
Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

author:Leave no trace in the Hall of Knowledge
Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality
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Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

In 2008, comedy master Zhao Benshan prepared a jaw-dropping wedding for his eldest daughter Zhao Yufang. This once unknown rural guy has now invested 3 million yuan in a wave of his hand.

Luxury residences, high-end cars, and a luxurious and grand wedding celebration all show Zhao Benshan's love for his daughter.

But what is the story behind this amazing gift? Is it pure fatherly love, or is it a long-hidden guilt? When Zhao Benshan looked at his daughter's happy smiling face, there were ripples in his heart.

The past came like a tide, the hardships of the first marriage, the regret of the deceased eldest son, and the silent contribution of the ex-wife, scenes flashed in my mind.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

This wedding seems to have become Zhao Benshan's redemption of the past.

In 1957, in an ordinary peasant family in Tieling, Liaoning, Zhao Benshan fell to the ground. In my childhood memories, my father was bedridden all the year round, and my mother was working hard to make a living.

In this barren land, the young Zhao Benshan never imagined that he would become a well-known comedy superstar in the future.

The twist of fate came on the day he met his blind second uncle. This self-taught veteran artist is proficient in a variety of musical instruments, especially the erhu. The sound of the second uncle's piano can always bring joy to the villagers, and also add a touch of color to Zhao Benshan's childhood.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

Under the influence of his second uncle, Zhao Benshan began to learn music and folk art, which sowed the seeds for his future acting career.

In 1982, the opportunity finally came. Liaoning Province held the first large-scale small-scale rural drama competition, and Zhao Benshan became famous with his blind character Zhang Zhi in "Wrestling the Three Strings".

His superb acting skills and unique sense of humor made the audience laugh and tears, and also made the judges' eyes shine. This success opened the door to the entertainment industry for him, and also brought a ray of hope to this poor family.

However, the joy of fame has not yet fully bloomed, and life has given Zhao Benshan another problem. In this year, his son Zhao Tiedan was born, but joy was quickly replaced by worry.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

Xiao Tie Dan was diagnosed with a variety of diseases such as congenital deafness and achondroplasia. Faced with high medical costs, Zhao Benshan felt unprecedented pressure.

From a child of a poor peasant family to a well-known artist, Zhao Benshan's every step has been arduous and firm. This experience not only honed his will, but also enriched his life experience, accumulating valuable material for him to become a comedy master in the future.

As Zhao Benshan's status in the entertainment industry gradually climbed, his life changed dramatically. In 1987, he collaborated with comedy master Pan Changjiang to perform "The Blind Man Watching the Lantern", which became an instant hit.

This success allowed him to successfully enter the Tieling Civic Art Troupe, which laid a solid foundation for his career development.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

In 1990, Zhao Benshan finally appeared on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala. His unique style of humor and superb acting skills have captivated audiences across the country.

Since then, he has started a brilliant career in the Spring Festival Gala, and in the following 21 years, he has become a frequent guest on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Zhao Benshan's name has gradually become synonymous with Northeast comedy.

However, behind the success, there is the sacrifice of the family. As Zhao Benshan's fame grew, he had to tour frequently and spend less and less time with his family.

At this time, the situation at home is becoming more and more serious.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

Zhao Tiedan's condition has not improved, and the high medical expenses are like a mountain, weighing on the shoulders of this family. In order to treat his son, Zhao Benshan had to work harder.

He devotes almost all of his time and energy to his career, hoping to earn more to pay for his medical bills.

At home, Ge Shuzhen silently bears the burden of taking care of the children and running the house. Not only does she have to take care of her sick son, but she also has to take care of her young daughter, Zhao Yufang.

The pressure of life makes her tired, and whenever Zhao Benshan comes home, she will tell the hardships of life.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

However, with the development of his career, Zhao Benshan's horizons are also constantly broadening. He came into contact with more people and things, including the talented Ma Lijuan. The two know each other because of their common artistic pursuits, and in the long-term cooperation, Zhao Benshan gradually found that he had feelings for Ma Lijuan that went beyond friendship.

The emergence of this kind of emotion made Zhao Benshan fall into a deep contradiction. On the one hand, he felt guilty about Ge Shuzhen, after all, she had been silently supporting herself and taking care of her family; On the other hand, he couldn't resist his feelings for Ma Lijuan, and that kind of tacit understanding of like-minded people made him feel more relaxed and happy than ever.

Zhao Benshan began to stay overnight frequently, and went home less and less often. Although Ge Shuzhen was full of doubts, she chose to remain silent for the sake of family harmony.

