
Guta Town, Yuyang District: Celebrate July 1st, learn party discipline, strengthen party spirit, and practice the original intention

author:Shaanxi era

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the great spirit of party building, carry forward the party's fine traditions, and continuously improve the sense of responsibility and mission of the majority of party members to contribute to the party and the people, Wanggangpan Village, Guta Town, Yuyang District, carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st, Learning Party Discipline, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Practicing the Original Heart", encouraging all party members to work hard and move forward bravely on the new journey.

Guta Town, Yuyang District: Celebrate July 1st, learn party discipline, strengthen party spirit, and practice the original intention

Knowledge, respect, discipline, and special party courses.

On June 29, Zhao Zhiqiang, secretary of the Party branch of Wanggangpan Village, gave a profound, specific and thought-provoking special party lesson to all party members with the theme of "establishing a strong sense of discipline and strengthening the responsibility of party members", requiring all party members and cadres to further strengthen their sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, enhance political determination, shoulder responsibility, and effectively do practical things for the people and solve problems. He stressed that studying party discipline is a lifelong compulsory course for every party member and cadre. We must take the party's discipline as a mirror, constantly check against each other, enhance our political consciousness, and build a solid foundation of faith. We must be able to adhere to the party's discipline and rules at all times and under all circumstances, and always have the party, the people, responsibility, and caution in our hearts.

Guta Town, Yuyang District: Celebrate July 1st, learn party discipline, strengthen party spirit, and practice the original intention

After the meeting, Chang Miao, a member of the propaganda committee of Guta Town, awarded Comrade Li Shizhao a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", she said that she should actively learn from the old party members, continue to inherit the fine style and quality of the old party members, and practice the solemn commitment of "loyalty to the party and live up to the people" with practical actions, actively participate in various work, and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

Guta Town, Yuyang District: Celebrate July 1st, learn party discipline, strengthen party spirit, and practice the original intention

Visit the site of the revolution and inherit the red gene.

On June 30, Wanggangpan Village organized all party members to visit the Luyao Memorial Hall, Life Film and Television City, the birthplace of "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" - the Northern Scenic Spot, and the former site of the Haojiaqiao Revolution. Every old site and every photo silently tells the magnificent history of the Communist Party of China over the past century, and witnesses the glorious course of the Communist Party of China leading the people to carry out arduous struggles. Through this on-the-spot learning and education method, all party members have a more accurate understanding of the advanced nature of the Communist Party of China. Everyone said that as a party member, in the future work and life, keep in mind the original mission, draw on the strength of endeavor, carry forward the red spirit, and transform it into the source of thought and action, and make more contributions in the vivid practice of taking on a new mission and escorting a new journey.

Guta Town, Yuyang District: Celebrate July 1st, learn party discipline, strengthen party spirit, and practice the original intention

Review the oath of joining the party and always keep the original mission.

At the former site of the Haojiaqiao Revolution, Wang Yanchuan, deputy secretary of the party branch of Wanggangpan Village, led all party members to review the oath of joining the party. All party members lined up neatly, facing the party flag, raised their right fists, solemnly swore an oath, sonorous and powerful, fully demonstrating the infinite loyalty of all party members to the party. By revisiting the solemn commitment and firm belief when joining the party, the party members further strengthened the party spirit and clarified their responsibilities. Everyone said that in the future, they will always strictly demand themselves with the high standards of party members, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role, continue the party's fine tradition and style, and devote themselves to the development and construction of Wanggangpan Village with more enthusiasm, firmer belief and more pragmatic style. (Contributed by: Guta Town, Yuyang District)

Editor-in-charge: Liu Pengtao

Editor: Liu Xin