
On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

author:Nickelodeon Institute
On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years
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On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

In 1980, in a studio in Taipei, a couple who were about to part ways left a confusing photograph. In the picture, Li Ao hugged Hu Yinmeng tightly, with a bright smile on his face.

However, Hu Yinmeng's expression was reluctant, as if he was trying his best to hide the pain in his heart.

The photo was taken at the same time as they went through the divorce process, and their marriage lasted only 115 days. What's even more puzzling is that in the 37 years since, Li Ao has never been able to let go of his resentment towards Hu Yinmeng, and has constantly attacked her with words.

Hu Yinmeng's upbringing environment is complex and full of contradictions. Although her father, Hu Gengnian, is handsome and dashing, he has a sensitive and fragile personality due to the loss of his relatives at an early age. Mother Xuan Shifang was born wealthy, but the backwardness of the family became harsh.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

Such a family atmosphere deeply influenced Hu Yinmeng, making her have special expectations and yearning for love.

Growing up, Hu Yinmeng showed a rebellious side. When she was in high school, she began to wear short skirts and black stockings, which attracted attention. After entering college, she often went to nightclubs and did not return home until three or four o'clock in the morning.

This lifestyle reflects her inner turmoil and desire for freedom.

The turning point in Hu Yinmeng's life came when she went to the United States to study. At a well-known modeling school in New York, she not only learned professional knowledge, but also made many like-minded friends.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

However, fate arranged an unforgettable first love for her. The relationship ended in pain, making Hu Yinmeng suspicious and wary of young men.

After returning to Taiwan, Hu Yinmeng's life trajectory changed dramatically. She was discovered by talent scouts and starred in the movie "Cloud Deep Unknown" and became famous in one fell swoop. Her beauty and talent made her quickly become a goddess in the literary and artistic circles, and she was known as "Taiwan's No. 1 Beauty".

It was at this highlight moment of her life that she met the talented Li Ao.

Li Ao's talent has long made Hu Yinmeng fall in love. When she was a student, she read Li Ao's works in the library and admired his unique charm. When they first met, the two were like old friends who had known each other for many years, chatting happily and leaving contact information for each other.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

A few days later, Li Ao took the initiative to invite Hu Yinmeng to afternoon tea. Later, he took her on a tour of his private study, where he showed off his proud "collection of 100,000 books".

On the sofa in the study, the two couldn't help but kiss, thus starting a warm and deep relationship.

However, the beginning of the relationship was full of drama. At that time, Li Ao already had a dating partner, but in order to be with Hu Yinmeng, he did not shy away from showing his heart to his girlfriend.

He admitted frankly that although his feelings for his girlfriend have not diminished, the appearance of Hu Yinmeng makes him irresistible. This straightforward and almost cruel confession not only shows Li Ao's recklessness, but also hints at his strong fascination with Hu Yinmeng.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

Hu Yinmeng finally got his wish and got together with Li Ao. Her mother, Xuan Shifang, was quite satisfied with this talented son-in-law at first, and even proudly declared: "Looking at the whole of Taiwan, only Li Ao has enough qualifications to match my daughter."

However, this satisfaction was soon shaken by subsequent events.

This love affair that came and went quickly seemed to pull the two souls together as if it were destined. Their encounter is like a brilliant firework, dazzling but fleeting.

This experience not only changed the trajectory of their respective lives, but also laid the groundwork for a long entanglement in the future.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng's love affair was like a whirlwind, quickly involving the two into the palace of marriage. After only eight months of acquaintance, they decided to spend the rest of their lives together. This relationship, which comes and goes quickly, seems to have been destined to be short-lived from the beginning.

On the wedding night, 26-year-old Hu Yinmeng said goodbye to his parents and resolutely threw himself into Li Ao's arms. This "Taiwan's No. 1 Beauty" chose a talented man who was much older than her, against the wishes of her parents.

That night, dressed in pajamas, they solemnly read out the marriage contract in the living room, a scene that is both romantic and slightly hurried, as if to foreshadow the precariousness of the marriage.

However, the sweetness of the newlywed is soon replaced by the bitterness of reality. In the days after their marriage, the two often quarreled over trivial matters. Li Ao's talent and Hu Yinmeng's beauty can't seem to make up for the generation gap and personality differences between them.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

Just 115 days later, this high-profile marriage broke down, leaving the outside world by surprise.

There are many theories about the reasons for the failure of marriages. Among them, the case that has attracted the most attention is Xiao Mengneng's false accusation against Li Ao. Li Ao has always been actively involved in social welfare activities, but this has also caused him a lot of trouble.

In this lawsuit, a huge rally was organized with the intention of putting pressure on Li Ao. What made Li Ao feel even more betrayed was that Hu Yinmeng attended the trial as a witness and made some remarks that seemed unfounded to him.

This incident may have been the last straw that broke the marriage.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

Another argument points to money disputes. Some people believe that Hu Yinmeng witnessed Li Ao taking her friend's money but not returning it, which made her doubt her husband's personality and gradually lost her expectations for this marriage.

However, given Li Ao's later attitude towards Hu Yinmeng, this explanation seems unconvincing.

There is also a rather dramatic statement from Li Ao himself. He claimed that once he accidentally bumped into the embarrassing scene of Hu Yinmeng being constipated in the toilet, which gave rise to the feeling that "a beautiful woman is constipated, and she is no different from ordinary people".

