
An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

author:The story chatters
An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

In this era of information explosion, an 18-year-old girl named Doudou has made a shocking decision. She resolutely gave up her studies and embarked on the path of an online anchor.

Surprisingly, Doudou has achieved amazing results in just one month after entering the industry: with a monthly income of 30,000 yuan, he also won the title of Outstanding New Anchor of the Year.

However, behind the aura of success lies a heavy price. Doudou's mother, a successful entrepreneur, was deeply disappointed and angry about her daughter's career choice.

She thinks that the anchor job is not a proper job, and may even go astray.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

The conflict between the mother and daughter is not only a conflict within a family, but also reflects the divergent attitudes towards emerging professions in contemporary society. Can Doudou find a balance between chasing his dreams and being filial to his parents? Did she make the right choice? Let's walk into the story of Doudou and explore the career choice dilemma of young people in this era.

The story of Doudou began in an ordinary secondary school campus. As a gifted student in dance, she always felt that traditional education could not satisfy her heart's desire.

Every day, Doudou feels an invisible force pushing her to find a broader stage.

By chance, Doudou came into contact with the emerging industry of online live broadcasting. A good friend introduced her to this field of opportunity and introduced her to an agent.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

On the day of the interview, Doudou was nervous but full of anticipation, and her enthusiasm and potential immediately impressed the agent and she got a job offer on the spot.

Since then, Doudou's life has changed dramatically. She began to live stream for up to seven hours a day, a full two hours more than the company requested.

In front of the camera, Doudou showed amazing talent and perseverance. Her beautiful dancing, moving singing, and sincere attitude quickly won the love of many audiences.

Doudou's efforts were not in vain. In just one month, she has achieved impressive results. With a high monthly income of 30,000 yuan, she felt the joy of financial independence for the first time.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

When she was named the outstanding new anchor of the year, Doudou was so excited that she burst into tears. She has finally found her own stage to express herself to the fullest.

However, the joy of success was soon overshadowed by the haze of reality. When Doudou happily shared the good news with his mother, he was met with cold rejection.

Her mother, Tang Xiao, is a successful entrepreneur with a monthly income of 100,000 yuan, and owns five chain stores and multiple properties in Ningxiang City. In her opinion, her daughter giving up her studies to be an anchor is simply an act of not doing her job.

Tang Xiao couldn't accept the way her daughter showed herself in front of the camera. She is worried that Doudou will be deceived by bad actors and go astray. Every time a mother and daughter talk, it is as if they are people from two worlds talking.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

Tang Xiao's words were full of disappointment and worry, while Doudou felt aggrieved and not understood.

Doudou's heart is full of contradictions. She longs for her mother's approval, but she is unwilling to give up her dreams. After each live broadcast, she would cry alone, hoping that one day her mother would understand her choice.

Faced with such a dilemma, Doudou chose to persevere. She believes that as long as she continues to work hard and prove her worth with practical actions, she will one day be able to get her mother's understanding and support.

Despite the difficult road ahead, Doudou is still full of hope and determined to break out in this industry full of opportunities and challenges.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

The timing of Doudou's entry into the live broadcast industry coincided. 2016 was hailed as the "first year of live broadcasting", and in just a few years, the industry has shown explosive growth.

By the end of 2020, the number of Chinese netizens exceeded the 1 billion mark, of which 6 were live broadcast users. 1.7 billion, and the total number of anchor accounts is an astonishing 1. 300 million.

Behind these figures is a new world full of opportunities and challenges.

In this booming industry, streamers use a variety of ways to attract fans and earn money. Fans can support their favorite streamers by giving virtual gifts, which convert into actual revenue at a certain percentage.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

The live streaming platform has also set up a fan rating system to encourage users to recharge to upgrade their levels and enjoy more privileges. Some loyal fans are even called "Shenhao", and their entry will cause a sensation in the live broadcast room.

However, behind the prosperity lies a lot of controversy. In order to attract attention, some anchors do not hesitate to break the moral bottom line and even break the law. These behaviors not only damage the image of the industry, but also arouse widespread doubts about the anchor profession in society.

In the face of such an industry environment, Doudou's live broadcast company has adopted strict management measures. Each live broadcast is monitored in real time by a customer service team of more than 200 people, and once a violation is found, the anchor will be immediately forced to quit.

The company also provides professional training for anchors to ensure that the live content is healthy and uplifting. These measures give Doudou peace of mind that she can focus on improving her business capabilities and not worry about anything else.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

In this industry where opportunities and challenges coexist, Doudou chooses to devote himself wholeheartedly. She believes that as long as she sticks to her principles and focuses on talent shows, she will definitely be able to gain a firm foothold in this industry.

Before each live broadcast, Doudou will carefully prepare and carefully check the equipment to ensure that it appears in front of the audience in the best condition.

In the live broadcast room, Doudou's singing and dancing won the audience's warm applause. Not only does she showcase her talents, but she also genuinely interacts with her fans and builds a deep emotional connection.

In just one month, the number of her fans has grown significantly, and the popularity of the live broadcast room continues to climb.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

However, Doudou also knows that this job is not as easy as outsiders see. She needs to constantly learn new skills, deal with unexpected situations, and stay enthusiastic and energetic.

At the end of each live broadcast, she felt physically and mentally exhausted, but her heart was full of satisfaction.

Doudou firmly believes that the profession of anchor can not only make her financially independent, but also help her grow into a more confident and excellent person. She feels that she has made significant progress in communicating with people and coping with stress.

