
Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

author:Kusunoki University Hall
Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

In September 2020, Derpy, once known as the "Chinese Koi", was caught in a shocking storm. Her "one-dollar transfer" campaign with a program team sparked controversy and was suspected of fraud.

What followed was a three-month ban on social accounts, and the once dazzling aura of Internet celebrities instantly dimmed.

Yet just two years ago, she was the one lucky one to be the envy of millions, winning an astonishing jackpot worth $100 million overnight. The gears of fate always turn unexpectedly, pushing this ordinary girl to the top of the wave of influencers, and ruthlessly pushing her into the trough.

Let's retrace this journey of ups and downs and explore how an ordinary person experienced the ups and downs of the influencer world and finally faced the dilemma of a collapse of trust. Derpy's story may reveal the prosperity and worries of the influencer economy, as well as the real price behind it.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

In September 2018, an opportunity to change his fate quietly befell Derpy. Alibaba launched a huge "Koi Hunt" campaign, with prizes worth up to 100 million yuan that have fascinated countless netizens.

At that time, Derpy Xin was just an ordinary worker in the IT industry, and he only participated in this event with the mentality of trying it out.

However, the god of fate favored her. October 2018 was an ordinary day that marked a watershed moment in Derpy's life. She became the lucky one in a million and won the reputation of "Chinese Koi" in one fell swoop.

The news was like a bombshell that caused an unprecedented sensation on social media. In just a few days, the number of retweets of related content exceeded 3 million, and the exposure was as high as a staggering 1 billion.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

Derpy's life changes dramatically overnight. Her social media following count has skyrocketed from a handful to 1 million in just one month.

This growth rate is beyond the reach of even professional influencer incubators. People followed her and retweeted her news, as if they could share her good fortune.

The title of "Koi Queen" followed, and Derpy became the new darling of the online world.

Faced with the sudden fame, Derpy is both excited and apprehensive. She happily wrote on social media: "Am I not going to have to devote myself to tedious work for the rest of my life? This sentence expressed the hearts of many people, and also made more people look at her with envy.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

For a time, Derpy became the "lucky representative" in the hearts of countless people, as if her existence was the embodiment of good luck.

However, under the joy of fame, Derpy also felt a trace of unease in his heart. She couldn't help but wonder, how long would this luck last? Do you have what it takes to ride sudden fame? These questions were swirling in her mind, but they were put aside for the time being by the upcoming journey of redeeming the prize.

Facing the cameras of the media, Derpy's eyes contain both longing for the future and apprehension about the unknown. She knew that her life was about to take a huge turn, but she didn't know where it would take her.

With mixed feelings, Derpy begins her "Koi Journey" and embarks on a path full of unknowns.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

The encounter of this ordinary girl has become a microcosm of that era, reflecting the coexistence of opportunities and challenges in the Internet era. Derpy's story begins with a story of fame, wealth, challenges and growth.

With a vision for a better future, Derpy resigned from his stable IT job to devote himself to the journey of redeeming prizes. However, she soon discovers that this seemingly glamorous path is far more difficult than she imagined, full of unexpected challenges and pressures.

First and foremost is the sense of urgency of time. All prizes must be redeemed within a year, which means Derpy has to travel around the world non-stop.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for an ordinary girl who has never left the country. Long-haul flights became her daily routine, while airplane phobia became her nightmare.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

Every time she took off, she had to endure her fear, clench the armrests of her seat, and silently pray for a safe landing.

The exhaustion of the journey and the jet lag left Derpy physically and mentally exhausted. In a heartfelt interview, she tearfully revealed that she could only sleep two or three hours a day.

Her face was full of exhaustion, and her eyes revealed helplessness for this life. "I've been to the hospital more often than I've done in more than two decades combined," she said with a wry smile, her tone filled with health concerns.

Even more unexpected, however, is the ensuing economic pressure. Despite receiving a prize worth 100 million yuan, the actual expenses in the redemption process stretched Derpy's shoulders.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

She admitted that she spent as much as 200,000 yuan in real-time spending, and even her credit card limit was about to run out. This seemingly contradictory situation has sparked questions and speculation among netizens.

Some people began to scrutinize the authenticity of the prizes, pointing out that some of them only offered overnight accommodation and even cost extra. The voices of skepticism gradually increased, and some netizens bluntly said that this lottery may be just a gimmick to attract attention and gain traffic.

Faced with these doubts, Derpy feels both aggrieved and helpless. She asked expectantly, "Will I have to worry about making ends meet for the rest of my life?" However, reality gave her a heavy slap in the face.

She began to realize that being the "Koi Queen" did not mean that she would rest easy, but that it would bring more unexpected challenges and pressures.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

In the process of claiming the prize, Derpy has to face another harsh reality: the ephemeral nature of Fame. At first, every one of her posts sparked buzz, and her travel videos got a decent amount of views.

However, as time went on, people's enthusiasm gradually cooled. She found herself constantly having to create new content to maintain attention, which put extra pressure on her already exhausted.

In the dead of night, Derpy often reflects on her choices. She began to wonder if it was a wise decision to quit her job and devote herself to claiming her prize. However, having already embarked on this path, she has no choice but to move on.

This experience made Derpy deeply realize that the reality behind the aura of Internet celebrities is far more cruel than imagined. She is no longer the mere lucky one, but an ordinary person who has to face fame, pressure, doubt, and self-doubt.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

Although this process was difficult, it also allowed her to grow up gradually, laying the groundwork for a turning point in the future.