However, this silence did not save their marriage.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

As time passed, the rift between Zhao Benshan and Ge Shuzhen grew. They communicate less and less and share less and less of a common language. Zhao Benshan is immersed in the success of his career and the sweetness of his new feelings, while Ge Shuzhen is becoming increasingly emaciated under the burden of his family.

This inner struggle and family crisis eventually led to the breakdown of their marriage. Zhao Benshan stood at the crossroads of his life and faced a difficult choice. His decision is not only about his own happiness, but also deeply affects the future of the whole family.

In May 1991, Zhao Benshan finally made up his mind and confessed his feelings for Ma Lijuan to Ge Shuzhen and filed for divorce. This decision was like a hammer to hit the already suffering family.

Although Ge Shuzhen was sad in her heart, she chose to accept the reality calmly and think about the future of her children.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

In order to alleviate the guilt in his heart, Zhao Benshan left all his property, including 250,000 yuan in savings, a three-bedroom house and a Xiali car, to Ge Shuzhen and the children.

This decision is not only a compensation for the past, but also an expectation for the future.

After the divorce, although Zhao Benshan left the family, he did not completely give up his responsibilities to his ex-wife and children. He still supports financially and tries his best to make amends for his mistakes.

However, fate once again dealt a heavy blow to the family.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

In the winter of 1994, a bad news came, Zhao Tiedan, who was only 12 years old, unfortunately passed away. The news came like a bolt from the blue, plunging everyone into great grief.

Ge Shuzhen almost collapsed, and Zhao Benshan was also deeply hit. They had done so much for this child, but in the end they couldn't keep him. This unfortunate event has made the already rift family relationship even more fragile.

However, life goes on. Ge Shuzhen relied on her strength and perseverance to raise her daughter Zhao Yufang alone. Not only did she have to face the loss of her child, but she also had to overcome the difficulties of life.

In this process, Zhao Yufang gradually grew into a sensible girl and became her mother's support.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

After experiencing this blow, Zhao Benshan also began to reflect on his life. He realized that he had neglected the importance of his family while pursuing career success.

The death of his son made him understand that some losses are irreparable.

Since then, Zhao Benshan has worked hard to repair his relationship with his daughter Zhao Yufang. Although he has a new family, his guilt and love for his eldest daughter have never diminished.

He began to pay more attention to Zhao Yufang's life, participating in her growth as much as possible.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

This difficult period not only sharpened Zhao Benshan's character, but also deeply affected his future life choices. It became the driving force for him to keep moving forward and reflecting, and also laid the groundwork for his future decisions when facing his daughter's marriage.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Zhao Yufang has grown up. In 2008, she met her true son Wang Yang. Wang Yang is an ordinary quality inspector with a monthly income of only 2,000 yuan, but he is honest and hardworking, and these qualities deeply attracted Zhao Yufang.

Faced with his daughter's insistence, Zhao Benshan fell into deep thought. He recalled the family he gave up for his career back then, and remembered Ge Shuzhen's silent dedication over the years.

These past events made him realize that true happiness does not lie in money and status, but in sincere feelings for each other.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

After a fierce inner struggle, Zhao Benshan finally chose to respect his daughter's decision. He not only accepted this family business, but also generously took out 3 million yuan to prepare for his daughter's wedding.

This huge sum of money includes not only a luxury home and a luxury car, but also a grand wedding celebration.

Zhao Benshan's decision surprised many people. Some people think that it is his doting on his daughter, and others think that it is his amending for the past. In any case, this decision shows the change and growth of Zhao Benshan's heart.

Time flies, many years have passed, Zhao Yufang and Wang Yang's married life is happy, far exceeding many people's expectations. They have a son, a harmonious family, and a warm life.

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

Although Wang Yang does not have a prominent family background, he has won the respect of everyone with his diligence and sense of responsibility, including Zhao Benshan, who was once suspicious of him.

The success of this marriage seems to be a resounding slap in the face to Zhao Benshan from reality. It strongly proves that Zhao Yufang's original choice was correct, and also makes Zhao Benshan deeply understand that true happiness does not depend on money and status, but comes from sincere feelings of mutual understanding and joint efforts.

Every time he saw his daughter's happy smile, Zhao Benshan's heart was full of relief. He realized that the 3 million he invested that year was exchanged for the happiness of his daughter's life.

This result is not only a redemption of his past life choices, but also the best interpretation of the life philosophy of "cherishing the people in front of you".

Zhao Benshan, who married 3 million yuan and married his daughter to a poor guy, was unexpectedly slapped by reality

Zhao Benshan learned a valuable lesson from his daughter's marriage, which gave him a new way of thinking and balancing when facing family and career. His story has also become a vivid teaching material for many people to think about the true meaning of marriage and happiness.

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