
The female beggar sold herself to save the black dog, but the black dog took revenge and dug up her grave in the middle of the night

author:It's hard in the world

In that far south, there is a small town called Qingyun Town, and there is a female beggar named Xiaocui in the town, she was originally a maid of a large family, but then the family fell into the middle of the road, and her father and mother were gone, so she could only live on the streets and live by begging. Xiaocui has a good heart, although she has a hard time, she is always willing to help when she sees others in trouble.

One day, while begging in the market, she saw a group of people surrounding a cage, and she curiously leaned over to see that there was an injured black dog in the cage, with drooping ears and pleading eyes. It turned out that this black dog was the guard dog of Li Yuanwai's house in the town, because he was old and his health was not good, he was disgusted and ready to be discarded. Xiao Cui looked distressed, took out the few copper plates she had, and said to the man: "This big brother, this dog is strange and pitiful, can you sell it to me?" The man looked at the copper plate in Xiaocui's hand, and although he was a little disdainful, he thought that it would be a waste of food to keep it, so he opened the cage door casually and said, "Take it if you want." ”

Xiao Cui happily took the black dog home, bandaged its wounds with her own clothes, and boiled gruel to feed it. Under her careful care, the black dog gradually regained his spirit and became lively. Xiao Cui gave it the name "Black Treasure". Heibao is a very sensible dog, and he knows that Xiaocui saved it, so he is very close to Xiaocui. Every day Xiaocui goes out to beg, Heibao follows her, and at night Xiaocui sleeps in the broken temple, Heibao lies beside her and drives away mosquitoes for her.

The female beggar sold herself to save the black dog, but the black dog took revenge and dug up her grave in the middle of the night

One night, Xiaocui lay in the cave, looking at the stars in the sky, and felt uncomfortable in her heart. She thought about her father and mother, and thought about her old days, and her tears fell like beads with broken threads. Just then, she heard something strange. When I looked up, I saw that Heibao was digging the ground with his claws. Xiao Cui was stunned for a moment and asked, "Heibao, what are you doing here?" Heibao stopped, looked back at Xiao Cui, and the resoluteness in his eyes was as if he had been beaten with iron. It said, "Little Cui, I have to go." I can't always be by your side. But I have to do one last thing for you. With that, Heibao continued to plow the ground. After a while, a big hole was dug out. Then it walked over to Cui and arched her gently with its head. Xiao Cui understood, she struggled to her feet, walked to the edge of the pit and lay down. Heibao silently covered her with earth. Then, it turned around and walked out of the cave. When it reached the entrance of the cave, it looked back at Xiao Cui's grave again, and its eyes were full of reluctance and sadness. It let out a long roar, and the sadness and determination in its voice were sad to listen to. At this moment, it suddenly began to rain heavily in the sky. The rain washed over the earth, and it also washed over Heibao's body. Its body gradually became transparent, and finally turned into a black light, rising into the sky and disappearing into the night sky. Xiao Cui in the cave was as if she was asleep, and she didn't react at all. She didn't know that from the moment she closed her eyes, she had been out of this world forever. She was accompanied only by the loyal black dog and its oath......

After Heibao's figure disappeared, a mysterious story spread in Qingyun Town. People say that in the dead of night, dogs bark at mass graves, as if a black dog was looking for something. If someone comes near the graveyard, you can always feel a chill, as if something is watching you secretly. The old people in the town all said that it was the soul of Heibao guarding Xiaocui. In its own way, it lets everyone know that it is loyal and grateful to Xiaocui. Those who had bullied Xiaocui and Rich Zhang before were so scared that they couldn't sleep at night, afraid that Heibao's soul would come to the door. Time passed, and a wildflower slowly grew in front of Xiao Cui's grave. These flowers are colorful and fragrant, as if Heibao sent her last blessing to Xiaocui in her own way. Whenever someone passed by the cemetery, they would stop and pray for the faithful servant. But just when everyone gradually forgot this story, something shocking happened...... That night, the man in the Zhang family's compound hurriedly ran over, looking panicked, saying that he had seen the ghost of a black dog in the cemetery. The dog's face was hideous, his eyes were red as blood, and he was digging Xiaocui's grave like crazy. The guy was so frightened that he fled back to Zhang's house. When the rich man heard this, he was furious, thinking that Xiaocui's ghost had come to settle accounts with him, and immediately gathered a group of family members to go to the cemetery to take a look.

As soon as they arrived at the cemetery, sure enough, a black dog was digging Xiaocui's grave. The dog was covered in wounds, his eyes were full of anger and hatred, and he was desperate to dig as if he were going to dig something out of the grave. When the rich man saw it, he was so angry that he waved the whip in his hand and whipped it towards the black dog. But what shocked him was that the black dog was not afraid at all, and opened his bloody mouth at him. At this moment, a young Taoist priest flashed out from the side, blocked in front of the rich man, held a long sword in his hand, and shouted at the black dog: "Evil animal! Don't get out of here! When the black dog saw the long sword in the Taoist priest's hand, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but he still barked at Xiaocui's grave a few times unwillingly, and then turned around and walked away.