September 8, 2020 was a turning point in Derpy's fate. She teamed up with a well-known program team to launch a one-dollar transfer campaign called "Chinese Koi".

As soon as this event was released, it immediately became a sensation on the web, attracting a staggering 5. 400 million views.

Less than 48 hours later, the storm struck. Some netizens began to question the problem with the qualification certification of the show, and the news was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, instantly stirring up a thousand waves.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

Derpy suddenly fell into the whirlpool of public opinion and became the target of public criticism.

Aware of the seriousness of the situation, Derpy quickly issued a sincere public apology on his social media on September 9. She acknowledges that she has not been able to rigorously vet the qualifications of her partners, for which she apologizes.

However, instead of quelling the controversy, the apology has attracted more questions and accusations.

Netizens have asked: As a public figure, why didn't you carefully verify the other party's qualifications before the event? Why is it so hasty to introduce a problematic campaign? Skeptics come and go, and Derpy is confused and frustrated.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

In the end, the platform made a severe penalty decision: Derpy's social media account was locked and suspended for up to three months. For an influencer who makes a living from social media, this is tantamount to taking a salary from the bottom of the kettle.

Her career and livelihood have been hit hard.

Derpy sat in front of the computer, looking at the banned account, with mixed feelings. She couldn't help but think back to her lucky self two years ago, and never expected that her fate would take such a dramatic turn.

Her eyes were filled with tears, and she didn't know whether it was nostalgia for the past or confusion about the future.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

This turmoil not only caused Derpy to lose her valuable social platform, but more importantly, she lost the trust of the public. The heavy label of "fraud" is like a big mountain, pressing on her shoulders.

She realized that it would be an incredibly difficult road to rebuild trust and rebuild her image.

This incident became a watershed moment in Derpy's Internet celebrity career. It not only exposes her lack of experience in handling public affairs, but also reflects the potential risks and challenges in the influencer economy.

Derpy's story has become an entry point for many people to reflect on influencer culture and the Internet economy, triggering a broader social discussion.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

After experiencing the heavy blow of the "fraud" storm, Derpy did not choose to back down. She knows that in this rapidly changing online world, you can either adapt or be eliminated.

With hope for the future and reflection on the past, she began her own path of transformation.

First of all, Derpy opened a new account on the short video platform. Her first video unexpectedly garnered millions of views, which gave her a glimmer of hope and confidence.

However, the frustration and anxiety revealed in the video also attracted the dissatisfaction of some netizens. Some people questioned that she was about to start live streaming, thinking that this was a "miserable" marketing method.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

Faced with doubts, Derpy chooses to respond with actions. She did start an attempt to bring goods in live streaming, but the effect was not as expected. Compared to those experienced anchors, she looks jerky and nervous in front of the camera.

During the live broadcast, Derpy often speaks incoherently, and even has an embarrassing scene of forgetting words. There was uneasiness and anxiety in her eyes, and it was clear that she hadn't fully adapted to her new role.

In the live broadcast room, fans who are familiar with her occasionally send greetings, but more of them are questions and ridicule of her product introduction. Derpy bit her lip, held back tears, and insisted on her live broadcast.

She knew it wasn't going to be easy, but she had no choice.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

While seeking transformation, Derpy did not give up on improving himself. She revealed that she has obtained her teaching certificate and hopes to open up a new career path.

The decision came as a surprise to many, but others praised her efforts.

However, Derpy knows in his heart that neither live streaming nor becoming a teacher can compare with the scenery of the "Koi Queen" back then. In the dead of night, she would think of those dizzying days, those lavish prizes, and the fans who flocked to her.

But reality tells her that yesterday's glory is gone, and she must keep her feet on the ground and start over one step at a time.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

During an emotionally uncontrollable livestream, Derpy reveals her anxiety about approaching the age of 30 and achieving nothing. Although this revelation of true feelings aroused some sympathy, it also made more people question whether she is really suitable to continue on the road of Internet celebrity.

On the road of transformation, Derpy is sometimes confused, sometimes firm. She knows it's a long marathon, not a short sprint. She looks forward to the day when she can regain the recognition and respect of the public with a new identity.

Derpy's story has become a microcosm of many ordinary people in the wave of the Internet celebrity economy, showing the uncertainty and cruel reality behind fame.

Derpy's story is like a mirror, reflecting the prosperity and hidden worries of the Internet celebrity economy. It tells us that sudden popularity can certainly bring opportunities, but it also comes with great challenges and risks.

Koi Queen Derpy: Why did she fall into "fraud" now when she won 100 million yuan?

The gap between the public's expectations and the individual's abilities often becomes an insurmountable gap for influencers.

This case sheds light on the instability of the influencer economy and the need for personal transformation. In this rapidly changing era, only by constantly learning, adapting and growing can we gain a firm foothold in the fierce competition.

For everyone who is chasing the dream of being an Internet celebrity, Derpy's experience is undoubtedly a case worth pondering. It reminds us to stay awake and cultivate sustained competitiveness in the pursuit of fame as well as to prepare for the "darkest hour" that may come.

At the same time, it also reflects the changing attitudes of society towards influencers, from seeking to questioning, reflecting the public's complex perception of this emerging industry.

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