
"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

author:Zhuxi Literature
"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

In 2017, the business community was shocked to witness a jaw-dropping scene. Wang Jing, once known as the "Canal Maniac", his elaborate business empire collapsed like a house of cards.

Xinwei Group, a giant with a market value of nearly $200 billion, suddenly fell into the quagmire of huge losses. What's even more worrying is that a bank loan of up to 28 billion seems to have evaporated from the world without a trace.

While investors and the media were still trying to make sense of the suddenness of the disaster, an even more troubling news came: Wang Jing, the once-dominant business wizard, had disappeared.

He quietly disappeared from public view, leaving behind a mess and countless questions.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

The man who once fashioned himself as a business legend weaves a dazzling business myth with flowery lies. However, when the truth was revealed, the myth collapsed.

Wang Jing's story has become a modern fable of greed, deception, and eventual collapse.

Now, people can't help but ask: Where did Wang Jing, a former business star, go? What kind of warning does his actions leave us?

Wang Jing's story begins in the ordinary, but becomes remarkable for its extraordinary ambition. Coming from an ordinary family, he has had a strong desire for wealth and success since he was a child.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

This desire drove him to embark on the path of entrepreneurship at a young age, but the reality was not his wish.

The early entrepreneurial career was full of setbacks and failures. Wang Jing has successively set foot in many fields such as health product sales and financial investment, but each time it has ended in failure. These setbacks may be a reason for many to give up, but for Wang Jing, they have become the motivation to keep going.

Each failure strengthened his determination to make a difference in the business world.

In 2010, the opportunity finally came. Wang Jing keenly discovered a company that was in trouble - Xinwei. Although the company faced various difficulties, Wang Jing saw the potential.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

He resolutely acquired Xinwei and ascended to the throne of chairman. The decision marked a major turning point in his business career.

After taking over Xinwei, Wang Jing knew that in order to gain a firm foothold in the business world, he needed to achieve remarkable achievements. So, he began to weave one amazing business plan after another.

First of all, he announced a high-profile cooperation with Tsinghua University, which plans to launch 32 communications satellites in the next six years, covering 95% of the world's regions. The ambitious plan immediately attracted a lot of attention and catapulted Xinwei to a hot topic in the tech world.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Jing threw out another bombshell news: he claimed to have obtained a 3 billion satellite launch order from Cambodia. The news caused a sensation in the industry, and the reputation and stock price of Xinwei have been significantly improved.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

Wang Jing's every move was carefully calculated. He knows a thing or two about media hype and taps into the public's enthusiasm for high-tech and international projects. In public, he always talks eloquently, with a glint of confidence and ambition in his eyes, as if he is confident.

However, what kind of truth is hidden behind these glamorous appearances? Where will Wang Jing's ambitions lead him? Can these dizzying business plans really be realized? Over time, the answer slowly emerged.

Wang's ambitions don't stop at the satellite project. In 2013, he threw out an even more astonishing plan, one on a scale large enough to change the world map.

Wang Jing announced that Xinwei will participate in the construction of the Nicaragua Canal, with an investment of up to 330 billion yuan. The news was like a bombshell that caused a sensation around the world.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

In the face of media doubts, Wang Jing always has a confident smile on his face, and his eyes flashed with determination. He claimed that the project had been approved by the Nicaraguan president and vowed that the canal, once completed, would revolutionize international shipping.

He painted a grand picture: the new canal would become a serious competitor to the Panama Canal, opening new routes for global trade.

The media began to refer to Mr. Wang as the "Canal Maniac," a moniker that reflected both admiration for his bold ideas and a hint of skepticism about the feasibility of his plans.

However, in the public opinion environment at the time, this skepticism was quickly drowned out by the frenzied praise. People seem to see a new era of Zheng He, ready to embark on a voyage that will change the world.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

As one dazzling plan after another was thrown out, Xinwei's stock price began to soar like a rocket. By 2015, the company's market value was close to $200 billion, and Wang Jing also became one of the world's richest people.

He has become a rising star in the Chinese business world, and he has been invited to various business forums and high-end dinners.

On these occasions, Wang Jing always wears a suit and leather shoes and behaves elegantly. He talks eloquently, with confidence and charm in his conversation. Whether it's talking about satellite technology or canal construction, he is able to gush on and on and on, making it feel like he knows everything about every field.

People are fascinated by the grand blueprint he painted, as if they saw the rise of a business empire that was about to change the world.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

However, beneath this glorious façade, a shocking truth is slowly emerging. Those jaw-dropping overseas projects have not made substantial progress for a long time.

The construction of the Nicaragua Canal shows no sign of any substantial commencement, and the launch of the 32 satellites remains on paper.

Still, Wang Jing doesn't seem worried. He continues to announce new plans in public, such as claiming to invest $7.5 billion in the 5G market. Every time he appears, he looks confident, as if everything is under control.