Although the accident was obviously not enough to be the real cause of the divorce, it became a focus of Li Ao's later attacks on Hu Yinmeng, and also reflected the rapid collapse of their intimate relationship.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

On the day of the divorce, Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng took the famous group photo. In the photo, Li Ao hugged Hu Yinmeng tightly, with a bright smile on his face. However, attentive people can see that Hu Yinmeng's smile reveals a hint of reluctance and pain.

This photograph full of contradictions seems to be the best footnote to their short marriage.

It is worth mentioning that in order to end this marriage, Li Ao paid up to 2.1 million yuan in compensation. The amount seemed to deepen his resentment.

After the divorce, he even found Hu Yinmeng's mother, Xuan Shifang, and asked her to bear the expense. This move undoubtedly angered Xuan Shifang, and also made her doubt Li Ao's personality.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

This marriage, which lasted only 115 days, was like a short-lived romance, but it left an indelible mark on the lives of the two. It not only changed the trajectory of Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng's lives, but also became an entanglement that they could not get rid of for a long time afterward.

This failed marriage may reflect the fragility of the love of talented and beautiful people, and also show how various contradictions and conflicts in real life can impact a seemingly perfect union.

After the divorce, Li Ao's attitude towards Hu Yinmeng changed dramatically. The once sweet lover has become the target of his mouth. No matter whether Hu Yinmeng appears in the public eye or has any trouble, Li Ao always lashes out mercilessly.

His words were sharp and mean, making people wonder if this talented man had ever truly loved this woman.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

For Hu Yinmeng, this marriage did not bring happiness, but became the most confused period of her life. After leaving Li Ao, she chose to live a celibate life, seemingly looking for inner peace.

However, fate surprised her again: at the age of 43, she welcomed the birth of a daughter.

Although the identity of the child's father is a mystery, Hu Yinmeng shows a strong side and decides to raise his daughter alone. She does not need others to take responsibility and is fully capable and determined to raise children independently.

This decision shows Hu Yinmeng's courage and independent spirit, and also suggests that she has come out of the haze of the past.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

However, this news seems to have touched a nerve deep in Li Ao's heart. Although he has been remarried for many years, he still shows unusual concern about Hu Yinmeng's living situation.

His reaction to this incident bordered on rage, and he sneered at Hu Yinmeng in various ways. This abnormal performance seems to expose the emotional turmoil in Li Ao's heart that has not yet subsided.

Li Ao's feelings for Hu Yinmeng can be described as complicated. He couldn't forget her, but he kept attacking her with words. This contradictory attitude may reflect the inseparable love in his heart, and the pain of not being able to fully possess the other person.

He behaves like a person who can't let go, maintaining a bond with the other person through constant criticism.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

In these 37 years, Li Ao seems to have regarded Hu Yinmeng as a wound that cannot be healed. Whenever she is mentioned, he shows a strong emotional response. This constant attention and criticism makes people wonder if he really let go of this relationship.

At the same time, Hu Yinmeng chose to remain silent. She rarely responded publicly to Li Ao's criticism, instead focusing on her life and career. This attitude shows both her maturity and the suggestion that she may have let go of her past strife.

The 37-year entanglement has not only affected Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng, but also become a hot topic of public discussion. Their story is like a 37-year series, full of drama and contradictions.

This relationship left an indelible imprint on the lives of the two and became an entanglement that they could not get rid of.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

As he grew older, Li Ao's attitude towards Hu Yinmeng seemed to have begun to change subtly. On the occasion of Hu Yinmeng's half-hundred, Li Ao made an unexpected move: he sent 50 delicate red roses.

This symbolic gift is a gentle response to the past.

In 2007, when the movie "Lust and Caution" sparked heated discussions, Li Ao unexpectedly mentioned Hu Yinmeng again. He openly stated that his ex-wife is more beautiful and moving than the heroine in the film.

This remark is not only a praise for Hu Yinmeng, but also seems to reveal a trace of nostalgia for the past.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

In 2013, when Hu Yinmeng ushered in the year of the sixtieth year, Li Ao sent her sincere blessings through social media. This series of actions seems to be a manifestation of Li Ao's attempt to reconcile with the past in his later years.

However, fate always seems to like to joke. In the last stage of his life, Li Ao, who was seriously ill, began to prepare a TV show called "Goodbye Li Ao".

Many speculate that he may wish to take the opportunity to meet Hu Yinmeng again. However, until Li Ao's death, this wish was not realized.

According to Li Ao's friends, on the occasion of his death, this talented man admitted that he had two major regrets in his heart, one of which was that he failed to renew his relationship with Hu Yinmeng. This regret has become an unsolved mystery in his life, and it has also drawn an end full of regrets for this relationship that spans most of his life.

On the day Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng divorced, he took this photo with a smile, but then he scolded each other for 37 years

The story of Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng is like a love tragedy with ups and downs. From the passionate love at first sight, to the painful parting of a short marriage, to the resentment and entanglement in the long years, and finally the reconciliation attempts and unfulfilled wishes in their later years, their relationship has experienced extreme ups and downs.

This relationship has carved an indelible imprint on the lives of the two and has become a lifelong entanglement that they cannot get rid of. It not only profoundly affected the trajectory of their respective lives, but also left us with deep thoughts: what is the essence of love? How should we cherish the people in front of us? Should we be more tolerant and understanding of each other in our relationship? The story of Li Ao and Hu Yinmeng may be a mirror that reflects the complexity of love and the multifaceted nature of human nature.

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