
"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates


The wind of explosive reform has once again blown on the senior high school graduates.

Every year at the end of the college entrance examination, many senior high school graduates will usher in an explosive change. In terms of image, lifestyle, etc., it has ushered in a big explosion, which seems to have become a kind of ritual for high school graduates to bid farewell to the cold window and study hard for 18 years and welcome a new life.

The first step of the explosion reform, most people will choose to start with hair, after all, start with the "head".

As a result, the barbershop was crowded with high school seniors who had exploded. Girls are keen on perming and dyeing a fashionable hair color, and then perming a curly hair that was strictly forbidden when they were students, from trojan horse rolls to wavy rolls to wool rolls, as long as they look good, they can roll any way.

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

The boys are also on the way to the explosion, some also dye their hair, and some start to perm their hair, from standard science styling to youthful and energetic men's high school, only a reliable Tony teacher is needed.

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates
"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

Photo source: Xiaohongshu blogger @雪喵日用

Of course, not only did the hairstyle change the explosion, but the girls also began to whiten their skin tone, began to learn makeup, carried out posture management, and interpreted the "Eighteen Changes of the Women's University" in an all-round way.

Blogger @Yuanyuan Meng Mouse I started to perm my hair after the college entrance examination, and then began skin care and antioxidation, applied a mask every day, learned Korean women's makeup, and finally succeeded in breaking through unremitting efforts.

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates
"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

Source: Xiaohongshu blogger @ Yuanyuan Meng Mouse I'm up

There are also graduates who decide to have myopia eye surgery to achieve "lens removal", and some carry out weight management, lose weight in the summer vacation after the college entrance examination, and work silently to amaze all the old classmates.

There is also a summer vacation strategy for high school graduates to reform youth boys and girls in a certain book.

From posture management, living habits, dressing, emotional management, etc., the senior high school graduates have taken out the perseverance to prepare for the college entrance examination to become beautiful and handsome, and seriously interpret "they are serious about the explosion".

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", it seems that the growth of every senior high school graduate needs to be verified by a blast change.

Of course, the explosion of growth is not only reflected in the external image, but also in the exploration of the world.

After the college entrance examination, I can finally have time to experience life. High school seniors are starting to get together to watch concerts and graduation trips.

Go to see idols who have been fans for a long time with your colleagues, experience offline star chasing, and fulfill your own little wishes and sense of youth ritual.

Go on a graduation trip with a good friend, partner or best friend, implement the "youth has no price, hard seat goes straight to Lhasa", really go thousands of miles, and use the freshness of the journey to refresh the 18 years of heavy study pressure.

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

In terms of emotional value, senior high school graduates can always fill themselves.

Of course, some high school graduates have already started to experience the life of "social animals" in advance, and have begun to work in the summer to accumulate their first wealth for themselves, or have begun to earn tuition and living expenses for themselves.

No, the news of the rectification of the workplace of high school graduates has spread all over the comment areas of many social platforms.

From hot pot, hamburger restaurants to dessert milk tea shops, all of these are the holy places for student party holidays to work.

"You can eat the barbecue skewers, one at a time without squeaking."

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

"The kind of mung bean paste with three pieces of a cup is less drunk, and when the cup is taken off the mold, you don't know if the uncle and sister who picked it up were scratching their feet and necks or picking their noses a second ago, or saliva spurting when they spoke, especially when the production address is Panyu District."

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

At this moment, a person who loves to drink mung bean paste is gently broken.

Also, the mangoes in the bubble tea shop are rotten to black.

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

The hygiene of fried chicken is also worrisome, scaring off a netizen who loves fried chicken in minutes.

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

In addition to exposing black-hearted businessmen, part-time part-time student party work has become a "migrant worker" praised by everyone if it doesn't go well.

How full and full are the fries, how high can the ice cream be pulled, and how much ketchup can be given to a whole box, focusing on a "boss makes me unhappy, I'll let you make less" mental journey.

These student parties interpret the momentum of newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers with their actions.

In the eyes of adults, the college entrance examination seems to be a dividing line between adults and children, as long as the college entrance examination is completed, they will default to their children having grown up, and also give children a little more autonomy. As a result, behind the explosion of high school graduates and their multi-faceted experience of life, perhaps it is the first time that they have a real sense of autonomy over themselves and their lives.

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

This sense of control of life reminds me of the challenges of "image explosion", "restarting life" and "renourishing myself" that became popular all over the Internet before.

The image explosion is to seek the opinions of netizens on the Internet, and then add a high degree of execution to start changing their image. For those who really achieve explosive reform, the final result is a big change in the image of a small one, and a big one can even directly change a life.

Among them, the most talked-about is @小艾. From an ordinary young man who was anxious and couldn't find a partner, to now having a successful career and a happy marriage, he can be described as a proper winner in life.

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates


He first changed his hairstyle, then lost weight, and then tried to find the most suitable makeup for himself, and at the same time transformed his appearance, he also began to enrich himself, find a side hustle, learn technology, and improve his education. From the inside out, he really completed the explosion and restarted his life.

There is also "re-nourishing yourself", which is actually a manifestation of a sense of self-control in life.

Not everyone's family of origin can be happy, and not everyone has a healing childhood, so many people have grown up in a family environment that is constantly suppressed and despised and decided to raise themselves in their own way when they are able.

Find your hobbies again, even re-learn your favorite major, do the job you like, no longer obey your parents' arrangements, rearrange yourself, and live the life you want to live.

Spend money on graduate school, learn to swim, go on a road trip, go to an idol's concert, straighten your teeth, learn jazz dance, calligraphy, etc., and raise yourself as your own child.

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

Childhood regrets have been caused and cannot be changed, so make up for them when you grow up, rely on your own strength to heal all your regrets and wounds here, enrich your inner child as much as possible, and then start your life again.

From the explosion of high school graduates to the explosion of adults to reform themselves and re-nourish themselves, these are essentially their realization that their lives and lives can be changed by their own actions.

The long-standing topic of the explosion reform, and the reason why the explosion reform itself is fascinating, lies in the sense of harvest and accomplishment before and after the explosion, as well as the persistence learned in the process, and the perseverance cultivated, which will have a positive impact on us in the future.

Now many people, including me, are the main one who does not listen to persuasion, and cannot persist in everything. When tomorrow comes, we'll talk about it the day after tomorrow.

In short, if you don't have DDL, you won't do it. Moreover, he is best at being a "giant in words and a dwarf in action", so life is always the same and has not changed at all.

But whether it's big or small, change comes from action. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, even if you change a little bit at the moment, then there is a change.

Do successful people have a knack for not being known? Actually, no. Successful people may only have a little more execution and perseverance than those who fail.

So as long as you are based on the moment, do it, and persevere, everything will go towards your goal.

These qualities are also scarce among contemporary adults.

"High school is ugly, what's the matter with my college", the wind of explosive reform blew on the senior high school graduates

There is only one life, and if you don't change it at this time, if you don't do what you want to do at this time, if you don't realize it through action, when will it be?

Yin Ye of Huada Group once said: "The stupidest thing in the world is that a person can endure decades of unhappy life, but is not willing to spend a year to change himself!" ”

If you want to buy osmanthus and carry wine, it is not like a juvenile tour.

We all say that the brave enjoy the world first, but don't the people who are strong in action too?

Therefore, at the moment when there are no regrets, to change and act, this is the life principle that the graduates of the explosion have taught me.