
I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

author:Nickelodeon Institute
I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

Amid laughter, an unsettling farce quietly unfolded. At Bao Bell's wedding scene, Liu Yan, who was wearing a bandeau wedding dress, should have been the center of attention, but unexpectedly fell victim to a prank.

The groom Bao Bell and his group of best men, including the seemingly honest Du Haitao, tried to forcibly push Liu Yan into the pool.

At the critical moment, Jia Ling stepped forward and stood in front of Liu Yan. However, Du Haitao still refused to give up and insisted on lifting Liu Yan's legs. At this moment, his harmless mask seemed to crack a crack, revealing his long-hidden true face.

Afterwards, Liu Yan was forced to apologize to the public, but Du Haitao responded lightly: "Next time, I will be the best man myself!" This sentence is like a hammer, shattering the simple and lovely image of "Haitao" in people's hearts.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

Once upon a time, Du Haitao was the most honest and lovely member of the "Happy Family" in the hearts of the audience. Over time, however, this carefully crafted image has gradually crumbled through a series of controversial events, revealing its disappointing nature.

The turning point of the image transformation began with the jaw-dropping "kneeling" incident. On a stage that attracted much attention, Du Haitao actually knelt down to Korean idol Kwon Zhilong.

This scene not only sparked the anger of domestic netizens, but even South Korean netizens scoffed at it. In the face of overwhelming criticism, Du Haitao not only did not reflect, but instead spoke eloquently on social platforms, disparaging critics as "children who have received nine years of compulsory education".

This arrogant attitude is in stark contrast to his usual honest image.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

Immediately afterwards, his mistakes in hosting work were even more surprising. At a Chinese New Year's Eve party on Hunan Satellite TV, Du Haitao mispronounced the name of the sponsor, and what is even more incredible is that he did not correct it in time, but pushed the mistake to his partner He Jiong.

This kind of shirking of responsibility makes people doubt his professionalism and attitude towards the world.

Du's controversy is not limited to the world of work. In business, the restaurant he opened was ordered to close down due to lack of legal licenses and hygiene problems. Faced with such a crisis, instead of apologizing to customers, he posted messages on social media reprimanding employees.

This lack of responsibility makes people question whether he has the sense of responsibility that a successful entrepreneur should have.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

What's even more shocking is that his seafood restaurant has had an incident of acute gastroenteritis caused by diarrhea after a meal. Although he reached a compensation agreement with the customer, he bit back afterwards and accused the other party of extortion.

This kind of reversal of black and white completely broke people's illusions about Du Haitao's image of an "honest man".

With the exposure of these incidents, Du Haitao's public image began to decline sharply. The "honest" image that was once loved by fans is now shattered.

Du Haitao's image collapse is not only a loss of personal reputation, but also a heavy blow to the credibility of the entire entertainment industry. It reminds us that behind the glamorous halo of stars, there may be a very different true face.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

This process also reminds us that the words and deeds of public figures should stand the test of time and facts, rather than relying on carefully packaged characters to win the audience's affection.

The love affair between Du Haitao and Shen Mengchen is like an urban romance drama with ups and downs, which has gone through eight springs and autumns since it was first exposed in 2015. The beginning of this relationship originated from a cold night, at a grand ceremony on Hunan Satellite TV, Du Haitao put on a coat for Shen Mengchen.

In a subsequent gathering, Du Haitao's careful act of peeling shrimp for Shen Mengchen made Shen Mengchen fall in love with him.

At first, Shen Mengchen paid a lot in order to win Du Haitao's favor. She calls and texts frequently, and is always available. In the eyes of others, this dedication may seem a little humble, but for Du Haitao, who has always had an unsuccessful crush on Wu Xin, this is undoubtedly a precious gift.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

The relationship between the two quickly heated up, and they soon became an enviable pair in the entertainment industry.

After the relationship was made public, Du Haitao and Shen Mengchen frequently appeared hand in hand, and the sweet interaction was enviable. They also participated in the recording of the program "Daughters' Love" together, showing a tacit understanding like an old husband and wife in front of the camera.

Shen Mengchen did not hesitate to praise Du Haitao's appearance, talent and figure in the show, and interpreted the phrase "Xi Shi in the eyes of a lover" to the fullest.

However, this seemingly perfect relationship was not all smooth sailing. They had experienced a three-month cold war, and Du Haitao even chose to cut off contact completely. During this time, Shen Mengchen became ill due to longing and suffered from psychopathic anorexia, and his weight plummeted to 90 pounds.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

In the end, it was Shen Mengchen who took the initiative to find Du Haitao's home, and the two got back together. This experience seems to highlight Shen Mengchen's dedication in this relationship.

In 2020, when Shen Mengchen showed outstanding strength in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" and increased popularity and audience favorability, the two finally announced their preparations for the wedding.

This news once made fans ecstatic, thinking that this long-distance running romance was finally going to come to fruition. However, disappointingly, the long-awaited wedding has been repeatedly postponed.

