
He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?


Recently, the spy war drama "Lonely Battle Maze" was airborne. The play is starring Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei, and tells the story of two ace agents "working together to solve the crisis".

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

But the popularity of the new drama has not yet risen, and Huang Jingyu's ex-wife has started shouting on Weibo again to break the news...

This wave of hot operations made everyone puzzled, and netizens commented: Is this accompanying the two of them?

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?


said that it was good to get together and disperse, why did you revolve again and again?

It's 2024, and his ex-wife Wang Yuxin, who has been divorced from Huang Jingyu for 6 years, has started a series of speeches again, this time at the time when "Lonely Battle in the Maze" was airborne.

She shouted Huang Jingyu again, saying, "I didn't expect that I was shortlisted for the Golden Jue Best Heroine and hurt you so much, refuse to disturb and any warnings, please let each other go."

At the same time, Wang Yuxin threatened to expose Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Regarding her sudden revelation, netizens said that they were not surprised, but some people thought: "Could it be that she is directing and acting herself in order to build momentum for her movie?" ”

Recently, Wang Yuxin attended the Shanghai International Film Festival as an actress, and she was nominated for Best Actress in the Asian Newcomer Unit of the Shanghai International Film Festival for her work "Shelter Tower".

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Although Wang Yuxin is a blockbuster in her personal career, these war-leading remarks have caused a large number of netizens to be dissatisfied.

Some hot comments joked that she was a difficult character like a dogskin plaster, and it was very unlucky to meet such an ex Huang Jingyu, "Wang Yuxin started breaking the news when Huang Jingyu had a new drama, and the purpose was not simple."

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Some viewers even said that the drama was broadcast too suddenly, and if there was no Wang Yuxin's appearance, she would not be able to follow the drama so punctually, ridiculing her for being more timely than the fans notified.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

I have to say that since the divorce of Huang Jingyu and Wang Yuxin, Wang Yuxin has posted more than once entangled on the Internet, and netizens feel that if it is once or twice, it may indeed be difficult for her to calm down, but every time she posts when Huang Jingyu has a work, is there a suspicion of deliberately rubbing the heat?

Back in 2023, Wang Yuxin directly became a hot search because she was online with Huang Jingyu's fans.

Later, Huang Jingyu admitted that he had a marriage with Wang Yuxin, and the studio also refuted false rumors about domestic violence and cheating. At that time, both of them posted that they were still friends, so they could get together and disperse.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

At that time, it happened to be the time when Huang Jingyu's new drama was officially announced, and fans naturally suspected that she was deliberately sabotage.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

The good times didn't last long, just a few months later, when Huang Jingyu started a new play, Wang Yuxin once again accused Huang Jingyu on social platforms, and was called a drama master by netizens.

At the beginning of November 2023, when the Golden Rooster Awards were hotly held, although Huang Jingyu did not participate, he was a frequent guest at the Golden Rooster Awards in previous years.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Wang Yuxin said, "Huang Jingyu deliberately guided with comments against himself, is this really okay for everyone"? She also said that she kept complaining about Huang Jingyu because she compromised to issue such an official copy.

She said it so nicely at the time, and she was ridiculed by netizens as "the money is in place".

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Many people said: It has been a long time since the divorce, even if the two did have some unspeakable pasts, no one cares, it is already 2024, and everyone should look forward.

In many comment areas, you can see the statements of netizens who "don't understand Wang Yuxin and sympathize with Huang Jingyu", "Since they have been separated for so long, why is Wang Yuxin still chattering"? "This is already the rhythm of being a demon to the point that no one sympathizes and cares", "The posture of pestering the ex is already very disgusting"...

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Many people who eat melons are indeed tired of watching these tearing scenes, but some viewers know that Huang Jingyu has a new drama on the air, and they have come to trial.


"Military service" turned to "spy warfare", can he really do it well this time?

The new drama "Lonely Battle Maze", which was launched this time, turned to "spy war", Huang Jingyu can be regarded as entering a new field and came to the Republic of China as an agent.

On the Douyin hot list, there is also an entry #Huang Jingyu enters the spy war track#, and the introduction shows that a series of puzzles will be launched in the future, just like the title of the play, Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei have teamed up to solve this "mystery" game, and the spy war and suspense elements in the play are very attractive.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

In the new drama, he also plays the male protagonist Ou Xiaoan, who is also a tough guy, the difference is that this character uses more brain power to fight and has a lot of inner drama, which also tests Huang Jingyu's acting skills even more.

In the episode just aired, Huang Jingyu was lying in the grass, covered in mud, had to be bloodied twice a day, and was mistaken for a traitor by the Japanese, which also made the audience very interesting.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?
He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

However, the overall evaluation of the series and Huang Jingyu's performance are mixed.

Some netizens commented on the advancement of the rhythm of the plot, "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" is still a bit good-looking, the shooting of group portraits is quite passable, and the old drama bones of the Kuomintang Communist Party and the Japanese are playing very well, which can be said to be relatively stable.

