
Weijiazhuang Street, Shizhong District: Gather strength to celebrate "July 1st" and build dreams with one heart to celebrate the party's grace!

author:Released in Jinan City

Welcome July 1st, recall the original intention, strengthen the party spirit, and make new contributions. In order to present the 103rd anniversary of the party's birthday, relive the glorious history of the party, eulogize the great achievements of the party, and carry forward the great spirit of party building, Weijiazhuang, Shizhong District, carried out a series of activities to "celebrate July 1st", widely convey the party's care and warmth, effectively enhance the sense of honor, belonging and mission of party members, and guide and inspire the majority of party members not to forget their original intention and forge ahead.

Han Mo Song Dang Grace Always follow the party

The street invites "double registration" units, community party members, calligraphy and painting enthusiasts, etc., to carry out the calligraphy and painting exhibition activity of "Han Mo Song Party Grace and Always Follow the Party", and passionately eulogize the glorious history, great achievements and glory of the times.

Weijiazhuang Street, Shizhong District: Gather strength to celebrate "July 1st" and build dreams with one heart to celebrate the party's grace!

The exhibition set up theme exhibition areas such as "Loving the Party and Patriotism", "Red and Honest Culture", "Shenzhou Style" and "Boutique Collection", and the docent explained the creative background and artistic characteristics of the works for the audience on the spot, allowing visitors to have a deeper appreciation of the charm of traditional calligraphy and painting art. Subsequently, the calligraphy teachers splashed ink and showed their strengths, creating calligraphy works with vigorous and free and profound meanings, praising the family and national conditions with the fragrance of ink, praising the new era, and expressing their enthusiasm and infinite love for the party.

Weijiazhuang Street, Shizhong District: Gather strength to celebrate "July 1st" and build dreams with one heart to celebrate the party's grace!
Weijiazhuang Street, Shizhong District: Gather strength to celebrate "July 1st" and build dreams with one heart to celebrate the party's grace!

Praise and praise the party's kindness and talk about the party's 100-year history

The street invited more than 90 party members and self-management party members from 12 units, including "double registration" units and co-construction units in the jurisdiction, to carry out the party day activities with the theme of "July 1st", to understand the history of the party with music and remember the original intention with melody.

The whole event took the history of the party as the axis and music as the medium, comprehended the flesh-and-blood connection between the party and the people from different perspectives, integrated theoretical preaching, music interpretation, and on-site recitation, and led everyone to feel the magnificent centennial struggle of the Communist Party of China, reflecting the great historical achievements of revolution, construction, reform and then the new era, and truly playing the role of cultural people and singing to narrate history, and stimulating the patriotism, love of the party and the enthusiasm of the party members and cadres.

Weijiazhuang Street, Shizhong District: Gather strength to celebrate "July 1st" and build dreams with one heart to celebrate the party's grace!

Red Heart Ode to the Party's Grace has something to say to the party

"Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China...... "The Communist Party of China has led the people of Chinese to brave the wind and waves, forge ahead bravely, and build our country into a modern socialist power. The retired veteran party members in the neighborhood organization area carried out the activity of "the party and the masses follow my heart, I want to say to the party", telling the party the firmness in their hearts in simple language, "confessing" to the party with the most sincere emotions, expressing the sincere feelings of feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party, and following the party, and telling the enthusiasm and firmness in their hearts.

The original intention is like a rock to fulfill the mission, and strive to start a new journey. By carrying out a series of activities to welcome the "July 1st", we will lead the majority of party members in the jurisdiction to keep in mind the historical mission and strengthen the goal. The street will continue to present to the party with new deeds in the new era, take the "baton" of history, and take the "road to the test" in the new era!