
Worthy of financial consumers! Every time it rises, it is for refinancing and shorting...

author:Gojin said

Worthy of financial consumers! The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Component Index and the Growth Enterprise Market have fallen sharply! Sure enough, the rise is for the purpose of refinancing shorting...

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Component Index and the Growth Enterprise Market have fallen sharply! The Shanghai Composite Index competed for 3,000 points

On July 2, the three major stock indexes of the big A opened low and went high and then dived; Up to now, the Shanghai Composite Index has turned slightly red, oscillating around 3,000 points; The Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.97%, and the ChiNext fell 1.05% again, and the ChiNext Index fell about 1% for three days in the past four trading days, except for yesterday's slight decline.

Worthy of financial consumers! Every time it rises, it is for refinancing and shorting...

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Among them, the recent strong stocks on the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) Tanaka Seiki, Yitong New Materials, and Shenzhen Ruijie fell by about 15%, leading the market.

The main board consumer electronics leader Yingtong Communication fell to the limit, the non-ST delisting concept stock Pengdu Agriculture and Animal Husbandry continued to fall to the limit, space-time technology A killed, and Dawnrays shares continued to fall.

The main funds today focus on the concept of fiscal and tax reform, leading tax friends shares 6 days 5 boards, Jinqiao information, aerospace information to follow the daily limit, Watertek information, digital certification, Pulian software, science and technology information, Ren Zixing, Huijin Technology, Zhaori Technology and other collective 20cm daily limit...

The net outflow of the main capital was 14.7 billion, and the rise was for better refinancing

It's still the same, the main fund is still the main one surprise, yesterday was still pulling weight group stocks, today it will be transferred to the concept of fiscal and tax reform sector speculation, and it is difficult for retail investors to participate.

Worthy of financial consumers! Every time it rises, it is for refinancing and shorting...

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While the market competed for 3,000 points in the day, the net outflow of main funds exceeded 14 billion yuan; The Wangwang team pulls up the backhand is a smash, and the retail investors who are waiting for it at any time may be a bowl of noodles smashed by the refinancing.

Every time the market rises, it is to do refinancing and smash the market, this is the pattern of the PAW team, this is the so-called long-term investment, patient capital ~

ST Changkang's 40 one-word drop limit will be delisted, and companies that are delisted in violation of regulations should freeze the assets of major shareholders in advance

It is worth mentioning that ST shares have broken the record again! ST Changkang has walked out of 40 one-word down limits in a row, and is suspended and facing delisting today; Up to now, the company still has 45,800 shareholders, and another 45,800 people have lost their money...

Worthy of financial consumers! Every time it rises, it is for refinancing and shorting...

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In summary, since the release of the new nine articles in April, more than 150 stocks have been capped or delisted, resulting in more than tens of millions of retail investors losing their money...

If the majority of shareholders are waiting for these garbage companies to be delisted, they will go to class action lawsuits; Not only will the time span be large, but the difficulty of rights protection will also increase, after all, those actual controllers and major shareholders have a way to transfer assets!

Therefore, Professor Liu Jipeng has suggested many times in public: if problematic companies, companies with financial fraud, and companies that have reduced their holdings in violation of regulations are found, the assets of major shareholders and executives can be frozen, and compensation can be given to ordinary investors...

For those delistings caused by violations, the above suggestions are indeed a good way, and it depends entirely on whether this suggestion can be adopted~

Worthy of financial consumers! Every time it rises, it is for refinancing and shorting...

The Economic Daily once published: Let residents make money through stocks, but now investors have become financial consumers!

It is worth noting that the Economic Daily in August 2023 once published a blockbuster article: Let residents make money through stocks and funds!

Last year, the official media published an article, so that many middle-class residents actively poured into the stock market, and many people even ran into the big A with the investment in the national fortune, but now the big A does not let investors make money, but makes countless investors completely return to poverty...

It should be pointed out that 200 million shareholders and 600 million basic citizens are here to invest in A-shares and national fortunes; But I never expected that now the majority of investors have become "financial consumers"~

In fact, every time under the repeated harvest of refinancing, the big A rises every time it is to better refinance and smash the market! 200 million shareholders and 600 million people are indeed financial consumers!

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