
The carpenter came home from drinking and wanted to go with strangers, but his mother said that they were not ordinary people


The carpenter came home from drinking and wanted to go with strangers, but his mother said that they were not ordinary people

In a remote mountain village, there is a craftsman named Carpenter Li. He is highly skilled and sincere, and he is a good young man praised by everyone in the village. That evening, Carpenter Li drank a few glasses of turbid wine in the town's tavern, and the warm sun had sunk in the west, and night gradually covered the earth.

Carpenter Li stood up, swaying his slightly drunk body, and prepared to go home. Outside the tavern, a winding path leads to the distant forest, and the road is quiet, except for the chirping of insects and the occasional call of night birds. Carpenter Li walked and walked, and suddenly noticed two figures not far in front of him, one tall and one short, walking slowly.

His heart moved, thinking that if he walked with them, maybe he could have a care. So he quickened his pace and stepped forward to beckon: "Two friends, it's so late and still in a hurry, if we go forward together, we can take care of it." ”

When the two men heard this, they turned around, and saw that their faces were blurred, as if they were shrouded in a layer of mist, and they could not see the truth. The tall man smiled slightly, and his voice was low: "Carpenter Li, we have indeed been waiting here for a long time, since you are willing to go along, it will be better." ”

When Carpenter Li heard this, although he felt strange in his heart, he didn't think much about it, so he walked side by side with them. The three of them chatted all the way, and Carpenter Li found that the two of them talked extraordinarily and seemed to know everything in the world. He couldn't help but feel respect and trust the two more and more.

However, as the night deepened, Carpenter Li gradually felt that something was wrong. The path they walked seemed to be getting more and more remote, and the trees around them became denser and denser, as if they had entered another world. His heart tightened, and he wanted to ask, but found that the faces of the two men became more and more pale, and their eyes became cold.

At this moment, a cold wind blew, and Carpenter Li shivered violently, and most of his wine was awake. When he looked up, he saw a lonely grave standing on the side of the road not far ahead, and the grave was barren and green, looking extremely gloomy. He was so frightened that he wanted to turn around and run away, only to find that the two were gone.

The carpenter came home from drinking and wanted to go with strangers, but his mother said that they were not ordinary people

Carpenter Li panicked and hurriedly quickened his pace, wanting to escape from this strange place. However, no matter how hard he tried, he seemed to be spinning in place, never being able to leave. He was terrified to the extreme, and shouted for help, but no one answered.

Just when Carpenter Li was about to despair, there was a sudden sound of horses' hooves in the distance. He followed the prestige, and saw a fast horse galloping towards him, and immediately sat an old man in a Taoist robe. When the old man saw Carpenter Li, he took the reins of his horse and asked, "Young man, why are you wandering here?" ”

Carpenter Li hurriedly stepped forward to cry about what happened to him. When the old man heard this, his brows tightened, and he said in a deep voice: "What you have encountered is the transformation of the spirits in the mountains. They take advantage of the weakness of people's hearts, lure pedestrians to get lost, and then absorb their essence. I'm glad you met me, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable. ”

With that, the old man took out a bronze mirror from his bosom and looked around. I saw the light in the mirror flickering, and those hidden spirits appeared in their original forms one after another, scattering and fleeing. Seeing this, Carpenter Li was horrified in his heart, and he admired the old man's Taoism so much that he threw himself to the ground.

The old man put away the bronze mirror and said to Carpenter Li: "You can go home with me, and I will send you back to the village at dawn tomorrow." Carpenter Li was grateful and hurriedly agreed.

The two rode on horseback, and soon came to a Taoist temple. The old man dismounted and led Carpenter Li into the view. I saw that the incense in the temple was prosperous, and the Taoist priests were busy coming and going, and there was a peaceful atmosphere. The old man arranged for Carpenter Li to stay, and told him to rest well tonight and make plans tomorrow.

Carpenter Li lay on the bed, recalling what happened tonight, and his heart was still afraid. He was secretly glad that he had met that old man with profound Taoism, otherwise he would be more than lucky. At the same time, he also developed a deep wariness of the two strangers, and decided not to trust strangers easily in the future.

