
Tsinghua Professor Liu Guanzhong: Where have drones, unmanned vehicles, and people gone? What do you want people for?

author:CEO of China Construction Engineering Group

"Where did the people go?" Tsinghua professor Liu Guanzhong's words made the whole society boil in an instant. The development of unmanned technologies such as drones, unmanned drivers, unmanned stores, unmanned hotels, and unmanned banks makes us think about what the development of science and technology is for. Does it really want to leave people behind?


In fact, this is not the first time such concerns have arisen. Historically, whenever a new technology has arrived, there have always been people who question whether the role of humanity will be replaced as a result. Back in the 18th century, the steam engine of the First Industrial Revolution caused a similar controversy. At that time, textile workers feared that mechanized textile opportunities would cost them their jobs, and even the "Luddite Movement" broke out, with textile workers destroying machines in protest. However, it turns out that instead of making workers unemployed, machines have created more jobs and promoted social progress.

Tsinghua Professor Liu Guanzhong: Where have drones, unmanned vehicles, and people gone? What do you want people for?
Tsinghua Professor Liu Guanzhong: Where have drones, unmanned vehicles, and people gone? What do you want people for?

"Lurdes Movement"

At the beginning of the 20th century, the widespread use of electricity once again caused panic. Craftsmen and coal miners at the time feared that electricity would make their jobs unimportant. However, electricity has not made these professions disappear, but has instead promoted the emergence of new industries and jobs, such as electricians, power engineers, etc., which have brought new vitality to society.

Tsinghua Professor Liu Guanzhong: Where have drones, unmanned vehicles, and people gone? What do you want people for?

In the 80s of the 20th century, the birth of computers once again made people worried. Will computers replace a large amount of manual labor, leading to mass unemployment? Over time, we've seen that computers have not only increased productivity, but have also given rise to countless new professions, such as software engineers, data analysts, and cybersecurity specialists.

Tsinghua Professor Liu Guanzhong: Where have drones, unmanned vehicles, and people gone? What do you want people for?

In the 21st century, the popularity of the Internet and smartphones has changed the way we live. Many people worry that the Internet will make traditional industries unsustainable. However, we have seen the vigorous development of the Internet economy, with emerging industries such as e-commerce, social media, and new media injecting new impetus into the global economy.

Tsinghua Professor Liu Guanzhong: Where have drones, unmanned vehicles, and people gone? What do you want people for?
Tsinghua Professor Liu Guanzhong: Where have drones, unmanned vehicles, and people gone? What do you want people for?

Now, in the face of the rise of unmanned technology, concerns have resurfaced. However, history tells us that every technological revolution is not to replace human beings in the end, but to make human life more convenient and efficient. Driverless cars can reduce traffic accidents, unmanned stores can improve shopping efficiency, drones can complete tasks in dangerous environments, and these technological advances are ultimately aimed at serving humans.


Liu's question is a wake-up call that reminds us that people are always at the heart of technology. In the future, we should make technology work for us, not let us be enslaved by technology. The development of science and technology should not make us lose our direction, but let us go further, more stable and more meaningful in the journey of life.

Tsinghua Professor Liu Guanzhong: Where have drones, unmanned vehicles, and people gone? What do you want people for?

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