
Don't kidnap doctors, doctors are just a profession to make a living


I know a conscientious doctor who was insulted by the patient's family at the entrance of the hospital because he failed to cure the patient's illness, and was even labeled as "corrupt medical ethics".

Anyone with a little common sense knows that doctors are not immortals, not almighty wishing fountains. They face a wide variety of diseases every day, some of which are simply incurable with the current level of medical care. Just like building a house, the "bricks" in the doctor's hands are medical technology and medicines, but the structure of some "houses" is too complex to be built with existing "bricks". At this time, it is necessary for patients and their families to understand the difficulties of doctors and face the challenges brought by the disease together.

From another point of view, doctors also have to support their families. They face intense work pressure every day, risk occupational diseases, race against death, and carry the burden of patients' health. If there is no certain material return, how many people are willing to stick to their medical posts all the time? If nothing else, just look at the sky-high house prices, is it enough for doctors to drink a pot?

Don't kidnap doctors, doctors are just a profession to make a living

After graduating from medical school, doctors have spent more than a decade or more studying medical knowledge, and their love and dedication to medicine is unquestionable. However, they are also the ones who need to provide for their families, and they also have their own career plans and development goals. A doctor is not a robot, let alone a 24-hour life-saving machine. They also need to take a break from work, they need to spend time with their families, and they need to have their own spare time.

Speaking of which, the core point I want to express is that a doctor is a person first, and then a profession. They need to be respected, they need to be understood, and they need a good practice environment.

This does not mean that we can condone the mistakes of doctors. As professionals in the medical industry, doctors must always adhere to high standards of professional ethics and medical technology. Otherwise, it will pose a threat to the patient's life. At this time, there is no point in going to moral kidnapping, and serious medical malpractice investigation is the right way to defend rights.

Don't kidnap doctors, doctors are just a profession to make a living

So how to establish a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients?

I believe that trust is the key. Doctors should be honest with patients, fully communicate the condition, and let patients understand the pros and cons of treatment options. At the same time, patients should also trust the doctor's professional judgment and give the doctor a certain amount of space and respect.

In addition, Xiaobian also called on relevant departments to improve the medical system, strengthen the channels of communication between doctors and patients, and establish a sound medical accident evaluation system. Only in this way can we truly protect the rights and interests of doctors and avoid the intensification of conflicts between doctors and patients.

Don't kidnap doctors, doctors are just a profession to make a living

Finally, I would like to say to the doctors, you have worked hard! This society needs you, and thank you for always guarding our health. But at the same time, we should also remind everyone that doctors are benevolent, but they must also maintain a normal heart. Do not let moral kidnapping be a stumbling block for you to move forward.

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