
In 1921, the Americans set up a ring to shout, but after a strong man came to the stage to speak, they were scared away

author:The fast track to history

In 1921, the American Sullivan set up a ring in Shanghai, he believed that he was invincible, threatened that there was no one in China, and said that those who could defeat others would be rewarded with 1,000 oceans. Unexpectedly, after Wang Ziping came to power, the other party was scared away.

In 1921, the Americans set up a ring to shout, but after a strong man came to the stage to speak, they were scared away

In 1881, Wang Ziping was born in a Hui family in Cangzhou, Hebei Province, his ancestors were famous martial arts masters in Cangzhou, thanks to the family environment, Wang Ziping received systematic martial arts learning and training since childhood.

At the age of sixteen, Wang Ziping was already proficient in various sects and various martial arts techniques, and mastered the use of various martial arts equipment, and was already well-known in Cangzhou. But Wang Ziping thought that he was "far behind", and he went around visiting martial arts masters and continued to improve his martial arts.

At that time, the Qing Empire was already in turmoil, and Wang Ziping and his people participated in the vigorous Boxer Rebellion. After the defeat, Wang Ziping took refuge in the Jinan Mosque, where he worshipped the master Yang Hongxiu.

After leaving the school, Wang Ziping's name became even louder, and there were many rumors in the market, calling him an "all-round martial arts master".

The Germans occupying the Jiaodong area were incredulous when they heard about Wang Ziping's deeds and invited him to compete at the Qingzhou Railway Station. The Germans were extremely arrogant, looked down on them, and did not understand Chinese kung fu, and proposed to test their strength with Wang Ziping.

The two sides agreed to try to lift the stone mill, and the winning condition was "completely lifted and shortened". It took a long time for the German Hercules to lift the stone mill with a red face and a thick neck. Wang Ziping smiled slightly, and easily lifted the stone mill, and everyone present was shocked.

At this point, Wang Ziping won the title of "Thousand Jin Divine King" again. And what really made the prince famous in the world was that he fought with foreigners several times, and none of them were defeated!

In 1921, the Americans set up a ring to shout, but after a strong man came to the stage to speak, they were scared away

In 1918, Wang Ziping came to serve in the New Army in Beiping. In September of the same year, the Russian Hercules Kontel came to Beiping to "show off his strength" and threatened that "Chinese kung fu is a fist and embroidered legs" and "must defeat all Chinese who know martial arts."

Some so-called "martial arts masters" saw Contér's tall stature and listened to this, and hid one after another, and Contér became even more arrogant, saying that "Chinese are cowards without a kind" and "want to make Chinese kung fu extinct."

When Wang Ziping heard about it, he took the initiative to invite Contell to fight in the ring. And in the September 16 issue of "Morning News" edited by Li Dazhao, the process of this ring match was recorded in detail.

Contel came to power first, and before he could stand firmly, he was defeated by Wang Ziping, who came to power later. After standing up, Wang Ziping punched and kicked several times, which made Contel dizzy, and he no longer had the strength to stand up after falling to the ground.

Another time, Wang Ziping was performing kung fu on the street, and the American Hercules Alamein insisted on learning martial arts with him, so Wang Ziping had to agree. When the two shook hands, Alamein did not speak of martial virtues, and grabbed the prince hard.

Alaman looked at Wang Ziping with ill will. Wang Ziping naturally knew what medicine was sold in Alamein's gourd, and Alaman held his hand while reaching for a dagger on his waist.

When it was too late, the prince flattened his waist and abdomen, and threw Alamein on all fours with an over-the-shoulder fall.

In 1921, the Americans set up a ring to shout, but after a strong man came to the stage to speak, they were scared away

Then the prince walked slowly to El Alamein, took a dagger from his waist and threw it on the ground. Alaman was disgraced and soon left China. Because of this, Wang Ziping's prestige spread to the United States.

In 1921, Wang Ziping came to live in Shanghai. One day, as soon as Wang Ziping came home from work, he received a letter from Sullivan, an American. In the letter, Sullivan wrote that he had heard from El Alamein that the prince was very good and that he had come to Shanghai to ask for advice.

Wang Ziping often received such letters, and he ignored them as usual.

Unexpectedly, Sullivan appeared at the door of Wang Ziping's house the next day, and he said to Wang Ziping in Chinese, which was not very fluent: "Mr. Wang, I came from the United States, and I heard from El Alamein that you are a Chinese kung fu master, and I have come here to ask for advice this time." Three days later, I swung in the largest martial arts gym in Shanghai and invited you to come and compete. ”

Wang Ziping still didn't take it to heart, but the news that "'Thousand Jin Divine King' Wang Ziping is about to face the strong men of various countries" has been published in major newspapers in Shanghai. Moreover, the newspaper also specifically stated that this was a "world race", and the contestants included George and Dincol of the United States and Peter of Germany.

These men were all masters among the foreigners, they were burly, they believed that their camp was strong, unmatched, and extremely arrogant, and they also showed a reward in the newspapers, saying that whoever could punch them would be rewarded with 500 foreign dollars, and if they were knocked to the ground, they would be rewarded with 1,000 foreign money.

This is Sullivan's ploy, taking advantage of China's ongoing "national movement" to tie Wang Ziping to the moral high ground, and as long as he does not fight, he is unpatriotic.

In 1921, the Americans set up a ring to shout, but after a strong man came to the stage to speak, they were scared away

And Wang Ziping also thought of one point, although Sullivan made a promise that "the winner will get 1,000 oceans", he will never fulfill it, and he will definitely obstruct it and obstruct the contestants in every way.

Sullivan just wanted to make money with his own name, but now Wang Ziping had no choice, he could only fight.

On the day of the game, the Arena of Nations was crowded. Before the start of the ring match, the foreign manager proposed that in order to show the friendship and sincerity of both parties, the contestants should be asked to speak to the audience on the field.

Who knows, Wang Ziping walked up to the stage and was about to start speaking, but a big man suddenly appeared behind him, and he gave Wang Ziping a cold fist. was still on guard before Wang Ziping came to power, and as soon as he turned around, he dodged the cold punch, and when the guy saw that he didn't hit a punch, he turned around and punched again.

Wang Ziping was immediately annoyed, and after he dodged the punch, he flew up and kicked the guy to the ground. Then, Wang Ziping immediately punched him back, and directly knocked him out of the ring. The "friendship and sincerity" of the international martial arts arena was replaced by Wang Ziping's fists and kicks.

Seeing this, Sullivan and the others suddenly changed their faces, because they knew that their strength was not much stronger than that big man, and since Wang Ziping could easily defeat him, it meant that even if they came to power, they would definitely be beaten by Wang Ziping.

So, that night, Sullivan hurriedly sent someone to secretly hand Wang Ziping a note, Wang Ziping opened it, and saw that it was written: The contract is invalid and the game is canceled. He also said that the thug just now was not one of theirs.

Everyone has hit the door of his house, how can Wang Ziping be willing to give up, he immediately brought a message to Sullivan, saying: "If you don't fight, I must race, and I will never give up if I win or lose!" ”

Sullivan and the others were frightened by Wang Ziping's kung fu and the momentum of the Chinese, but now Wang Ziping released cruel words, they had no way to avoid the war, so they had to secretly leave China.

Later, Wang Ziping focused on opening martial arts halls and teaching martial arts skills, and his disciples were all over the country. Similarly, Wang Ziping's disciples also spread his story all over the country.

In 1921, the Americans set up a ring to shout, but after a strong man came to the stage to speak, they were scared away

Today, Wang Ziping's martial arts skills and anecdotes about him are still alive. His heroic spirit and patriotism are even more worthy of our learning!

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