
In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

author:Shi Zai has no money

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In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

Text | Edit: Shi Zai has no money


In the long history of China, it is often said that "a tiger father has no dog son", which means that the son inherits the father's business and the hero produces the hero. However, the fate of Chen Dongping, the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, is embarrassing. Although growing up under the influence of patriotism, Chen Dongping embarked on a path very different from his father. Why did Deng Xiaoping make the decision to shoot the general's son? What unforgivable mistake did Chen Dongping make, and even his father's glory could not cover up his crime? Let's take a little history to learn about it.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

Chen Zaidao witnessed the fierce struggle of the revolution from an early age, joined the ranks of the revolution in 1926 at the age of 17, joined the Red Army in the Jute Uprising the following year, and soon joined the Chinese Communist Party. Chen Zaidao quickly rose to prominence with his courage and command skills and became a fierce general in the Red Army.

He gradually rose from platoon commander to commander of the Red Fourth Army, and showed outstanding military talent in both the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. Especially during the War of Liberation, as the commander of the second column of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, he repeatedly performed miraculous feats in the Southwest Lu Campaign and the Huaihai Campaign, and won wide acclaim.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

In 1955, Chen Zaidao was awarded the rank of general at the ceremony of awarding the founding generals, and subsequently served as the commander of the Wuhan Military Region. Despite his glamorous military career, his personal life was no less dramatic. On the eve of the revolution, Chen Zaidao married Xiong Huizhi in the countryside, but due to the urgency of the war, he had to leave and became separated from his wife.

A few years later, Chen Zaidao, who was already the deputy commander of the 386 Brigade, was still alone. At that time, Brigade Commander Chen Geng was concerned about Chen Zaidao's personal life and deliberately asked Chief of Staff Bu Shengguang to find a spouse for him. Although Chen Zaidao never took it seriously, Bu Shengguang took this task very seriously. When the troops were stationed in southern Hebei, he noticed that Zhang Shuangqun of the local women's rescue association admired Chen Zaidao.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

The two were of the same age and like-minded, and soon came together under the guidance of Bu Shengguang. In November 1938, Chen Zaidao and Zhang Shuangqun tied the knot, and since then they have gone through 54 years of ups and downs together. The two have five children, namely Chen Dongping, Chen Nanping, Chen Shaoping, and their daughters Chen Jiangping and Chen Bingbing.

Chen Dongping's upbringing was very different from that of his siblings. Chen Dongping spent his childhood in the countryside and was raised by a farming family. In such a relatively tolerant environment, Xiao Chen Dongping's character gradually formed a sense of privilege. He often does some petty theft, and although the farmer knows it, he does not stop it because of his respect for Chen Zaidao, which makes his personality more and more distorted.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, nine-year-old Chen Dongping returned to his parents. At that time, supplies were scarce, and he was almost ragged and malnourished. At this critical time, with proper guidance, he may be able to get on the right track. However, while the country was being rebuilt, his father was still too busy with official business to pay enough attention.

Family members felt guilty about Chen Dongping's early suffering, so they were overly lenient with him, and even used the family's power to cover up his mistakes. This infinite doting eventually led him astray. Since elementary school, he has been cheating and playing pranks with his peers, and as he grew older, he began to rely on his family background to bully, frequently involved in fights and bullying others.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

Every time he misbehaved, someone always "wiped his ass" for him, which made him even more presumptuous. Especially after learning that his father had obtained the rank of general, his arrogant behavior intensified. He established a "cult of personality" atmosphere at school, often bullying weaker classmates so that they could not speak out in protest.

Chen Dongping was exposed to various internal materials, such as Western films and books, which depicted a life of free indulgence that made him yearn for it. After graduating from high school, he was promoted to high school thanks to his family background, but this privilege only exacerbated his depravity.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

When he was in his third year of high school, Chen Dongping began to abuse his father's influence in the Wuhan Military Region and occupied a room in the military region's senior cadre guest house alone. Chen Dongping's behavior eventually developed to the extreme. He rented a house and turned it into his own criminal stronghold to carry out all kinds of illegal activities. This so-called "paradise" is actually a hell. Here he is lawless, completely immersed in the harsh environment of his own construction.

By the time he was seventeen or eighteen years old, he had already ruined the lives of many people. All this ended up shocking and angry to his father. Chen Zaidao, who has been upright all his life, can't bear to let his son become a scourge of the people. So he sent Chen Dongping to the Military Engineering Academy in Harbin for strict discipline and reform, hoping to reverse his fate, but the process of transformation was not all smooth sailing.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

Kazakhstan Military Industry is the top military education institution in China, where a large number of outstanding students have gathered, including many children of high-ranking cadres. Unlike his peers who have excellent grades and are determined to contribute to the cause of national defense, Chen Dongping is particularly uncomfortable there. Not only did he have poor academic performance, but he also lacked interest in advanced military technology courses, and often felt that he was being left out.

In the face of the strict system and discipline of the college, Chen Dongping felt extremely uncomfortable, and he was not used to being strictly constrained. Soon after, citing ill health, he asked to temporarily return to Wuhan to recuperate. When Mr. and Mrs. Chen Zaidao learned that their son was ill, they were very anxious and immediately sent him to the hospital and hired the best doctors to treat him.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

After a comprehensive examination, the doctor found that Chen Dongping did not have any disease and was in very good physical condition. Chen Zaidao was very disappointed with his son's behavior and realized that he had made up lies in order to skip school. Chen Zaidao was very angry, severely reprimanded Chen Dongping on the spot, locked him in his home, and asked him to reflect on his mistakes.

