
When the man got married, he blamed his wife for not responding, but she said that the man was not me


In our northeast Nagada, there is a small fishing village, the scenery is beautiful, and it is as beautiful as a painting. At the head of the village, there is an old fisherman named Li Dahai. Old Li Tou'er, who has dealt with the sea all his life, his hands are as rough as old bark, and the wrinkles on his face are the medals engraved for him by the years. Don't look at his age, his body is very strong, and he drives his small boat every day to go out to sea to fish, and he never gets tired of it.

On that day, the sky was as blue as if it had been washed, and the sea breeze was blowing gently, which was a good time to go to sea. Old Li Touer hummed a little tune, rocked the boat, and came to the sea area where he frequented. As soon as the net was cast, the fish scrambled to drill into the net, and the beauty in Lao Li'er's heart, don't mention it. As he collected the nets, he found a very large fish, with shiny scales and eyes as bright as light bulbs, and it was not ordinary at first glance. Old Li Tou'er thought to himself, this fish has to be a treasure, and he has to take a good look at it.

But just as he lifted the fish, the fish suddenly opened its mouth and spat out a string of bubbles, as if chatting with him. Lao Li was stunned for a moment, and said in his heart, why is this fish still refined? He didn't think much of it, threw the fish back into the sea, and continued his fishing business. But the fish seemed to be more energetic than him, and every time the net was cast, the fish swam to the net and stared at him with those eyes, as if to provoke.

When the man got married, he blamed his wife for not responding, but she said that the man was not me

Lao Li Tou'er felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, feeling that this fish was teasing him. But he is an old fisherman, and he has never seen any strong winds and waves, so he doesn't take it too seriously. But for the next few days, the fish was always dangling in front of him, and no matter where he fished, the fish followed him like a shadow. Old Li Tou'er began to feel that something was wrong, and felt that he might have provoked something unclean.

So, he decided to go home and ask the old people in the village to see if there was any way to solve this strange situation. When I got home, Lao Li told my wife about the past few days, and my wife also felt that this matter was very strange. She told the old man that the old man in the village had said that some fish were spiritual, and if the fisherman accidentally annoyed them, it could bring bad luck.

When Lao Li heard this, his heart was even more unsteady. He thought about it for a moment and decided to go to the sea again the next day, and if the fish still appeared, he would find a way to reconcile with it. Early the next morning, Lao Li Touer went out. When I got to the sea, I saw the fish again. The fish was still the same, and swam to his net and stared at him with those eyes. Old Li Tou'er took a deep breath, then slowly walked to the side of the boat, and said to the fish: "Fish, I really don't know where you look at me unpleasantly, but if you are willing to let me go, I promise never to fish again." After saying that, Lao Li Touer nervously waited for the fish's reaction. The fish suddenly flipped over, and then slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. Lao Li Tou'er breathed a sigh of relief, and said in his heart that this time he finally got rid of this evil thing. But just as he was about to close the net and go home, a deafening loud bang suddenly sounded in his ears. He looked up and saw a huge wave rising in the distance on the sea, rushing towards his boat with great vigour. Lao Li Tou was so frightened that he couldn't possess his body, and rowed with all his strength, trying to escape from this fateful place. But the huge wave was like flying, and it was in front of you in the blink of an eye. He only felt a powerful force swept him and the boat in, and then his eyes went dark, and he couldn't see anything clearly......

When the man got married, he blamed his wife for not responding, but she said that the man was not me

A few days later, the fishermen of the village found Lao Li Tou'er's fishing boat at sea, and there was no one on board except for some tattered fishing nets and the mysterious fish. The fishermen talked a lot, and some said that Lao Li Touer annoyed the sea god, so he suffered this disaster; Some say that the fish may have been changed by Lao Li Tou'er's relatives, what kind of message is it sending to Lao Li Tou'er...... And in Lao Li Tou'er's house, his daughter-in-law has been silently waiting for him to come back, she doesn't believe that Lao Li Tou'er just left, praying for a miracle every day. But time passed day by day, and Lao Li Touer still had no shadow......

