
Why do you eat breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth, but the doctor says it's healthy? Listen to what the doctor has to say

author:Internal Medicine Li Dafu

Xiao Zhang is a retired secondary school teacher who pays great attention to health and wellness on weekdays. The first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning is brushing his teeth, and the refreshing mouth makes him feel refreshed. Recently, however, he's heard a myth that subverts conventional wisdom: eating breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth is better for your health. This confused Zhang, and he decided to dig deeper.

When Xiao Zhang heard this statement from his neighbor Aunt Liu, he felt incredulous. Aunt Liu said: "My son is studying abroad, and he told me that the doctor there recommended not brushing his teeth in the morning and eating breakfast directly, and the reason is quite scientific. Although Xiao Zhang was skeptical of Aunt Liu's words, he still wanted to figure out the scientific basis behind it. Isn't it wrong that we've been in the habit for decades, he thought?

To find out, Zhang consulted Dr. Li at the community hospital. Dr. Lee is an experienced internist with an understanding of this emerging health perspective. Dr Lee explains that there are some studies and theories that support the practice of eating breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth, but this does not mean that traditional habits are wrong, but rather that they should be judged on a case-by-case basis.

Why do you eat breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth, but the doctor says it's healthy? Listen to what the doctor has to say

The scientific basis for health without brushing your teeth and eating breakfast

The natural defense mechanisms of the oral cavity

The mouth contains a lot of saliva, which has a self-cleaning effect and can help remove food debris and some bacteria. In addition, the flora in the mouth is also protecting our oral health. With a night's rest, the number of bacteria in the mouth increases, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. The right amount of bacteria helps to stimulate the immune function of the oral cavity and digestive system, which boosts the overall immunity.

Research data support

Acids in breakfast, such as fruits and juices, can have a corrosive effect on tooth enamel. If you brush your teeth before eating, the enamel on the surface of your teeth will temporarily become more fragile and more susceptible to acids. Conversely, eating breakfast without brushing your teeth can protect your tooth enamel from a double whammy.

For example, a dental study showed that brushing teeth before eating can temporarily weaken the protection of tooth enamel, while brushing teeth after eating can effectively remove food debris and bacteria to protect dental health. This finding has been endorsed by many dental experts, who recommend brushing your teeth 30 minutes after eating to avoid damage to the enamel by acids.

Why do you eat breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth, but the doctor says it's healthy? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Protective effect of saliva

Saliva not only helps remove food debris from the mouth, but it is also rich in minerals and enzymes that neutralize the acids in food. When you wake up in the morning, the amount of saliva in your mouth increases, which helps to wash away some bacteria and food residues, protecting your teeth and gums. Dr Lee points out that the enzymes in saliva can also help break down food and improve digestion.

The benefits of the right amount of bacteria for the immune system

Our bodies need constant exposure to microbes in order to maintain the proper functioning of the immune system. Eating breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth can expose your body to the right amount of oral bacteria, triggering an immune response and helping to improve overall immunity. Of course, this does not mean that oral hygiene can be neglected, but rather that natural defense mechanisms should be properly utilized while protecting oral health.

Improves digestive function

Eating breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth can also help improve your digestive function. In addition, saliva can also form a protective film in the gastrointestinal tract, reducing the irritation of stomach acid to the stomach wall and preventing stomach discomfort.

Why do you eat breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth, but the doctor says it's healthy? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Correct oral hygiene habits

Benefits and precautions for brushing your teeth after breakfast

While there is a scientific basis for the idea of eating breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth, it doesn't mean that oral hygiene can be neglected. On the contrary, proper oral care is still an important part of maintaining good health. Brushing your teeth after breakfast can help remove food debris and plaque, preventing tooth decay and periodontal disease. It is important to be careful when brushing your teeth in the morning, preferably 20-30 minutes after breakfast, so as to avoid damage to the enamel caused by acidic foods.

The proper way to brush your teeth

The right brushing method not only cleans your teeth effectively, but also protects your gum health. First, choose a soft-bristled toothbrush that lasts at least two minutes at a time. Second, the toothbrush is at a 45-degree angle to the surface of the tooth and gently scrubs all the surfaces of each tooth in small circular motions. Avoid using too much force to avoid damaging your gums and enamel. It is recommended to use fluoride toothpaste, which strengthens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay. After each brushing, wash your toothbrush thoroughly and place it in a ventilated and dry place.

Complement oral hygiene methods

In addition to brushing your teeth, other oral care methods are also important. Mouthwash is effective in removing bacteria from the mouth, especially in hard-to-reach areas of the mouth. It is advisable to choose an alcohol-free mouthwash to reduce irritation of the oral mucosa. Flossing is a good way to clean the gaps between your teeth, and flossing once a day can prevent interdental caries and periodontal disease. For people who wear braces or have dentures, a dental irrigator is also a good option, as it cleans teeth and gums with a high-pressure stream of water.

Why do you eat breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth, but the doctor says it's healthy? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Recommendations for specific populations

Special considerations for patients with oral problems

For people with pre-existing oral problems, such as periodontal disease or dental caries, more attention needs to be paid to oral hygiene. Patients with periodontal disease should pay special attention to the cleaning of the gums, and massage the gums every time they brush their teeth to promote blood circulation. Flossing and mouthwash are essential, along with regular periodontal treatment, following your doctor's recommendations. Patients with dental caries should avoid eating too much sugary food and rinse their mouths after each meal to reduce the chance of bacterial growth.

Oral care focus for the elderly

Oral care for the elderly is especially important because problems such as receding gums and tooth wear and tear become apparent as we age. Older people should choose a soft toothbrush and mild toothpaste to reduce damage to their teeth and gums. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water after each brushing to help kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. Check your teeth regularly and deal with dental problems in a timely manner, such as cleaning dentures to avoid bacterial growth and inflammation.

Oral care for children is a key focus

Children's dental care should start with baby teeth, and parents should help their children develop good brushing habits. Use a child-friendly soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride children's toothpaste, once a day in the morning and once in the evening. Parents should supervise their children's brushing to make sure they brush their teeth correctly. Avoid letting your child eat too many sweets and sugary drinks to reduce the risk of tooth decay. Take your child for a dental check-up every six months to detect and treat dental problems in a timely manner.

Why do you eat breakfast in the morning without brushing your teeth, but the doctor says it's healthy? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Comprehensive oral care recommendations

Regardless of the population, good oral hygiene habits need to be maintained. Brush your teeth once a day, morning and evening, for at least two minutes each time, floss between your teeth, and use mouthwash regularly. Pay attention to your eating habits, avoid excessive intake of sugary foods, and drink plenty of water to help your oral health. Regular dental check-ups to detect and treat dental problems early are the key to effective oral health.

Oral health is an important part of overall health, and with the right care methods and habits, oral diseases can be effectively prevented and a good quality of life can be maintained. I hope that everyone can pay attention to oral hygiene in daily life and develop scientific nursing habits, so as to have healthy teeth and mouth.