
How do you make pork taste better? Pork becomes a delicacy, and you can't stop eating N delicious ways

author:Xiao Jiu, he's here
How do you make pork taste better? Pork becomes a delicacy, and you can't stop eating N delicious ways

Say goodbye to mediocre pork dishes, these tricks will make you a chef in seconds, and your family will praise you!

How do you make pork taste better? Pork becomes a delicacy, and you can't stop eating N delicious ways

Every day is a good day of the year, hello, everyone, I'm Xiao Jiu, today let's talk about how pork is more delicious?

How to make pork so that people can't stop eating it?

Hey, friends, we're going to talk about the most common thing on that table - pork! Don't underestimate this mediocre ingredient, it can be transformed into a myriad of mouth-watering delicacies! Today, I'm going to take you into the delicious world of pork and tell you a few tips to make pork super delicious, and make sure you learn it, and everyone in your family will praise you as a chef!

If you want pork to be delicious, the secret is "pick", "pick", "cook"! Pick the right meat, marinate the flavor, and cook it well, to ensure that the pork you make is tender and juicy, and the fragrance is overflowing, so that people can't stop eating it!

How do you make pork taste better? Pork becomes a delicacy, and you can't stop eating N delicious ways

First, pay attention to the selection of meat

We have to learn how to pick pork. Don't underestimate this step, it's the foundation of deliciousness. When you go to the market to buy pork, remember to choose the one with a bright red color, a clear texture, and a firm meat. Such pork has a high freshness and good taste. Especially when making dishes such as braised pork that need to be stewed for a long time, you have to pick pork belly, fat and thin, and stew it to taste enough!

Second, pickling is the key

Once the meat has been chosen, the next step is to marinate. The pickling step is the secret to making the pork more flavorful! According to the needs of different dishes, we can choose different pickling methods. For example, when making green pepper back to the pot, you can first marinate the pork with cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt and other seasonings, so that the fried meat slices will be more tender and juicy. When making braised pork, you can add rock sugar, ginger slices, green onions and other seasonings to marinate, so that the pork can slowly absorb the flavor of these seasonings during the stewing process and become more fragrant and delicious.

How do you make pork taste better? Pork becomes a delicacy, and you can't stop eating N delicious ways

3. There are tricks to cooking

When it comes to cooking pork, there are so many different ways to cook it. However, no matter what you do, there are a few basic principles to master: the heat should be moderate, the seasoning should be appropriate, and the time should be sufficient.

1. Braised pork: Braised pork is a classic in pork! When making braised pork, remember to stir-fry the pork pieces slowly over low heat first, and stir-fry some of the fat inside, so that it will not be too greasy to eat. Then add rock sugar and stir-fry to make the sugar color, so that the pork pieces are evenly colored. Then add ginger slices, green onions, cooking wine, light soy sauce and other seasonings, then add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer slowly. Remember to turn the pieces of pork from time to time to prevent them from sticking. Simmer until the soup is thick and the pork is crispy. The smell is simply fragrant

2. Green pepper back to the pot meat: Green pepper back to the pot meat is a Sichuan dish with full color and flavor. To make this dish, cook the pork and slice it for later use. Stir-fry the meat slices in a hot pan with cold oil until they change color and then serve. Use the remaining oil in the pan to sauté the minced garlic and bean paste (or add some dried chili peppers if you like spicy), add the chopped green pepper slices and stir-fry until raw. Return the fried meat slices to the pot and stir-fry them together with the green peppers. The key to this dish is to heat it quickly to keep the slices tender and the green peppers crispy.

How do you make pork taste better? Pork becomes a delicacy, and you can't stop eating N delicious ways

3. Steamed meatballs: Steamed meatballs are a simple and delicious home-cooked dish. To make this dish, chop the pork and add salt, light soy sauce, pepper and other seasonings to taste. Add an appropriate amount of starch and water and stir well to make the meat filling sticky and elastic. Roll the minced meat into small balls and put it on a plate to steam. The steaming time should be adjusted according to the size of the meatballs and the fire, generally about 15-20 minutes. The steamed meatballs are tender and juicy, and the taste is delicious!

How do you make pork taste better? Pork becomes a delicacy, and you can't stop eating N delicious ways

In addition to the cooking methods mentioned above, seasoning and pairing are also the keys to making pork even more delicious! For example, when making braised pork, you can add some spices such as star anise and cinnamon to increase the aroma; When making green pepper back to the pot, you can add some pickled pepper or millet pepper to increase the spiciness; When making steamed meatballs, you can pair them with some vegetables or soy products to increase the taste and nutrition. In short, as long as you dare to try and match, you can make more delicious pork dishes!

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How do you make pork taste better? Pork becomes a delicacy, and you can't stop eating N delicious ways

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