
The 5G network speed is fast, and I read several famous books in half a minute, and my current reading volume is terrible

author:Directly above the Earth
The 5G network speed is fast, and I read several famous books in half a minute, and my current reading volume is terrible

Today's topic:

How do you pretend you've read hundreds of famous books?

Let's take a look at what netizens have summed up in place

The 5G network speed is fast, and I read several famous books in half a minute, and my current reading volume is terrible
The 5G network speed is fast, and I read several famous books in half a minute, and my current reading volume is terrible
The 5G network speed is fast, and I read several famous books in half a minute, and my current reading volume is terrible

After reading so many books at once, my brain was a little tired, so I went to relax first