
The carpenter went to deliver the baby, and on the way he met the female snake with a difficult birth, but he saved himself with his help


The carpenter went to deliver the baby, and on the way he met the female snake with a difficult birth, but he saved himself with his help

In an ancient and secluded village, there is a highly skilled carpenter named Zhang Dachuan. Not only is he skilled in carpentry, but he is also kind and warm-hearted, and he is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in the village who has any problems. As a result, he enjoyed great prestige in the village.

On this day, night had just fallen, Zhang Dachuan was about to pack up his tools and go home, and the village's mother-in-law Wang hurriedly ran in: "Dachuan, go and help, the daughter-in-law of the Li family is about to give birth, but the midwife is sick, and now there is no one to deliver the baby!" ”

When Zhang Dachuan heard this, he hurriedly put down the work in his hand: "Mother-in-law, don't worry, I'll go!" He grabbed a coat and hurried out the door.

As the night darkened, the moonlight on the horizon was obscured by dark clouds, and the stars hid. Zhang Dachuan hurriedly walked on the country road, there was silence all around, only the night wind gently blew through the treetops, making a rustling sound. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise in the grass beside the road. Curious, he approached and saw that it was a female snake writhing in pain, apparently in childbirth.

The carpenter was kind by nature, and although he was in a hurry to deliver the baby, he couldn't bear to see the mother snake in such pain. He looked around and found a slender branch, so he carefully used the branch to gently pull aside the little snakes beside the mother snake, and then carefully helped the mother snake to adjust her body. With his help, after a while, several baby snakes were born smoothly.

The female snake slowly raised her head, as if to express her gratitude to Zhang Dachuan. He smiled and gently touched the head of the female snake: "Go ahead, take your children to find a safe place." After saying that, he stood up and continued to hurry in the direction of Li's house.

When he arrived at Li's house, Zhang Dachuan found that the situation was more urgent than expected. The mother was in pain and almost fainted, and the family was in a hurry. He didn't have time to think about it, so he immediately rolled up his sleeves and began to assist the mother in childbirth. With his skillful hands, a healthy baby fell to the ground in a short time.

The carpenter went to deliver the baby, and on the way he met the female snake with a difficult birth, but he saved himself with his help

The Li family was jubilant, and the mother's husband was even more excited and burst into tears. They expressed their gratitude to Zhang Dachuan, but he just waved his hand: "They are all villagers in the village, and it is appropriate to help each other." ”

At this moment, he suddenly heard a rustling sound outside the door. Curious, he walked out the door and saw a few small snakes entwined and playing. His heart moved, could it be the children of the female snake he saved before? He looked closely, and sure enough, he saw familiar markings on the body of one of the small snakes.

At this moment, the female snake slowly swam out of the grass on the side, and it raised its head, as if to express its gratitude to Zhang Dachuan. He was surprised to find that the female snake's eyes actually shone with a strange light, as if it could understand human nature.

He squatted down and gently touched the head of the female snake: "It turned out to be you, I didn't expect to meet you here." Looks like your kids are healthy. ”

The female snake seemed to understand him and nodded slightly. Suddenly, it opened its mouth and spit out a crystal clear bead, which was carefully placed in Zhang Dachuan's hand.

Zhang Dachuan looked at the bead in his hand in surprise, only to see that it was shining, as if it contained endless power. He looked up at the female snake and saw gratitude and expectation in her eyes.

"Thank you," he whispered, "I'll keep this bead for good." ”

The carpenter went to deliver the baby, and on the way he met the female snake with a difficult birth, but he saved himself with his help

The mother snake nodded in satisfaction, and then slowly swam away with her little snakes.

Back at Li's house, Zhang Dachuan handed the bead to the mother's husband: "This bead has magical powers, and it can bless your family with peace and health." ”

The husband of the mother took the beads and was grateful: "Brother Okawa, you not only saved the lives of our family, but also gave us such a precious gift, we really don't know how to thank you!" ”

Zhang Dachuan smiled: "They are all villagers, and it is appropriate to help each other." With that, he picked up his kit and disappeared into the night.

A few days later, word came from the village that the magical bead was truly extraordinary. Since the Li family got it, everything in the family has become smooth, and even the crops have grown better than others. The villagers rumored that it was Zhang Dachuan's good deeds that touched the blessings of the gods.

Zhang Dachuan himself kept a low profile on the matter, and he was still busy with his carpentry every day, as if nothing had happened. However, the villagers knew about his good deeds and the magical bead, and they respected and loved him even more.

Time flies, and months have passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Zhang Dachuan was busy creating a beautiful wood carving in the shop when he suddenly heard a noisy sound outside. Curious, he walked out of the shop to check on the situation, only to see a group of people talking around an unconscious little boy.

"Whose child is this? Why did you suddenly pass out here? ”

The carpenter went to deliver the baby, and on the way he met the female snake with a difficult birth, but he saved himself with his help

"I don't know, it looks like it's heat stroke, right?"

"What can I do? Does anyone know how to do first aid? ”

Zhang Dachuan hurriedly squeezed into the crowd: "Let me take a look!" He squatted down to examine the little boy and said, "He's suffering from heat stroke and needs to cool down and hydrate immediately." With that, he took off his coat and draped it over the little boy, and beckoned some young men to help carry the little boy to the shade.