The carpenter came home from drinking and wanted to go with strangers, but his mother said that they were not ordinary people

There was no word all night, and the next morning, the sun poured into the house through the window. Carpenter Li got up and washed up and came to the Guanzhong Hall. The old man had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw him coming, he smiled and said, "Young man, are you resting?" I'll send you back to the village today. ”

Carpenter Li hurriedly thanked him and followed the old man out of the Taoist temple. The two rode on horseback, and soon came to the small mountain village where Carpenter Li was. Carpenter Li dismounted and said goodbye to the old man, his heart full of gratitude.

Since then, Carpenter Li has become more cautious of strangers, and has also developed a strong interest in Taoist occultism. He often visited the old man at the temple to learn the Tao, hoping to protect himself and others. And what happened that night has become a memory that he will never forget in his heart.

And that old man is the Taoist priest who everyone in the village admires, and he often travels all over the world to subdue demons and eliminate demons and protect the safety of the people. His appearance not only saved Carpenter Li's life, but also gave the villagers a deeper understanding and awe of the Taoist mysteries. And because of this experience, Carpenter Li also embarked on the path of cultivation and became a respected Taoist priest.

However, the story doesn't end there. Deep in the mountains where the lonely tomb stood, there were still some spirits lurking among them, waiting for their next prey. And Carpenter Li and the old Taoist priest, although they often join forces to subdue demons and eliminate demons, but in the deep mountains, the demonic qi is always difficult to eradicate. Whenever the moon is dark and the wind is high, there is always a strange sound coming from the mountains, which makes people shudder.

Carpenter Li has practiced for many years, and the Tao has been successful, but he knows that the Tao is boundless, and he still needs to continue to sharpen it. He often went into the mountains alone, searching for the traces of those demons, hoping to find a way to eradicate them once and for all.

One day, Carpenter Li met a wandering Taoist in the mountains, and the Taoist was immortal and bone-in-law, and at a glance he knew that he was a master of Taoism. The two talked happily, and the Taoist told Carpenter Li that there was an artifact hidden in the deep mountains, called the "Demon Suppression Mirror", which could suppress all evil spirits.

Carpenter Li was so moved by this hearing that he decided to go and find this artifact. He said goodbye to the Taoist and embarked on a journey to find the Demon Suppression Mirror. The mountain road was rugged and full of thorns, but Carpenter Li was firm and fearless.

The carpenter came home from drinking and wanted to go with strangers, but his mother said that they were not ordinary people

After several days of arduous trekking, Carpenter Li finally found the Demon Suppression Mirror in a hidden cave. The mirror is simple and elegant, with a faint light on the mirror, which seems to contain infinite power. Carpenter Li carefully picked up the mirror, and suddenly felt a warm current rushing into his body, and his body was full of strength.

He returned to the village with the Demon Suppression Mirror and placed it in the Taoist temple. Since then, there has been no evil in the village. And Carpenter Li was also respected by the villagers as "Demon Suppression Taoist" because of this merit, and his reputation spread far and wide.

However, the calm days did not last long. A few years later, a sudden disaster struck the mountain village. The demonic aura in the mountains suddenly erupted, and countless spirits poured out of the mountains and forests and attacked the village. The villagers panicked and fled in all directions.

Seeing this, Carpenter Li's heart tightened. He knew that this was the biggest test he had ever had ever been in his practice. He took out the Demon Suppression Mirror and stood at the entrance of the village, using the Dao method, ready to compete with those spirits.

The battle was extremely fierce, and Carpenter Li relied on the power of the Demon Suppression Mirror to fight to the death with the spirits. Every time the mirror flickered, the spirits turned into green smoke and dissipated. However, there were so many spirits that Carpenter Li gradually felt powerless.

At this moment, the old Taoist priest who had saved him appeared. Armed with a long sword, he joined the fray. The two joined forces, and their power increased greatly, and the spirits began to retreat.

After a fierce battle, all the spirits were finally repelled. Once again, the mountain village has regained its tranquility. Carpenter Li and the Taoist old man looked at each other and smiled, and each other's hearts were full of relief.

