the roots of the unflowered stems are dug up, the fibrous roots and sediment are removed, and the sun is dried. Cut into thick slices. This product has a peculiar gas and a slightly sweet taste. It is better to cut the skin color of light brown and the wood color yellow. Raw.

The windproof taste of traditional Chinese medicine is spicy, sweet, and slightly warm. Return to the bladder, liver, and spleen meridians. It has the effect of dispelling wind and relieving the surface, winning dampness and relieving pain, and relieving spasms.

Note: The medicinal properties of this product are too warm, and those with yin and blood deficiency and heat and wind should not be used. There have been clinical reports of allergic reactions after taking this product, which can be manifested as epigastric discomfort, nausea, skin itching, burning, upset, etc. Those who are allergic to this product should not use it.

Wind (divergent wind chill medicine)
"Shennong's Materia Medica": "Windproof, sweet, warm, non-toxic." The main wind, dizziness, evil wind, wind evil blindness and nowhere to see, the wind around the body joints pain and paralysis, full of annoyance. Wear for a long time and be lightweight. A bronze rue. Ikukawa Sawa. ”

"Materia Medica"

Jie Guyun: The healing wind is universal, and the lungs are like gods. The stagnation of the head of the scattered leader, in addition to the scorching wind evil. It is also used to remove dampness, and wind energy is better than dampness. Mistakenly ingesting a person on the scorching vitality. "Treating Secrets" cloud: sweet taste, pure yang, the original medicine of the sun meridian of hands and feet. Youyun: windproof, sweet, spicy, warm and dispersed in the meridians to retain moisture.

Dongyuan Cloud: Windproof, pungent and warm, the smell is thin, floating and rising, and the sun is also. Where the sores are on the chest and diaphragm, even if there is no sun sign of the hands and feet, they should also be used, so that they can disperse the knots and go to the upper wind. The patient is in a state of urgency, and the wind is also. Those who see this testimony must also use it. If the spine pain is strong, it cannot be reviewed, the waist seems to be broken, and the neck is like a pull, it is a sign of the sun of the hands and feet, and it is justified to use it. Youyun: Wind protection can make astragalus, and astragalus can be windproof, the greater its work. Youyun: Preventing wind and curing the pain of the whole body is the lowly duty of the soldiers, obeying orders, and following the lead, it is also the adjustment in the wind medicine. Although it is controlled with astragalus, it is a messenger who fears each other. Youyun: The windproof body has gone to the human body and half has gone to the wind evil, and the tip has gone to the human body and half has been downwind evil. Ruling over the winds.

Danxiyun: The mouth of a person leads to the earth, the nose leads to the sky, the mouth is used to nourish yin, and the nose is used to nourish yang. God is pure, so the nose is not visible but invisible to many; The landlord is turbid, so the mouth is visible and intangible. The former queen mother was ill and couldn't speak, and her pulse was heavy, and her matter was urgent. If you use tangible decoction, it is not urgent, but to make a few astragalus decoctions of parsnip, and put them under the bed, the gas is like smoke, so that the mouth and nose are affected, and the night will be spoken. Medicinal fumigation, its effect is so. Those who are good at healing should take the law.

Wind (divergent wind chill medicine)

"Honzo Chonggen"

The wind begins to come out of Shayuan, Chuanze and Handan, Langya, and Shangcai, all of which belong to the land of Zhongzhou. At the beginning of spring, the buds are tender, reddish-purple, the stems and leaves are green in March, the fine white flowers bloom in May, the fruit is black in June, and the roots are picked in September and October, and the color is yellow and empty.

Windbreak stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, both five colors, its taste is sweet, its quality is yellow, its smell is fragrant, the specialization of the soil transport, and the wind certificate of the body. If the cover is thick, the wind can be screened, so it is called windproof. If the wind is lewd on the head, the wind will be dizzy. Whoever affirms a strong wind is the evil wind of the evil wind, and he is dizzy, and he will be blind and blind, and the wind can cure it. In addition, the wind evil acts all over the body, and even the joints are painful, and the wind can also cure it. If you wear it for a long time, it will be rustic, so it will be lightweight.

The king of the Yuan people said: Sickness, headache, limb pain, and pain all over the body, can not be eliminated if it is not Qiang, but it is the lord of the righteous medicine. Li Dongyuan said: Preventing wind and treating all the pain in the body, and it is the duty of the disabled to be incurred.

Foolish press: "Shennong" is the king of the above products, Qiang Huo and windproof are all listed on the top grades, and they are all scattered to cure diseases, why is there a difference between the high and the low. Later generations invented medicinal properties, and there are many such fallacious theories, although it is said that there is nothing to do with the law, scholars follow it and believe it, how can bad habits be washed away!

Wind (divergent wind chill medicine)

Nepeta and parsnip

Nepeta and parsnip are both slightly warm, warm but not dry, long in the release of scattered wind, for external sensory manifestations, whether it is wind chill cold, cold fever, headache without sweat, or wind heat cold, fever, slight wind chill, headache, sore throat, etc., both can be used. At the same time, both can also be used for rubella itching. However, the quality of nepeta is light and transparent, and the sweating power is stronger than that of windproof, and it is often used for wind chill and wind-heat cold; It can also penetrate rashes and eliminate sores. The windbreak is loose and moist, the power of dispelling wind is strong, it is the "emollient of wind medicine" and "the general medicine for wind treatment", and can win dampness, pain relief, spasmodic, and can be used for external rheumatism, headache such as wrapping, heavy limb pain and other syndromes.

Modern pharmacology

Traditional Chinese medicine parsnip mainly contains chromogenic ketone components: parsnip chromoketol, 5-O-methyl vis-amitoside, cimicifusin, cimicifusin; Coumarin ingredients: citrus. It also contains acidic polysaccharides, volatile oils, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine parsnip has antipyretic, analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic effects. It has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus A and B, pneumococcus and fungi. Fengfeng polysaccharides can significantly inhibit tumor growth and improve the body's immunity. Parsnip n-butanol extract can inhibit the function of coagulation factors, platelets and capillaries, and has obvious anticoagulant effect.

Time: 2024
Wind (divergent wind chill medicine)

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