
The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

author:Blue Eye Finance

One is a 40-word last word, and the other is a 26-word last word, from the content of the last words of the two CCTV hosts, you can see the gap between men and women in this life.

When it comes, men return to responsibility, and women return to themselves.


Zhao He is one of the famous hosts of CCTV, he is steady, dares to speak and act, and a Chinese face is even more convincing.

The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

He has loved broadcasting since he was a child, and although he is often ridiculed for showing off his voice, he has never thought of giving up.

Although his father died of a serious illness in the middle, and taking care of his devastated mother was interrupted for a while, the seeds of love have long been in my heart.

Coupled with the support and encouragement of his childhood sweetheart's wife, he was admitted to the Communication University of China majoring in broadcasting as he wished.

Older, coupled with the fact that he has already married a wife, Zhao He belongs to the "alternative" in college, but in order to live up to the expectations of the two women in the family, Zhao He studied hard, he hoped to break out of the world and let his family live a good life.

But unfortunately, he just graduated due to fierce competition and missed out on CCTV media.

However, gold will shine wherever it goes, and in other units, Zhao He's work is booming, and his ability should not be underestimated.

In 1987, after years of hard work, Zhao He was admitted to the central media as he wished with his excellent ability, and took over the financial program "Economic Half Hour" as soon as he came up.

The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

seems to be infinitely beautiful, but it is actually a test, "Economic Half Hour" has long been in a half-dead state, and letting Zhao He take over is to hope that he can bring the show back to life.

Zhao He knew that he had a heavy responsibility, he didn't dare to slack off, and took out all the previous shows and played them back, which really made him find a problem.

Zhao He found that the economy itself is obscure in the hearts of the people, especially the professional terms in the program, for the people, it is like saying a book from heaven, and if they can't understand the program, they are naturally reluctant to watch it.

So, Zhao He began to visit large and small shops, chat with bosses, chat with customers, and then integrate, trying to say the economic terminology in words that ordinary people can understand.

When encountering professional terms that cannot be transformed, Zhao He will definitely explain them well.

In this way, after Zhao He's adaptation of "Economic Half Hour" was broadcast, the ratings rose rapidly, and the people knew that this economic content was closely related to themselves.

The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

Just because of his sharp words and daring to tell the truth, the later 3.15 party was established, and Zhao Heran was one of the hosts.

Zhao He has worked in CCTV all his life, and he has won a lot of various awards in the middle, so when he retires, everyone thinks that he can enjoy Qingfu.

Unexpectedly, less than a year after retirement, Zhao He died of cancer.

The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

When he was dying, he said to his wife: "You have paid a lot for your family, and I have no chance to make up for you, I feel very guilty in my heart, and if there is an afterlife, I am willing to make up for these guilt."

The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

In this way, Zhao He passed away with regret.


Xiao Xiaolin can be described as a host of both virtue and art, and now, there should be many viewers who are not familiar with her.

But those who are familiar with Sa Beining know that Xiao Xiaolin can be regarded as Sa Beining's workplace teacher, and with her guidance, Sa Beining's opening career has been much smoother.

The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

Because of the growth environment, Xiao Xiaolin has determined her direction since she was a junior high school student, and she wants to be a host.

Since then, Xiao Xiaolin's efforts have been in this direction, she listened to the tape recorder, learned the announcer's speech, and practiced the correct words in Mandarin.

She has outstanding appearance, dares to think and do, and finally got her wish to be admitted to the Beijing Broadcasting Institute, which is the predecessor of the Communication Institute of China.

During her time in school, she earnestly studied the skills of a host, and after graduation, she was admitted to her hometown Changsha TV station with excellent grades.

During her tenure at Changsha TV Station, she integrated her ideas into her work, constantly made bold innovations and attempts, and achieved great results.

She was very demanding of herself, and when she realized that she still had unfulfilled potential, she pursued further studies and completed her graduate studies in journalism.

The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

Therefore, she was favored by CCTV and directly enrolled in CCTV.

At this time, she has been tempered by work, and she is more dignified and generous, and she hosted the show as she wished.

In the increasing interaction with the audience, Xiao Xiaolin found that many viewers did not know about legal knowledge, and some even did not know it.

So, Xiao Xiaolin applied to the leaders for a popular law program, which was intended to provide the audience with the most daily legal knowledge.

In this way, a popular law program "Today's Statement" was broadcast, and once it was broadcast, it was well received, and the host Xiao Xiaolin also had the title of "Iron Lady".

During her tenure, Xiao Xiaolin has been conscientious and brave to take responsibility, and after Sa Beining and other newcomers joined the company, she guided them with her own experience and lessons, hoping that they could grow as soon as possible and take the lead.

The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

Unfortunately, like Zhao He, the retired Xiao Xiaolin also wanted to spend time with her family, but she fell ill with advanced rectal cancer and was weak to recover.

Fortunately, with the company of her family at that time, Xiao Xiaolin had a family reunion and was relatively happy.

When she was dying, she left a 26-word last words, the main content of which was to call on everyone to pay attention to health.


Zhao He is the same as Xiao Xiaolin, they are busy with work, they have little time to spend with their families, and the starting point of their work is different, which indicates that their work intensity is very high.

However, excellent people shine everywhere, and they are commendable in their work and have been unanimously praised.

I thought that after retirement, I would be able to accompany my family well, but I didn't expect that the disease came suddenly.

Zhao He's last words include deep guilt for his wife, which is a manifestation of a man's responsibility and his regret that he can't accompany his family.

The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

In traditional Chinese marriage, it is the male protagonist and the female protagonist, especially Zhao He's wife, when Zhao He recovered to take care of his mother, she took on the responsibility of taking care of Zhao He's mother, so that Zhao He could develop himself without worries.

Zhao He's success has the sacrifice of his family, he can be completely himself, therefore, he has completed the responsibility at work, but he will never be able to complete the responsibility to his family.

Xiao Xiaolin is different, just because she is a woman and a mother, her work will always be put on hold for a period of time for one reason or another.

And during this period of shelf, Xiao Xiaolin is not herself at all, she is a daughter, a mother, and a wife, but she can't be, it's herself.

I still remember that many married female practitioners often say that going to work is no longer about working, but about resting and being themselves.

The well-known host of CCTV died of illness only 6 months after his retirement, and his 40-word message before his death was tearful

It can be seen that when returning home, among the multiple identities, the only thing that cannot be realized is to be yourself.

A man, busy all his life, from a boy to a man, he will support his family, but he can always be himself!

A woman, busy all her life, from a girl to a woman, she always has that stage, and she is not herself at all.

It is said that men and women match, work is not tired, a family, is supported by men and women, there are those who work hard outside, and there are those who take care of the family internally, only by living together, can we have both me and home, in order to leave no regrets!

This article was written by Xu

Editor in charge: Drizzle