This soon spread throughout the fishing village, and everyone felt sorry for what happened to Lao Li Tou'er. The mysterious fish also became the focus of discussion in the village. Some people say that it is the patron saint of Lao Li Touer, and some people say that it is the enemy of Lao Li Touer...... But what the truth is, this matter has become a mystery that can never be solved......

At this time, Lao Li's daughter-in-law suddenly received a mysterious letter. Although the handwriting on the letter was sloppy, the content was shocking. The letter said that Lao Li Touer did not die, but was taken to another world by the mysterious fish, which is a sea full of fantasy and beauty, and Lao Li Touer became the guardian there. This news caused a sensation in the village, and everyone talked about it, some said that Lao Li Touer had hit a big luck, and some said that it was nonsense. But Lao Li Tou'er's daughter-in-law was convinced, she always felt that there was an indescribable fate between the fish and Lao Li Tou'er.

When the man got married, he blamed his wife for not responding, but she said that the man was not me

In order to find Lao Li Tou'er, Lao Li Tou'er's daughter-in-law decided to go to sea in person to find that mysterious world. She took Lao Li'er's fishing boat and embarked on an unknown journey. Life at sea was full of hardships and dangers, but Lao Li Tou'er's daughter-in-law never flinched. She relied on her longing for Lao Li Touer and her desire for the unknown to challenge the limits of the sea again and again. Finally, one day, she came to a strange sea. The water there is crystal clear, and the sun shines on the surface of the sea, sparkling. She suddenly felt a powerful force draw her into, and she followed this force to a fantasy world. In this world, she saw Lao Li Touer. He stood on a huge coral reef with a golden harpoon in his hand and a determined and deep look in his eyes. Old Li Tou is surrounded by all kinds of sea creatures, which live in harmony with him, like a harmonious family. When Lao Li's eyes fell on his wife, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. He walked up to his wife, clasped her hand, and said affectionately, "When you came, I knew you would come." The wife looked at Lao Li with teary eyes and asked suspiciously, "Why did you appear here?" What is this place? Lao Li Tou smiled and replied, "This is a forgotten corner of the world, home to the guardians of the sea." I was led here by a mysterious fish and became one of their guardians. Hearing this, the wife was even more confused: "Why did that fish do this?" How does it relate to you? Lao Li took a deep breath and said slowly: "That fish is actually my old friend for many years. It has fought alongside me and spent countless fishing days. But once, I accidentally injured a big fish while catching it. Although it escaped, it planted resentment in its heart. Later, it cultivated into a spirit and became the guardian of this sea. It brought me here to give me a chance to atone for my sins. When his wife heard this, she suddenly became enlightened. She hugged Lao Li Tou tightly and said firmly, "Then will you come back?" I will always wait for you. Lao Li Tou was silent for a moment, and then said, "I can't go back." As the guardian of this sea, it is my duty to maintain peace and tranquility here. But you can come and see me at any time, and the gates of this sea will always be open for you. Although his wife was a little disappointed in her heart, she also understood Lao Litou's distress. She decided to return to the village and tell everyone the good news, so that the villagers would know that Lao Li Tou had not passed away, but had become the guardian hero of the ocean. Since then, Lao Li Tou's wife will come to this sea area every year to spend a good time with Lao Li Tou with the village's specialties and blessings. And Lao Li Tou also uses his own strength to protect the ecological balance of this sea area and the reproduction of marine life. This story was widely spread in the village, and the villagers were moved by Lao Litou's bravery and his wife's persistence, and they began to pay more attention to the protection of the ocean and the maintenance of the ecological environment to ensure that the beauty of this sea area continues. The mysterious fish has also become a legend in the village, some say it is the guardian of the sea, some say it is an old friend of Lao Li Tou. In any case, it is an indispensable character in this story, making people remember this magical and beautiful sea and that heroic guardian forever. Over time, the story of Lao Li Tou and his wife has been passed down from generation to generation in the village. Whenever people tell this story, they are filled with emotion. We Northeast people are straightforward and don't beat around the bush when we speak. The story of Lao Li Tou and his daughter-in-law is really a legend. Their sea is so beautiful that people are intoxicated, and the story of the two of them is even more admirable. Every time Lao Li's daughter-in-law came back from the sea, she always held some strange treasures in her hands, and she still muttered some stories that made people want to go on an adventure after listening to them. At first, the people in the village didn't believe her, thinking that she was just making up stories to coax people, but later, they all became her loyal listeners, and begged her to tell more stories about the sea.

