
Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

author:Ms. Dami.


Parents are the child's day and the child's harbor.

However, there are also some examples of children's resistance, such as a doctor named Wang Yongqiang from Peking University.

And because of his parents' behavior, this Peking University doctor has been to the United States for 28 years and has never returned home once.

Family members are the closest people, but why did this Peking University doctor do this?

In the eyes of the outside world, there is nothing wrong with the parents of this Peking University doctor, they are all to inspire their children to have a better life, but why does this Peking University doctor regard his parents as enemies?

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

Apathetic and unforgiving.

When Wang Yongqiang was a month old, his father changed his name with his second son's surname, and his life was like a clown who followed his parents left and right, as long as someone rewarded him with a few yuan, he immediately took the money and ran over to his father, and his father wanted to reward more in the side households.

His father's monthly salary is only 300 yuan, and his milk powder money takes up half of his father's salary, but his mother still feels that his father does not earn enough, and the children in the school district and the children of prestigious schools need to use money to solve everything.

As a result, the father often earns money alone, and has to support the family and a son who is studying.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

During the period when the father was raising the family alone, the mother took the second son to various relatives and friends for dinner, and would also run the children with the family's hard to remember, and the family was under pressure to ask for money from relatives and friends, and finally this practice failed.

At Wang's school, his homeroom teacher thought he had done very well, so he asked Wang's mother to prepare money to attend the class parent-teacher conference.

And when he heard this, Wang Yongqiang's mother took out a large string of bracelets and said, just take these, and the head teacher's face was ugly and said, "These are not money", and finally his mother prevaricated.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

In Wang Yongqiang's eyes, his father is like a sharp knife, and his mother is like a labyrinth.

It was precisely because their family had the only tricycle with a monthly salary of 4,000 at that time, and his father relied on the tricycle to support Wang Yongqiang's family by himself, so Wang Yongqiang has never been able to get rid of his father's vassal relationship.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

When Wang Yongqiang was about to take the college entrance examination, his mother hugged and cried, and told her son, "Son, don't take the exam again, your mother really can't afford you to study, you see that our family is so poor, I think you should go out to work"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yongwei's heart immediately suffered a heavy blow, and the parents of the students around him who valued Xuanjing's studies more than his mother also laughed at Wang Yongqiang.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

After preparing for the college entrance examination, his mother said to Wang Yongqiang, "With your grades, it will definitely be okay to take a Peking University and Tsinghua University", and Wang Yongqiang also said to his mother after listening, "It is mainly your credit, I can do so well in the exam because of you."

Despite this, the mother still has to choose a university of her choice for her son, which is Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

Greedy to take.

Wang Yongqiang's university is Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, although he majored in pharmacy, but in his spare time at school, Wang Yongqiang will voluntarily sign up for foreign language training, and the speed of English learning is also super fast, and he can also be proficient in three foreign languages.

When he was a student, Wang Yongqiang's independent ability was still very strong, although he was in college, he had already taken care of everything by himself, and he still saved money for his own meals when he went out, instead of eating and drinking outside with the money given by his parents like other classmates.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

After completing his studies, the first thing he does is to go home to see his parents and give his parents his first pot of gold, but in Wang Yongqiang's view, he feels that his parents just raised him to become a talent, and there is no other emotion like other parents who raised him as a child, and home is already a burden and a heavy burden for him.

But in order not to embarrass his parents, he still went back to his hometown.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

In his hometown, his father took out a big fortune that lit up in his eyes and kept saying to Wang Yongqiang, "This is jewelry for you to find a girlfriend, in fact, you have to thank me, this money is still given to me by my brother-in-law."

Since that year, his father has told Wang Yongqiang one thing to him, asking him to go to a relative's house to live when he is studying in the United States, so that his relatives can cook for his son.

With the continuous urging of his parents, Wang Yongqiang can finally be a father's favor, and every time he comes into contact, he has the idea of rarely coming back and making a fortune once.

