
If you are sick, lie down on the railroad tracks in Jakarta

author:21 Illustrated

In Indonesia, there is a strange way to treat all kinds of aches and pains in the body – lying on the railroad tracks.

Local residents believe that a faint electric current flows on the railroad tracks, which gives some kind of life force to the body and helps to restore physical strength.

In this regard, there are also specialized therapists to instruct how to properly lie on the railroad tracks.

The correct way is to lie down and swing your legs and head on two rails to let the so-called "vitality" circulate in your body. In addition, a wide range of other diseases can be treated in this way – from arthritis to diabetes, and limb pain is relatively pediatric.

If you are sick, lie down on the railroad tracks in Jakarta

The man threw himself into the healing process

In Jakarta, there is a section of the railway that is popular because here, there is a shorter interval between trains, which means that passengers do not need to stand for too long, it is not too crowded, and the possibility of being hit by a train is reduced

According to an old legend, in Rawa Buya, there was once a Chinese man lying on the railroad tracks, because he had been paralyzed for a long time and was a little tired of life, and when the train came by, a miracle happened, he suddenly magically jumped up and healed himself.

Of course, this is just a legend.

If you are sick, lie down on the railroad tracks in Jakarta

Railroad therapy is popular.

Sometimes, when a therapist comes with a wealthy client, there will be a special train to provide services, and a large group of people will follow and take the opportunity to get out of the situation together.

Due to poverty, there are many more quirky ways to treat diseases in Indonesia, and they like to swallow live fish to treat certain complex diseases in addition to lying on rails.

Many of them cannot afford to see a doctor and can only be treated by word of mouth.

If you are sick, lie down on the railroad tracks in Jakarta

The cost of a visit to the doctor is around Rs 10 lakh, which is very high for most residents and even more unaffordable for a family with several children.

So, when the child grows old enough to have access to two rails at the same time, the adults place them on the rails.

Some doctors believe that this treatment may have some justification, but only relieves chronic pain, especially for people who are particularly sensitive, and the current passes through their body and can affect the nerves to reduce sensitivity to old pain.

If you are sick, lie down on the railroad tracks in Jakarta

As for the treatment results, the locals will say "feel better", after all, they don't have any other way to relieve the pain. It's actually more like faith therapy, similar to meditation or prayer.

If you are sick, lie down on the railroad tracks in Jakarta

People walked, traded, played, and even built shacks on the tracks

Last but not least, the railroad therapy basically does not cause traffic accidents, everyone can get up in time, after all, this is Indonesia, not India.