The female beggar sold herself to save the black dog, but the black dog took revenge and dug up her grave in the middle of the night

The Taoist priest walked to Xiaocui's grave, looked at it carefully, frowned, and said to the rich man Zhang: "There are evil things in this tomb, if you don't deal with it quickly, I'm afraid that the entire Qingyun Town will suffer." When the rich man heard this, his face turned white with fright, and he hurriedly asked the Taoist priest what to do. The Taoist priest pondered for a while and said, "I have to prepare some materials and do things, so you can hurry up and prepare to go." A few days later, the Taoist priest held a grand ceremony in front of the cemetery. With a sword in his hand and words in his mouth, he danced a mysterious dance around the tomb. As he jumped faster and faster, the wind around him grew stronger. At this moment, the black dog appeared again, standing in the distance and quietly watching the Taoist priest do things. When the Taoist priest threw a handful of rune paper into the fire, the black dog suddenly let out a terrible howl and rushed towards the fire. The Taoist priest shouted: "Evil animal! Don't get out of here! But as if he hadn't heard, the black dog rushed straight into the fire. The fire instantly erupted, burning the black dog. At this moment, a black shadow rose from the fire and flew into the sky. The Taoist priest breathed a sigh of relief and said to the rich man Zhang, "That evil thing has been removed by me. But you have to remember to be kind and upright, otherwise you will be punished sooner or later. The rich man nodded repeatedly, and then asked about the origin of the black dog. The Taoist priest sighed and said, "That's a black dog demon who has cultivated to perfection. "This black dog was originally an inconspicuous black dog, but it has gained the benefits of people and has cultivated some demonic power. But it was hot-headed and did something ungrateful. Fortunately, I was quick to stop it in time, otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable. When the rich man Zhang heard this, he had mixed feelings in his heart, how could he have imagined that his little favor could set off such a big storm. Since then, he has begun to change his mind and aspire to be a good person, and Qingyun Town has gradually returned to its former tranquility.

Although the loyal black dog demon is gone, its loyalty and gratitude to Xiaocui will remain in everyone's hearts forever and become an eternal story. The figure of the black dog demon dissipated in the night sky, leaving behind a silent graveyard and a crowd of onlookers. Rich Master Zhang stood there, and the fear and shock in his heart could not be calmed for a long time. He understands that there are too many things in this world that he cannot figure out, let alone control.

After the Taoist priest finished cleaning up the rituals, he said to the rich man Zhang: "In this life, people must understand karma. Although what you did to Miss Xiaocui has passed, the impact is still there. What happened today is the result of your past actions. I hope you can be more kind to people in the future and cultivate your self-cultivation. When the rich man heard this, he bowed his head and was silent, and the feeling in his heart was really indescribable. He knew that although the Taoist priest's words were straightforward, they were reasonable. He has always thought highly of himself, only cares about his own interests, and never really cares about others. But today's incident made him see his narrow-mindedness and ignorance.

The female beggar sold herself to save the black dog, but the black dog took revenge and dug up her grave in the middle of the night

The Taoist priest left, leaving Zhang Caizhu and everyone in the same place. They looked at the burned cemetery, and an inexplicable emotion swelled in their hearts. They begin to realize that there are still too many unknowns and mysteries in this world that require them to maintain awe and respect.

Time passed, and the people of Qingyun Town gradually forgot about the mysterious black dog demon and the thrilling ritual. But in front of Xiaocui's grave, there is always a blooming wildflower, as if it is the last gift left by the black dog demon to people. Whenever people pass by that cemetery, they always stop and silently pray and bless. They hope that Xiao Cui can rest in peace, and they also hope that the loyal black dog demon can be transcended and redeemed.

After that incident, Zhang Caizhu changed a lot. He began to pay attention to the disadvantaged in the town, often giving generously to help them. His good deeds gradually won people's respect and recognition, and his business became more and more prosperous. But just when Rich Zhang thought that he had completely changed, an unexpected news came - Xiaocui was not dead! It turned out that Xiao Cui did not die after being rescued by the black dog demon. She was taken by the Black Dog Demon to a hidden cave and used her demonic powers to heal her. Oops, this is something to be taken care of. That black dog demon, what a warm-hearted person, took good care of Xiaocui's girl, and the injury slowly improved, and finally it was all healed. Xiaocui, this girl, almost hung up when she heard that she was alone, and the black dog demon did so much for her, and she was so grateful in her heart, she felt like she was guilty. She slapped her thigh and said that she had to go back to Qingyun Town, explain this matter to everyone, and thank the kind people who pulled her up when she was in the most difficult time.

The female beggar sold herself to save the black dog, but the black dog took revenge and dug up her grave in the middle of the night

Xiaocui's return to Qingyun Town shocked people, everyone didn't expect her to come back, let alone her magical experience. But when she talked about everything the black dog demon had done for her, the admiration and emotion in everyone's eyes bubbled out like water. Rich Master Zhang listened to Xiao Cui's words, and he was as excited as anything, how could he have thought that his little thought at that time could make such a loyal dog demon pay so much. The guilt in his heart, as if he blamed himself, decided to apologize to Xiaocui and the black dog demon, and had to make up for his mistakes.

Witnessed by the townspeople, Zhang Caizhu knelt in front of Xiaocui, tears in his eyes, like rain. He apologized to Xiaocui and promised to be a good person in the future. He also said that he would donate a large sum of money to build a temple in honor of the faithful black dog demon. This temple was built quickly, just in front of Xiaocui's tomb, and became a beautiful scenery in Qingyun Town. As soon as people walk past the temple, they can remember the faithful black dog demon and its touching story. The wildflowers in the graveyard grew more and more, as if telling people about the legendary past.

Since then, the people of Qingyun Town have lived a harmonious and peaceful life. They learn to cherish and be grateful to those who have helped them. And the loyal black dog demon has also lived forever in people's hearts and has become an eternal legend and example.

The female beggar sold herself to save the black dog, but the black dog took revenge and dug up her grave in the middle of the night