
It is imperative to immediately halt the promotion of genetically modified foods

author:CEO of China Construction Engineering Group

Ancient Food Improvement

Human beings have been improving food since ancient times. As early as around 8,000 BC, the rise of agricultural civilization marked the beginning of the conscious selection and cultivation of crops. For example, ancient Chinese farmers improved rice yield and disease resistance by choosing to grow high-quality rice; At the same time, the ancient Egyptians ensured their food supply by choosing to cultivate high-yielding wheat. These early food improvements relied mainly on traditional selective breeding methods, which were inefficient but relatively safe and reliable.

It is imperative to immediately halt the promotion of genetically modified foods

Modern Food Improvement

In the 19th century, Mendel's genetics laid the foundation for modern breeding techniques. With the development of genetics, scientists have begun to breed more excellent varieties through methods such as cross breeding and mutagenesis breeding. For example, in the early 20th century, Yuan Longping's research on hybrid rice made a breakthrough, which led to a significant increase in rice production in China and solved the food problem of hundreds of millions of people. However, these methods still follow the laws of natural heredity, and the impact on the environment and human health is relatively controllable.

It is imperative to immediately halt the promotion of genetically modified foods

The rise of genetically modified foods

In the 90s of the 20th century, genetically modified technology developed rapidly and began to be applied to agriculture. Genetically modified foods are genetically engineered to introduce exogenous genes into crops to obtain certain specific traits. For example, insect-resistant cotton and herbicide-resistant soybeans are typical genetically modified crops. In the early stage of popularization, these genetically modified crops have indeed brought significant economic benefits and improved agricultural production efficiency. However, as time goes by, the safety issues of genetically modified foods are gradually exposed.

It is imperative to immediately halt the promotion of genetically modified foods

Safety and environmental impact

First of all, the safety of genetically modified foods has not been fully verified. While some studies have shown that genetically modified foods are harmless to humans, the potential risks of long-term consumption have not yet been fully revealed. Secondly, the cultivation of genetically modified crops has a non-negligible impact on the environment. For example, insect-resistant crops may lead to increased pest resistance, which in turn can disrupt the ecological balance; Herbicide-resistant crops can cause superweeds, increase pesticide use, and pollute soil and water sources.

It is imperative to immediately halt the promotion of genetically modified foods

Ethical and social issues

In addition, genetically modified foods involve complex ethical and social issues. The intellectual property rights of GM technology are mainly in the hands of a small number of multinational corporations, which control the seed market through patents, leading to increased dependence on farmers and undermining agricultural autonomy. At the same time, in the process of promoting genetically modified foods, the public's right to know and the right to choose are often ignored, and there is a lack of transparency, which is easy to cause social conflicts.

It is imperative to immediately halt the promotion of genetically modified foods

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