But the most fucked-up thing is that from that time on, the father has no ill intentions at all, and every time he sees his son, he has to give himself 100 yuan.

This made Wang Yongqiang feel very unhappy and very irritable, so since then, he has also alienated himself from his parents.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

The parents thought that their son would only give themselves a little money, which was really painful, but an accident that occurred at the father and daughter's house that day required them to spend 500,000 yuan in treatment fees, which made their family unable to bear it anymore, so they thought of a way to make money.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

And at this time, the son finally appeared on the front line again, and the mother found her son's unit and prepared to coerce the son, but in front of the mother, the son kept avoiding it, and in less than a month, the mother still answered the phone number of the staff of the son's unit.

And after some debt collection, it directly led to Wang Yongqiang's "relationship", which was finally estranged, and it was exposed again, and a large amount of social public opinion was involved, which was simply a mess.

And it also said that the mother didn't look at her daughter's face in order to get more money, and directly pushed her daughter's face to the ground, which is simply a mother's sorrow.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

Parents are all for Wang Yongqiang to do.

In the face of doubts from the outside world, the father hid at home and did not see anyone, and the outside world also recognized Wang Yongqiang for daring to make the choice, only the mother was alone, saying that her son was her own child, but she did not dare to meet her son in private, so the behavior was simply a thief shouting to catch a thief.

Since then, the outside world has never seen this once hyped "Wang Yongqiang incident".

And the impact of this incident is also very far-reaching, and his incident can often be discussed in the media, even in the sales advertisements of real estate.

After this incident, everyone also began to discuss the reason for this incident, why did Wang Yongqiang cut off contact with his family?

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

Some people speculate that because Wang Yongqiang is not good at studying, his parents are also very irritable, so they take out a large amount of money saved at home to treat the disease, and another theory is that the parents have always been very concerned about their son's academic performance, so they took out so much money to study.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

However, after the evidence, everyone knew that what he said was not very correct, Wang Yongqiang is a scholar, and he is also a doctor of Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, and there is also a news that he once contracted more than 5,000 acres of black jujube orchards a year, and his net income can reach millions of yuan a year.

It is precisely because of his confessions that we know the reason why our parents have been chasing money.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

With this money, his father and his wife can go to the night market to set up a stall, and the income on a table will not be less than two or three thousand yuan, and there is no need to worry about the monthly interest at all, so the issue of money is rarely mentioned.

And under Wang Yongqiang's resolute request, his son will finally not pay his salary again.

When they are spending money, their parents don't think about the money they earn at all, but are very sure that their son will give it, so their psychological price is often more than 3% more expensive than others.

Wang Yongqiang is also the son of his parents, and he has had a lot of exchanges with them, one of which was mentioned by his father that boys in the family are born to make money, and girls are born with a knife hanging around their necks, boiling water and cooking for them, which is also a contribution, and boys can also do things to take care of the elderly.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

Wang Yongqiang felt a lot about his father's words, and wrote them into his doctoral dissertation, analyzing that "as long as the technology is excellent, no matter how bad the family is, it can turn over, and once this person loses his skills, he will only become a fish."

This self-deprecating style also made him a fish of "money" and made him turn over in one fell swoop.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home


The influence of parents' education on their children is very far-reaching, one is indifferent and ruthless, the other is greedy, such parents will only make their children more and more bored with their lives, and will only make their children more and more irritable.

Therefore, as a parent, you must learn to respect your children and not ask too much.

In addition, the power of public opinion, in many cases, will also expose some hidden family problems to the public's eyes, and then lead to endless debates, which is why we should be more concerned about the topic of civilization around us, but this does not mean that we have to open the wounds of others and say irresponsible things.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

So in the end, I wish Wang Yongqiang again that he can go to the next level in his work and life.

Dr. Peking University immigrated to the United States for 28 years, but his mother was critically ill and did not go home

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