
"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".

author:Yangxian release
"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".

Opening remarks


The "Ten Million Project" is a major decision personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping when he was working in Zhejiang, which has created thousands of beautiful villages and benefited thousands of farmers. In December 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the "three rural" work, pointing out that we should learn and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project", adapt measures to local conditions, implement policies by category, work gradually and for a long time, and concentrate on doing a good job of doing a number of practical things that can be felt and reached by the masses. Yangxian County actively learns and implements the experience of the "Ten Million Project", grasps the improvement of the hard environment with one hand and the improvement of the soft environment with the other, and strives to improve the level of public services, improve the rural living environment, and improve the civilized quality of farmers, so as to make the countryside more livable and beautiful, and make the masses feel more fulfilling.

In order to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and thoroughly implement the relevant deployment requirements of the central and provincial and municipal governments, from today, the Yangxian County Financial Media Center will open a column of ""Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County to better interpret the relevant policies of the "Ten Million Project" and comprehensively show the characteristic highlights, progress and experience of our county in learning and using the experience of "Ten Million Project" to promote rural revitalization.

The concept of "Ten Million Project".

The "Demonstration of Thousand Villages, Renovation of Ten Thousand Villages" project (referred to as the "Ten Million Project") is a major decision personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping when he was working in Zhejiang. Over the past 20 years since the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", it has created thousands of beautiful villages in Zhejiang, benefited thousands of farmers, brought all-round changes, created historic achievements, and formed an international impact.

The successful practice of the "Ten Million Project" fully embodies the fundamental position of taking the people as the center, explores the practical path of coordinating urban and rural areas and promoting the common prosperity of farmers and rural areas, highlights the important principle of mutual promotion of material prosperity and spiritual civilization, reflects the key requirements of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, provides practical theory and scientific methods for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and contributes to leading Chinese-style modernization, accelerating urban-rural integration, and writing a new chapter in Chinese-style rural modernization.

In 2018, the "Ten Million Project" won the United Nations Champions of the Earth Award, the highest award awarded by the United Nations for environmental protection actions.

Solheim, then UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNEP, said after visiting villages and towns in Zhejiang: "What I saw in Pujiang and Anji, Zhejiang, is what China will look like in the future, and even what the world will look like in the future. ”

"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".

Background of the implementation of the "Ten Million Project".

In the 21st century, Zhejiang, which has been at the forefront of reform and opening up, has made unprecedented progress in rural economic development, but rural development is facing "growing pains". Phenomena such as backward rural infrastructure, dirty and poor environment, and deterioration of the ecological environment are becoming more and more prominent.

According to incomplete statistics, there are 4,000 villages in the province with a good environment, and more than 30,000 villages with a poor environment. In June 2003, under the advocacy and auspices of Comrade Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Zhejiang launched the "Ten Million Project" in the province with the focus on improving the "living-living" environment of rural production, life and ecology, and started a large-scale action of village renovation and construction with the core of improving the rural ecological environment and improving the quality of life of farmers. Comrade Xi Jinping personally deployed, the goal is to spend five years to select about 10,000 administrative villages from the province's 40,000 villages for comprehensive renovation, and build about 1,000 of the central villages into comprehensive well-off demonstration villages.

The Zhejiang Provincial Government regards this "popular project" that is related to the new development of Zhejiang's rural areas and benefits tens of millions of farmers as a major strategic task, and convenes a provincial on-site meeting every year to exchange experience, supervise and provide on-site guidance, and introduce various policies to strongly promote this work.

Over the past 20 years, from the relay of "demonstration of thousands of villages and renovation of 10,000 villages" to the high-level construction of beautiful villages, the rural areas of Zhejiang have undergone earth-shaking changes. At the same time, great progress has been made in the appearance of the countryside, the ecological environment, the economy and society, and the civilization of rural customs.

"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".