After some emergency treatment, the little boy finally woke up. When the little boy's family heard the news, they saw that the child had woken up, and they were so excited that they burst into tears and thanked Zhang Dachuan repeatedly. Zhang Dachuan waved his hand and said, "It's okay if the child is fine, this is what I should do." ”

However, just as everyone was about to disperse, the little boy suddenly grabbed Zhang Dachuan's hand tightly, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. He struggled to open his mouth, as if to say something, but was too weak to speak.

Seeing this, Zhang Dachuan's heart moved, he gently stroked the little boy's head, and said gently: "Don't be afraid, speak slowly, I will listen." ”

The little boy seemed to feel Zhang Dachuan's comfort, he took a deep breath and said in a weak voice, "Thank you...... Saved me...... I...... I'm the child of the she-snake......"

The carpenter went to deliver the baby, and on the way he met the female snake with a difficult birth, but he saved himself with his help

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned. Zhang Dachuan was also stunned, he didn't expect this little snake to turn into a human being, and he was rescued by him in danger.

The little boy continued: "You saved my mother and my brothers and sisters that day, and my mother gave you the magical bead to thank you. Now, you have saved me again, and I will never forget this kindness. ”

After Zhang Dachuan heard this, a warm current surged in his heart. He said with emotion: "It turns out that the bead is your family's treasure." You can rest assured, I will cherish it and will continue to help those in need. ”

When the little boy heard this, he smiled gratefully. He struggled to take out a bead from his pocket that was exactly the same as the one Zhang Dachuan had obtained before, and handed it to him: "This is a gift from me, I hope you can accept it." ”

Zhang Dachuan took the beads and was moved to tears. He hugged the little boy tightly and was full of emotion.

Since then, Zhang Dachuan has cherished these two magical beads even more, and he sees them as a testimony and motivation for his good deeds. And because of this, he got more good luck and good fortune, and his life became happier and more fulfilling.

The villagers were also inspired by Zhang Dachuan's good deeds and magical beads, and began to do good deeds and help each other. The atmosphere of the village has become more harmonious and beautiful, and everyone lives happily and well-being.

And the she-snake and her children are often seen near the village, guarding this place of love and kindness. Whenever someone is in trouble, they always reach out and help those in need.

The carpenter went to deliver the baby, and on the way he met the female snake with a difficult birth, but he saved himself with his help

In this way, a magical story triggered by the good deeds of carpenter Zhang Dachuan spread in the village and became a good story passed on by word of mouth among the villagers. As a result, Zhang Dachuan has become a legend in the village, and the story of his good deeds and magical beads will be passed down forever, inspiring more people to do good deeds and pass on love and warmth. As time passed, the story of Zhang Dachuan's good deeds and miraculous beads spread more and more widely in the village, attracting not only people from surrounding villages to visit, but also merchants and scholars from afar. They all wanted to see the legendary carpenter and the two magical beads that were said to bring good luck.

In the face of the disturbances of the outside world, Zhang Dachuan has always maintained a normal heart. He still wakes up early every day, is busy with his carpentry work, and occasionally tells the children about his experience under the big tree at the entrance of the village, warning them to be kind and helpful.

And those guests who came from afar, Zhang Dachuan always welcomed them warmly, but never showed off his achievements. For those who wanted to see the true face of the magic beads, he only smiled slightly and politely declined. He said: "A bead is just an object, and the real magic lies in the human heart. With good intentions, everyone can have their own magical powers. ”

One day, an elderly traveling doctor came to the village. After hearing Zhang Dachuan's story, he took the initiative to find him, hoping to use the magic beads to heal those suffering from war and disease. Zhang Dachuan listened to the request of the tour doctor, and after a moment of silence, he handed over the two beads to the tour doctor.

"These two beads may bring good luck, but they should be used to help those who really need it." Zhang Dachuan said, "Please be sure to use them carefully to maximize their value." ”

The traveling doctor was moved to tears, he solemnly took the beads, bowed deeply to Zhang Dachuan, and then embarked on the road of treatment.

Soon after, news of the traveling doctor reached the village. He traveled to nearby villages and towns with the magic beads, treating countless patients and bringing hope and warmth. Those who had suffered were reborn with the help of beads, and they thanked Zhang Dachuan for his kindness and generosity.

The carpenter went to deliver the baby, and on the way he met the female snake with a difficult birth, but he saved himself with his help

Zhang Dachuan, on the other hand, lives in the village in a low-key manner as usual. He did not feel loss or regret because he had lost the beads, but felt heartfelt relief and satisfaction. For he knew that those two beads had been given their greatest value, and that his own good deeds and character had become the most valuable treasures of the village.

Time flies, Zhang Dachuan gradually gets old, but his story has been circulating in the village. Every time a new child is born, parents will tell the story of Zhang Dachuan's good deeds and magical beads, hoping that they can inherit and carry forward this spirit of helpfulness.

And the female snake and her children are still guarding this place of love and kindness. They have witnessed Zhang Dachuan's life, as well as the changes and growth of this village. In their hearts, Zhang Dachuan will always be the most respectable and grateful person.

Eventually, on a sunny afternoon, Zhang Dachuan passed away quietly. His death did not cause much of a stir, but it did plunge the entire village in mourning. The villagers spontaneously held a solemn funeral in his honor as a way to honor this great carpenter and kind man.

In front of Zhang Dachuan's grave, the mother snake slowly swam past with her children, and they gently touched the tombstone with their bodies, as if to say goodbye to the old friend. And next to the tombstone, two large trees grow lushly, their branches and leaves intertwined, as if telling a story of kindness, friendship and legend.