In the face of questions from the outside world, Du Haitao has never been able to give a clear answer. Even in the show, when Shen Mengchen implicitly expressed his wish to "give birth to a noble son early", Du Haitao was only vague.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

Faced with Shen Mengchen's father's questioning, he still avoided talking about it.

As time went on, the authenticity of this eight-year relationship began to be questioned. From April to May 2021, Du Haitao appeared on the Weibo hot search list six times in a row, and the breakup rumors intensified.

Although both have clarified through social platforms, the public's attitude has changed from initial blessings to flat.

Instead of showing affection on social media, it is better to make good on the original wedding promise to be truly convincing. However, Du Haitao never seemed to be able to make up his mind.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

This eight-year relationship, from sweet to controversial, from vigorous to plain like water, seems to be just like Du Haitao's public image, which begins to make people unable to see the truth.

No matter how it ends, this relationship has become an indelible chapter in Du Haitao's life, and it has also become a microcosm of the private life of public scrutinize stars.

In Du Haitao's relationship history, the pursuit of Wu Xin can be called an embarrassing episode. This unrequited love not only showed Du Haitao's persistent side, but also laid the groundwork for his later relationship with Shen Mengchen.

Long before he made his relationship with Shen Mengchen public, Du Haitao confessed to Wu Xin in public many times. This courage should be admirable, but it is a little embarrassing because of its persistence.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

During a program recording, Du Haitao suddenly boldly confessed to Wu Xin, but failed to get a response from the other party. This failure did not discourage him, but only stimulated him to pursue it more intensely.

In 2012, in a discussion about the friendship between men and women, Du Haitao once again ignored the camera and poured out his love to Wu Xin. Although He Jiong tried to alleviate the embarrassment, Du Haitao went his own way and insisted on expressing his feelings.

However, Wu Xin always regarded Du Haitao as his younger brother and didn't care about his confession.

On Du Haitao's 25th birthday, he once again confessed affectionately to Wu Xin, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell into embarrassment. This is the fifth time he has publicly shown his love to Wu Xin, but he still failed to touch the other party's heart.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

Wu Xin always maintained a polite but firm attitude of refusing Du Haitao's invitation.

This frustrated emotional experience may partly explain why Du Haitao behaved so hesitantly in his relationship with Shen Mengchen. From his passionate pursuit of Wu Xin to his calm attitude towards Shen Mengchen, Du Haitao's emotional world seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog.

This persistent pursuit of Wu Xin not only shows Du Haitao's persistence in the relationship, but also exposes his lack of sensitivity to the feelings of others. It provides important clues for us to understand Du Haitao's character and subsequent emotional development, and also provokes people to think about the boundaries of the private life of public figures.

Du Haitao's career development trajectory can be called a legend in the entertainment industry. From a much-loved host to a business tycoon worth nearly 100 million, his transformation path is eye-catching, but also full of controversy.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

It is rumored that Du Haitao's worth is close to hundreds of millions, and he has become an invisible rich man. While this figure has yet to be officially confirmed, his business profile is truly impressive.

In the restaurant industry, he runs three online restaurants in bustling areas. However, the restaurants have also been mired in controversy due to hygiene issues and irregular operations, and have been ordered by market regulators to close down for rectification.

In the field of e-commerce, Du Haitao has also achieved remarkable results. He founded his own brand "Mr. Xiong" with a monthly revenue of up to 2 million yuan, and then opened a number of physical stores in Guangzhou and Changsha to further expand the business territory.

In addition, Du Haitao has also set foot in the field of real estate investment, purchasing villas worth millions of yuan in many places. He even showed off his luxury home on the show, showing off his financial prowess.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

Interestingly, he also drove a Ferrari himself to promote his new store, a move that undoubtedly showed his wealthy status.

However, Du Haitao's business practices have also raised a lot of questions. Some wonder if he used his star aura to squeeze benefits from his fans. These doubts are in stark contrast to the honest image he created in his early days.

Du Haitao's business success not only shows his business acumen, but also exposes another side of his character. The transformation from a host to a business tycoon has not only changed his wealth situation, but also seems to have changed the public's perception of him.

This business process has become another important window to interpret Du Haitao's complex personality.

I haven't married Shen Mengchen for 8 years of love, kneeling Han Xing, harming Liu Yan, how many people have been deceived by Haitao's "honesty".

As the controversy continues to be exposed, Du Haitao's carefully created "honest" image has been shattered. From kneeling down to Han Xing to hurting Liu Yan, from shirking responsibility to marital hesitation, everything is shaking the public's trust in him.

Now, Du Haitao is faced with a difficult choice: should he remain silent, or should he bravely face the controversy and explain his actions? The public expects him to respond honestly to these questions, rather than continuing to hide behind vague responses.

Public trust can only be rebuilt by confronting the mistakes of the past with sincerity. This is not only about Du Haitao's personal future, but also about the credibility of the entire entertainment industry. Perhaps, through this crisis, Du Haitao can re-examine himself and find his true self that was once loved by people.

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