Chen Dongping was reprimanded by his father, and his heart was full of grievances and dissatisfaction. Unable to go out, he was bored at home and had to listen to the radio to pass the time. By chance, he discovered a special channel, which at that time we called "enemy stations".

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

Since the 50s, in order to carry out ideological infiltration of New China, the US government and the Kuomintang regime in Taiwan have built radio stations and signal transmission towers around Chinese mainland to propagate the beauty of capitalism 24 hours a day. Ordinary people who listen to such enemy stations for a long time will be sentenced. But Chen Dongping is different, as a son of a high-ranking cadre, it is not difficult for him to listen to a radio station.

At first, Chen Dongping didn't believe a word about the contents of the enemy platform, but as time went by, he began to feel that the sophistry in the enemy station also seemed to have some truth. The hedonistic life of the beautiful women in luxury cars depicted by the enemy is full of attraction to him. The "freedom and democracy" advocated by the Americans also made him yearn for it. In this way, the more Chen Dongping listened, the more addicted he became, and his thinking changed imperceptibly, and gradually came to the opposite side of his family and the people.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

After discovering the enemy's Taiwan, Chen Dongping took advantage of his father's privilege to get various internal movies and show them at home. Looking at the scenes of drunken gold fans, BMW fragrant cars, and beautiful women in the movie, which the United States vigorously promoted, Chen Dongping's heart was itching, and this kind of fairyland-like scene was something he had never seen in China.

So Chen Dongping had a very dangerous idea. Since his parents can't give him a drunken life, and he can't find any exciting places like in the movies, why not leave China and throw himself into the arms of the United States? However, if you want to join the house, you have to come up with a certificate of nomination.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

Chen Dongping didn't learn all day long, and he didn't have any secrets in his hands at all. But because of his special identity, the spies couldn't imagine that the person who came to join the enemy turned out to be an idle problem person, and only thought that Chen Dongping was keeping his hole cards in order to maximize his interests.

So they maintained long-term contact with Chen Dongping, and kept throwing out benefits to tempt him, giving him the contact information of the US Intelligence Agency. Chen Dongping was happy and immediately wrote a letter to the enemy. He also knows to use a pseudonym in case he is exposed. Soon, he wrote a letter expressing his desire to join new horizons and embrace a new life. His ignorance and rashness eventually led to the revelation of his plans.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

On a cold day in December 1962, the Hubei Provincial Public Security Department intercepted a confidential letter concerning correspondence with foreign secret services. The letter was immediately reported to the Ministry of Public Security, where it quickly attracted the attention of the central leadership. Cai Shunli, deputy head of the Security Department of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army, quickly issued an order to find out the source of the letter and the intention behind it.

After some meticulous investigation, the staff of the public security department and the Hubei Provincial Public Security Department finally confirmed that the author of the letter was Chen Dongping, the eldest son of the commander of the Wuhan Military Region. Chen Dongping has privately established contacts with the secret services of hostile countries, and the content of the exchanges is extremely sensitive. Based on this important discovery, the Kazakh Military Labor Party Committee, in accordance with the instructions of its superiors, revoked Chen Dongping from all official positions, including his student status, military status, and regimental membership, and sentenced him to a two-year re-education through labor sentence.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

This incident caused a huge shock among the children of senior cadres, and Cai Shunli personally held a warning education report meeting for the children of senior cadres, using Chen Dongping's behavior as a negative teaching material. Although Chen Dongping was sent to the army farm for recuperation, he did not seem to be touched, and continued to go his own way, often finding various excuses to avoid labor. His family's doting on him has not diminished, and through various connections, he has lived a relatively easy life in a labor camp, as if he were in a sanatorium.

Chen Dongping, who was supposed to be introspecting and completely reforming himself in the labor camp, showed a stubborn attitude. He continued to behave aggressively during the RTL period, showing no signs of repentance. In 1980, General Chen Zaidao arranged for him to work in a foreign trade company in Henan Province through family connections, hoping that this would enable him to stay away from the protection of his family and experience the lives of ordinary people, so as to restrain his behavior.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

In 1983, a nationwide "Strike Hard" campaign began, and Chen Dongping was arrested again for his continued lawlessness and depravity. This time, even the influence of his father, General Chen Zaidao, could not protect him. After receiving instructions from the local government, Deng Xiaoping gave a clear instruction: "Act according to the law." In 1984, Chen Dongping was tried in public in Shenyang and sentenced to death, which was immediately executed.

When Chen Dongping was studying in Kazakhstan's military industry, he was roommate with Chairman Mao's nephew Mao Yuanxin. When Chen Dongping's betrayal was exposed, Chairman Mao expressed shock and criticized Mao Yuanxin's lack of vigilance, stressing that even in a credible environment, we should not let our guard down and should always maintain a sense of class struggle.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make

Chen Dongping's actions brought devastating disaster to himself, and also brought deep humiliation to his family, especially his father. Although General Chen Zaidao fought all his life and made great contributions, his family's reputation was damaged because he failed to properly educate his son. This incident has also become a warning to many high-ranking cadres, showing that no matter how prominent the background is, once they break the law, they must face severe punishment from the law.

In 84, Deng Gong personally instructed to execute the son of the founding general Chen Zaidao, what mistake did he make