The carpenter came home from drinking and wanted to go with strangers, but his mother said that they were not ordinary people

Since then, Carpenter Li and the Taoist elder have worked more closely together to protect the peace of the mountain village. And their story has also become a good story in the mountain village. When night falls, the villagers sit around the fire and tell the heroic deeds of Carpenter Li and the Taoist elder, and their hearts are full of respect and gratitude.

And Carpenter Li also knows that the path of cultivation is endless. He continued to delve into the Tao in the hope of better protecting himself and others. At the same time, he often taught the young people in the village to be in awe, respect nature, and live in harmony with all things.

As the years passed, Carpenter Li finally died due to the exhaustion of mana in the process of subduing demons and eliminating demons. But his spirit has remained forever in the mountain village, inspiring future generations to keep moving forward. And the demon mirror has always been treasured by the villagers in the Taoist temple and has become the patron saint of the mountain village. Time flies, although Carpenter Li has passed away, his legend will always be passed on in the mountain village. When night falls, the mountain breeze blows, and it seems that you can still hear his firm and powerful footsteps, echoing in the mountains and forests.

After Carpenter Li passed away, the mountain village was still plagued by demonic spirits. But with the protection of the Demon Suppression Mirror, the villagers can always save the day. And the old Taoist priest also continued to guard the mountain village, using his wisdom and Taoism to solve problems for the villagers.

As time passed, the young people of the mountain village also began to come into contact with and learn the Tao. They bear in mind the teachings of Carpenter Li, respect nature, and live in harmony with all things. Under the guidance of the Taoist elders, they gradually mastered the ability to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and became the guardians of a new generation.

One day, the mountain village welcomed a guest from afar. He was a young Taoist priest who claimed to be a distant relative of Carpenter Li. He brought some Taoist secrets left by Carpenter Li during his lifetime, hoping to pass them on to the young people in the mountain village.

The young Taoist priest lived in a mountain village, and together with the old Taoist priest, he studied the secret books left by Carpenter Li and taught the young people the Tao. Under their leadership, the young people in the mountain village have become more and more sophisticated, and the demonic qi no longer dares to invade easily.

However, the calm days did not last long. A few years later, an unprecedented catastrophe struck the mountain village. The demonic qi in the mountain suddenly erupted, forming a powerful demonic qi vortex, approaching the village.

The carpenter came home from drinking and wanted to go with strangers, but his mother said that they were not ordinary people

This time, the outbreak of demonic qi was more violent than ever, and the villagers fell into panic. The young Taoist priest and the old Taoist priest knew that their strength alone could no longer resist this demonic aura. They decided that they had to find the artifact again, the Demon Suppression Mirror, and use its power to fight the demons.

So, the young Taoist priest and the old Taoist priest led the young people in the village to embark on a journey to find the demon mirror. After going through hardships and dangers, they finally found the Demon Suppression Mirror in a hidden cave. However, when they were about to retrieve the mirror, they found that it had been enveloped in a powerful demonic aura.

The young Taoist priest and the old Taoist priest were not afraid, and they joined forces to cast the Dao method and started a fierce battle with that demonic aura. After a hard struggle, they finally dispersed the demon qi and retrieved the demon suppression mirror.

Returning to the village with the Demon Suppression Mirror, the young Taoist priest and the old Taoist priest immediately began to set up the magic circle, preparing for the coming demonic qi. When the demonic energy vortex approached the entrance of the village, they simultaneously urged the power of the demon suppression mirror, and a dazzling light shot out from the mirror, soaring into the sky.

As the light spread, the demonic energy vortex began to gradually dissipate. The young Taoist priest and the old Taoist priest constantly urged the Dao Fa and launched the final decisive battle against the demonic qi. After a thrilling battle, they finally defeated the demonic spirit once again, and the mountain village once again regained its tranquility.

This battle made the villagers deeply appreciate the power and importance of the Daofa. They were even more respectful and grateful for what Carpenter Li and the Taoist elder had done for the mountain village. And the young Taoist priest also continued to stay in the mountain village, inheriting the Taoist spirit of Carpenter Li and guarding the peace of this land.

Time flies, and the young people of the mountain village have passed on the Tao from generation to generation and guarded their homeland. The legend of Carpenter Li and the story of the Demon Mirror have also become eternal legends in the mountain village, inspiring future generations to continue to move forward and work hard to protect their homeland.