The "Ten Million Project" has formed history

It's far-sighted

A far-sighted historic project -

June 2003

Under the advocacy and auspices of Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, focusing on the improvement of the "living-living" environment of rural production, life and ecology, Zhejiang Province launched the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project: it took five years to select about 10,000 administrative villages from the province for comprehensive renovation, and about 1,000 of them were built into comprehensive well-off demonstration villages.

"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".

"The 'Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Renovation' project is a leading project to promote the construction of a new countryside, an effective starting point for the overall planning of urban and rural revitalization of the 'three rurals', and a popular project for the benefit of tens of millions of farmers, so that more villages can become rich villages full of vitality and characteristic charm." Xi Jinping plans for the future with foresight.

July 2003

Xi Jinping proposed the "88 Strategy" as the general program and general strategy of Zhejiang Provincial Governance, which mentions "creating an ecological province and building a 'green Zhejiang'", and the "Ten Million Project" is an important starting point.

Draw blueprints, pillars and beams. During his work in Zhejiang, Xi Jinping personally attended the kick-off meeting of the "Ten Million Project" in 2003 and the on-site meeting of the "Ten Million Project" for three consecutive years and delivered a speech, pointing out the direction for the implementation of the "Ten Million Project". Since then, the "number one leader" in the province has directly grasped this work, which has become an unshakable practice of the successive provincial party committees in Zhejiang.

"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".

Dedicated care and guidance. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly made important instructions and clear requirements for the in-depth promotion of the "Ten Million Project":

May 2013

General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions and emphasized that it is necessary to conscientiously summarize the experience of Zhejiang Province in carrying out the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Renovation" project and promote it. In carrying out the construction of new rural areas, all localities should adhere to the principle of adapting measures to local conditions, providing guidance by category, giving priority to planning, improving mechanisms, highlighting key points, making overall plans and coordination, and comprehensively improving rural production and living conditions through long-term and arduous efforts.

May 2015

When General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Zhejiang, he came to the new community in Dinghai District, Zhoushan City. General Secretary Xi Jinping said in the survey that many places across the country are building beautiful villages, partly because of the experience of Zhejiang. Zhejiang has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the "demonstration of thousands of villages and the renovation of ten thousand villages" was indeed carried out early and forward-looking. It is hoped that Zhejiang will make persistent efforts and continue to walk in the front.

"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".

April 2018

General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions, requiring further promotion of Zhejiang's good experience and practices, adapting measures to local conditions, implementing precise policies, not engaging in "performance projects" and "image projects", doing one thing after another, year after year, to build ecologically livable beautiful villages, so that the majority of farmers have more sense of gain and happiness in rural revitalization.

October 2018

General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions: Zhejiang's "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project started early, the direction is accurate, and the results are good, which not only has an exemplary role for the whole country, but also has been recognized internationally. It is necessary to summarize experience in depth, guide and urge all localities to continue to make efforts towards the set goals, make long-term contributions, and continue to write a new chapter in the construction of a beautiful China.

March 2019

The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council forwarded the "Report of the Central Agricultural Office, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the National Development and Reform Commission on In-depth Study of Zhejiang's Experience in the "Demonstration of Thousand Villages and Renovation of Ten Thousand Villages" Project to Solidly Promote the Improvement of the Rural Human Settlements", and issued a notice, requiring all localities and departments to conscientiously implement it in light of actual conditions.

December 19-20, 2023

The Central Rural Work Conference was held in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the "three rural" work, he pointed out that learning and using the experience of the "Ten Million Project", adapting measures to local conditions, classifying policies, step-by-step, long-term work, and concentrating on doing a good job of doing a number of practical things that the masses can feel.

"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".

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"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".
"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".
"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".
"Ten Million Project" in Yangxian County||Decode the background concept of the "Ten Million Project".


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Source: Yangxian County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Qianpinqiancheng

Editor: Li Xiaoqing Editor: He Long

Review: Zhang Xiaofeng Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Zhigang Producer: Song Hao

Submission email: [email protected]

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Yangxian release

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