This growth gave her the motivation to keep going.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

However, Doudou also realizes that to thrive in this highly competitive industry for the long term, it is not enough to rely on existing talents. She began to use her free time to learn new skills, study live streaming techniques, and think about how to make her content more engaging.

She understands that only by constantly innovating can she remain competitive in this rapidly changing industry.

Despite the challenging road ahead, Doudou is confident about the future. She believes that through her own efforts and persistence, she will be able to break out of this industry, and at the same time, she will be able to change people's prejudice against the anchor profession.

She looks forward to the day when she can prove with her success that streaming is also a career choice worthy of respect.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

Doudou's mother, Tang Xiao, is a successful entrepreneur with a monthly income of 100,000 yuan, and owns five chain stores and multiple properties in Ningxiang City. Her hard-won success also convinced her that true success can only be achieved through traditional education and career paths.

Therefore, when he learned that his daughter Doudou gave up her studies to become an online anchor, Tang Xiao's world seemed to collapse.

The conflict between the mother and daughter is deepening day by day. Tang Xiao couldn't accept her daughter's performance in front of the camera, she felt that those tight skirts and exaggerated facial expressions were undignified.

Whenever he saw Doudou's live video, Tang Xiao's heart was full of disappointment and worry. She is afraid that her daughter will be hurt by this complex online world and even go astray.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

However, Doudou could not understand his mother's worries. In her opinion, she is chasing her dreams, earning recognition and income with her hard work and talent. She hopes that her mother will support her choice, instead of blindly denying and criticizing.

There seemed to be no hope of a solution to the impasse until Doudou's grandmother intervened. As the most beloved person in the family, my grandmother decided to find out about Doudou's working environment for herself.

She visited Doudou's live broadcast room and the working environment of other anchors, and was surprised to find that although each live broadcast room was less than 5 square meters, it was equipped with professional equipment.

Grandmother was full of relief when she saw Doudou working hard. However, she also raised her own concerns, suggesting that Doudou should dress more appropriately to avoid possible indecent images.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

The person in charge of the company understood this and promised to strictly control the behavior of the anchors.

Doudou's support from his grandmother was a great encouragement. She is determined to use her hard work and achievements to prove the value of the anchor profession. Doudou hopes that one day he can get his mother's understanding and support to bridge this seemingly insurmountable gap.

This conflict of values between mother and daughter is not only a conflict within a family, but also reflects the differences in attitudes of the whole society towards emerging professions. It reminds us that in these fast-changing times, we need to look at young people's career choices with a more open and inclusive mindset, while also helping them stay true to their roots and maintain the right values as they chase their dreams.

Doudou's live streaming company is a large platform with about 30 female anchors like Doudou. This company has strict requirements and systematic training plans for each anchor, aiming to build a professional and distinctive anchor team.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

With the support of the company, Doudou's business is thriving. In just one month, she is worth 200,000, which is quite a good result for a newcomer.

The company saw Doudou's potential and tailored a comprehensive training plan for her, including personal career planning, talent training, and promotional packaging. Their goal is to make Doudou one of the most popular streamers on the platform.

Every day, Doudou carefully prepares the live content. She is constantly learning new songs and dances and trying to improve her talent. In the live broadcast room, she always maintains her best condition and interacts with fans with a sincere attitude.

The professional equipment provided by the company, such as high-performance computers, professional-grade cameras and microphones, allows Doudou to present the best live broadcast results.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

The company's strict management also gives Doudou a great sense of security. Each live stream is monitored in real-time by a dedicated team to ensure the health and compliance of the content. This allows Doudou to focus on improving his business capabilities and not worrying about anything else.

However, Doudou also knows that the profession of anchor is not once and for all. She must constantly innovate and launch novel content to stay ahead of the competition.

Every night, while everyone else is resting, Doudou is still researching new ways to live and thinking about how to make his show more engaging.

Despite the hard work, Doudou enjoys it. She feels like she's growing every day, not only in her talent, but also in her ability to behave in the world. She believes that as long as she persists, she will one day be able to become a truly excellent anchor and realize her career dream.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

Doudou's story has triggered us to think deeply about the emerging profession of anchoring.

It's true that there are some problems in the streamer industry, but we shouldn't deny it all because of that. A hard-working, talented young man like Doudou is interpreting the value of this profession in his own way.

They are not only realizing their self-worth, but also contributing to the healthy development of this industry.

However, we also need to recognize that being a successful streamer is not an easy task. It requires continuous effort and innovation, and it needs to continuously improve itself in the fierce competition.

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

For young people, it is not enough to rely on appearance and short-term heat.

The importance of education should not be overlooked. Reading and studying broadens horizons and improves thinking skills, which are essential for any profession. Perhaps, a young anchor like Doudou can also consider continuing his studies in the future, combining study and work to provide more possibilities for his career.

As parents and society, we should respect the choices of young people and give them appropriate guidance, rather than blindly denying them. Only mutual understanding and trust can help young people find their place in a complex society.

The story of Doudou continues. We look forward to seeing her grow as she pursues her dreams, and we hope that she will eventually be understood and supported by her family."

An 18-year-old girl dropped out of school for live broadcast, and she earned 30,000 yuan a month just after working, but she was scolded by her mother: not serious

In this era of opportunities and challenges, everyone has the right to pursue their own dreams and define their own success. At the same time, we also look forward to seeing the anchor industry become more standardized and professional, providing more healthy and positive development opportunities for young people.

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