Lao Litou's daughter-in-law is not stingy, and every time she finishes telling a story, she has to teach everyone how to protect the ocean, so that our descendants can also enjoy the gift of the sea. Under her influence, the people of the village also began to know how to protect the sea and stop fishing and littering.

But the years are not forgiving, Lao Li's daughter-in-law is slowly getting older, her health is not as good as before, and it has become difficult to go to sea. But she still insists on going to that sea every year, because that is her longing and sustenance for Lao Litou. One spring, she was ready to go to sea again, telling the young people of the village that this might be her last, and that she hoped they would take good care of the sea and herself. When the young man heard this, he felt uncomfortable in his heart, and he wanted to accompany her, but she politely refused.

When the man got married, he blamed his wife for not responding, but she said that the man was not me

On that day, the sea breeze was gentle and the sun was just right. Lao Li's daughter-in-law stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the mysterious sea area, looking forward to it and reluctant to give up. She knew that she might be going to see Lao Li. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. At this moment, she felt a force lift her up, and she flew lightly into the distance as if she were floating in the air. When she opened her eyes, she found that she had arrived in a fantasy world, and saw Lao Li Tou, who was still so firm and profound. When he saw her, he smiled warmly and held out his hand. Without hesitation, she walked over and held his hand tightly.

"You're here." Lao Li Tou said softly.

"Well, I'm here." She replied with a smile.

When the man got married, he blamed his wife for not responding, but she said that the man was not me

Hand in hand, they walked in that fantasy world, surrounded by all kinds of marine life and colorful corals. They seem to have returned to their youth, enjoying the beauty of this sea without worry. But the good times are always short-lived, and Lao Li's daughter-in-law feels that her body is beginning to become transparent. She knew that she was about to leave this world, and hugged Lao Li Tou tightly, tears sliding down his face. Oh, old Li Tou'er, are you going to leave? He asked softly. "Well, I have to go." With a choked voice in her voice, she replied, "You have to guard our sea." "Don't worry, I'll do it." Old Li Tou'er's tone was firm, patting his chest and reassuring, "You can rest assured." She slowly let go of her hand, and the figure slowly dispersed in the air like smoke. Old Li Tou'er stood there, looking into the distance with deep eyes. He knew in his heart that although she was gone, her love and memories would remain in this sea forever.

Since the day of the fight, Lao Li Touer has been desperately guarding this sea, not only protecting marine life, but also teaching young people the knowledge of the ocean. He told them to cherish the resources of the ocean, not to fish indiscriminately, not to pollute, so that the sea will always maintain its beauty and mystery. The young people of the village also took over the class of Lao Li Tou'er, and like Lao Li Tou'er, they loved this sea and worked hard to protect it. Every year, they organize activities to clean up marine debris and promote the knowledge of marine conservation, so that more people can join the action of protecting the ocean.

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. That sea area is still so beautiful and mysterious, attracting countless people to explore and play. The story of Lao Li Touer and his daughter-in-law has also become a legend in the village, passed down from generation to generation, so that everyone will always remember the couple's deep affection, as well as their love and protection of the ocean.