However, attentive observers began to notice some unusual signs. There was no specific timeline for the implementation of those ambitious plans, and the company's actual business revenues were far from keeping pace with the growth of its market capitalization.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

What is the foundation of Wang Jing's carefully constructed business empire? How many of those jaw-dropping overseas projects are real? Over time, the answers to these questions have emerged, and they are more surprising than anyone could have imagined.

As time passed, Wang Jing's manipulation methods gradually surfaced. His success was not based on real business achievements, but on an elaborate scam.

At the heart of this scam is the creation of a false picture of prosperity by exploiting people's enthusiasm for high-tech and big-scale international projects.

Wang Jing is well versed in the operation of the media. He is adept at using various channels to hype up fake overseas projects, creating the illusion that the company's business is thriving. Whenever a new project is announced, he always has a confident smile on his face and a sly glint in his eyes.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

His words are always full of enthusiasm and longing, as if these projects are about to be implemented. However, most of these projects only exist in PowerPoint presentations and press conferences, but they are hard to find in reality.

In order to increase his credibility, Wang Jing even did not hesitate to woo some executives of central enterprises as "mystery investors". These people made a big splash in front of the media, portraying the project's prospects as if they were fairytale-like.

They claim that the project has already received a huge investment and is about to start implementation. Wang Jing stood aside, with a humble and proud smile on his face, as if everything was under control.

This method has created an illusion to the outside world: Xinwei's project is favored by capital and the future is full of hope.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

These methods have created an illusion to the outside world: Xinwei's project is favored by capital and the future is full of hope. Investors and banks were deceived by this illusion and poured huge sums of money into Xinwei.

On the stock market, Xinwei's share price continued to climb, and its market value once approached $200 billion.

However, after obtaining financing, Wang Jing's behavior was shocking. He invests only a small part of it in the actual business, and most of the money is transferred by him to private accounts.

He began to live a life of luxury, buying luxury villas, yachts, and other luxuries. In private, Wang Jing looked relaxed and proud, as if everything was under control.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

What is even more troubling is that Wang Jing used these fake projects to successfully defraud the government and financial institutions of up to tens of billions of yuan in loan support. Every time he successfully obtained a loan, his eyes flashed with success, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if he was secretly rejoicing in his "ingenuity".

The scale and ingenuity of this scam are staggering. Wang Jing uses people's visions of high-tech and international projects to skillfully weave a compelling story.

He used media hype, executive platforms, fake orders, and other means to create a false picture of prosperity. This spectacle has not only confused ordinary investors, but also governments and financial institutions.

However, any empire built on lies cannot last long. Over time, people began to notice some anomalies. Those ambitious overseas projects have not made substantial progress, and the company's actual performance is far from supporting its high stock price.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

Still, Wang Jing seems to be at a loss for words. He continues to roll out new plans, such as claiming to invest $7.5 billion in the 5G market. However, at this time, Xinwei was already heavily indebted and simply could not afford to support such a huge investment.

How long can this orchestrated scam last? What will happen when the truth is revealed? As the doubts grew louder, cracks began to appear in the web of lies that Wang Jing had carefully weaved.

An earth-shattering collapse is coming.

In 2017, Xinwei Group's financial situation suddenly deteriorated, and it fell into a serious loss overnight. Cracks began to appear in Wang's carefully constructed business empire. Under pressure, he tried to buy the equity of the Ukrainian aero-engine company for 20 billion yuan, in a vain attempt to recover the decline.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

However, the deal ultimately failed to materialize and became the straw that broke the camel's back.

As the truth gradually emerged, Xinwei's stock price plummeted like a kite with a broken string. Investors who once flocked to it suffered huge losses, and many even went bankrupt as a result.

Those who once worshipped Wang Jing are now full of anger and disappointment.

What's even more shocking is that just as the storm was coming, Wang Jing suddenly disappeared without a trace. His office was empty, and his luxury villa was empty. The once high-spirited and confident "business wizard" is now a suspect at large.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

The sudden collapse shocked the entire business community. People began to reflect: how to avoid falling into such a trap again? And how can regulators guard against similar financial scams?

Wang's case is a wake-up call to the world: we need to be wary of business myths built on rhetoric and false promises. This monstrous scam is a wake-up call that entrepreneurs should be successful based on tangible contributions, not on false propaganda and financial gimmicks for personal gain.

In stark contrast to Wang Jing are real entrepreneurs like Zhang Jian, the Rong brothers, and Huo Yingdong. They are down-to-earth, put the interests of the country first, and have made substantial contributions to society.

Zhang Jian founded a school and set up an industry; The Rong brothers built bridges and schools in their hometown; Fok Ying-tung gave generously when the country was in crisis. The stories of these entrepreneurs tell us that real success should be good for society, not a short-lived glory achieved by deception and speculation.

"Canal Maniac" Wang Jing: I deceived for a while, but I can't fool for a lifetime, how is he now?

We look forward to seeing more entrepreneurs like them, who are based on industry, operate with integrity, and closely integrate personal interests with national development. Only in this way can we truly promote economic development, benefit society, and achieve sustainable long-term prosperity.

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