The identity of the characters at the beginning is clear, and the identity of the protagonist is straightforward and explained to the audience, while retaining the mysterious and hanging appetite, such a narrative will make the audience look forward to how the subsequent plot will develop and what the ending will be.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?
He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Huang Jingyu's appearance and makeup have been affirmed by netizens, saying that he is very in line with the appearance of that era, and he has no idol baggage, and it is easy to play ugly, and his acting skills are not superficial, they belong to the natural school.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?
He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?
He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?
He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

But some netizens think that "Lonely Battle in the Maze" is not descript, and the plot development is too child's play, and they also said that Huang Jingyu's acting skills are a little exaggerated, and the double agent acts like a big fool, and only the fight can barely be watched.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

It is also possible that this time Huang Jingyu moved to a new field, and everyone had too high expectations for him and made too much noise, so he felt that his performance was not good enough, and he was only suitable for wearing military uniforms, and he changed the track but did not change the way of acting.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?
He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

In general, netizens emphasize his acting skills and lines that he still needs to train and improve, and perhaps Huang Jingyu also needs to think about how to adjust his acting skills in order to improve.

At present, the show has been broadcast for two or three days, the popularity is average, there is no publicity, and the discussion is relatively low, I don't know if the follow-up word-of-mouth can ferment.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

The visual impact of the two actors' double A, combined with the theme of spy war in the Republic of China, many people were very surprised by "Lonely Battle Maze" at first, and felt that such a lineup should have a good reputation and results.

But now it seems that there is still a long way off.


With sufficient resources, what should he do in the future?

For the agent played by Huang Jingyu this time, most of the audience's comments said that he looks righteous and has a tough guy image, which is very suitable for playing a strong man, but it is difficult for him to play a villain well, or other roles with big breakthroughs, so the role he plays is also easy to fall into homogenization.

In the circle, in fact, Huang Jingyu's development has always been relatively stable, and it can be said that there are many and good resources.

It's no wonder that netizens ridiculed Wang Yuxin for using traffic to attract attention through Huang Jingyu to get a handful of wool, and it is difficult for everyone to tell whether she is unforgettable or to market herself for profit.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Some netizens also said that Wang Yuxin made such a fuss and saved a wave of fans for Huang Jingyu, is this a blessing in disguise?

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Huang Jingyu's past gossip and black material have been rumored before, and the scandals may affect the popularity of passers-by, but all along, it has not affected his resources.

has debuted for many years, and almost all of Huang Jingyu's movies and TV series have been the same, and blockbuster movies like "Operation Red Sea" have partners such as Zhang Hanyu, Haiqing, Du Jiang, etc.

In addition, "Falling in Love with Special Forces" has Li Qin, "Happiness, Within Reach" has Di Lieba, "Peacekeeping Anti-riot Team" has Wang Yibo, and "Icebreaker" has Wu Gang, Wang Jinsong, Ren Dahua, etc., all of them have been built again.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

In the past two years, Huang Jingyu's new film partner is also very eye-catching, but the response can only be said to be average.

In 2023, "He Came from the Fire" starring Huang Jingyu and 95 Xiaohua Zhang Jingyi will be broadcast, and the firefighter he plays is really eye-catching, very real, and very similar to a firefighter in reality.

But this novel is very popular, but the story adapted from the drama version is relatively bland, and the response to the final broadcast is average.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

In 2024, "Peacekeeping Anti-riot Team", which has been suppressed for a long time, will finally be released on May Day.

This movie, which gathers well-known actors such as Wang Yibo, Ou Hao, Zhong Chuxi, and Zhu Yawen, was largely deleted because of the participation of actors from collapsed houses, which also led to the average quality of the whole film, and the final box office also reached 511 million.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

As we all know, Huang Jingyu has a famous title in the industry called "the first person to serve in the military in internal entertainment", and his upright face is even called a police officer by a real policeman.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Even the recruitment propaganda film used stills of Huang Jingyu.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Netizens took stock of the roles played by Huang Jingyu, firefighter Lin Luxiao, naval sniper Gu Shun, grassroots soldier Sorghum, army special forces Liang Muze, criminal investigation police Chang Zheng, undercover agent Ou Xiaoan, anti-pickpocketing policeman Ping Sange, peacekeeping policeman Yu Weidong, etc.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

His tough guy image is indeed very popular among the cream boys, allowing him to stand out from the encirclement and have his own unique track. And Huang Jingyu has tiger teeth when he laughs, which is very contrasting, and he is a relatively recognizable actor.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

This time, Huang Jingyu's response to the new track of "spy war" was not too good, as if other themes were not suitable for him, which would make his drama themes and character images the same, which would easily cause the audience's aesthetic fatigue.

Some netizens think that it may be that Huang Jingyu's performance style has not changed, and he has changed the theme, and his demeanor and state should have changed, but his acting skills are not very good, and he can't easily adjust his performance.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Among Huang Jingyu's upcoming dramas, there are "Winter Solstice", which also plays the police, and "Fighting Thieves", both of which are suspenseful dramas, which can be regarded as Huang Jingyu's homogeneous "comfort zone".

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

At present, Huang Jingyu's "Fireworks Boy" is being filmed is controversial, and his vicissitudes of youth image have caused netizens to complain: "Like a physical education teacher." ”

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

Less than a month after the start of filming, the filming of this drama was stopped, there are rumors that the funding chain has been broken, and there are also rumors that the director has just been replaced, and it is still unknown whether the follow-up filming can be successfully completed.

He switched to the new track of spy warfare, and his ex-wife "just happened" to gain popularity?

In general, Huang Jingyu has good resources and good conditions, but he needs to explore his own development path and practice acting skills, and find his own development advantages, so that he can transform good resources into real achievements.