
"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

author:Eddie Literary Society

Zhao Jinmai plays a vigorous college student in the play, the performance is natural and smooth, and the confusion and firmness unique to youth are revealed in his eyes, which perfectly interprets the characteristics of current college students.

Wang Xingyue won the love of the audience with his sunny and handsome image, and the coexistence of youth and maturity he showed in the play appropriately reflects the multi-faceted nature of young people.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

After the broadcast of "In the Blizzard", the public has a new thinking about the definition of idol dramas, which confirms that idol dramas do not only rely on appearance and idol halo to win, but can impress the audience through real stories and superb acting skills.

The success of this drama undoubtedly points out a new direction for the future development of idol dramas.

Zhao Jinmai played a college student in this drama, and her performance was unforgettable. The role played by Zhao Jinmai not only fits the setting on the outside, but more importantly, she successfully interprets the inner world of the character.

Her performance is delicate and profound, she is full of energy and youth in the play, and at the same time, she is also confused and confused about the future, and her smile and tears can make the audience empathize, especially in the emotional outburst scene, her tears and trembling voice are just right to show the character's inner struggle.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

In addition to the starring roles, the performances of other post-00s actors are also excellent. Zhang Linghe (born in 2001) plays a young doctor in the play, and his performance shows the diversity and strength of post-00s actors. He is able to combine the professionalism of his character with the enthusiasm of a young man, and in some medical scenes, his calm and calm performance makes people completely forget his actual age.

One of the highlights of "In the Blizzard" is its innovative and bold casting strategy, which breaks the mold and uses a group of young actors to play the lead role. The average age of the cast is low, with most of the actors not even turning 25 yet.

This decision has caused a lot of repercussions in the industry, and it has also made the audience full of anticipation and curiosity.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

This casting strategy cleverly avoids the embarrassing scenes that were common in idol dramas in the past, where actors in their 30s play 18 or 19-year-old students. In "In the Blizzard", the audience finally saw real young faces appear in the campus scene.

The combination of Zhao Jinmai (born in 1999) and Wang Xingyue (born in 2002) perfectly fits the college student roles they play, and this age match greatly enhances the realism of the whole drama.

Not only the starring role, but other important roles in the play are mostly played by post-00s actors. For example, the role of a young doctor played by Zhang Linghe (born in 2001) shows the diversity and strength of post-00s actors.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

The addition of these young actors injects fresh vitality into the whole drama and makes the plot closer to the lives of contemporary young people.

This casting strategy was undoubtedly a success for In the Time of Blizzard. The performances of the young actors not only did not disappoint, but brought surprises. Their youthful image, coupled with solid acting skills, adds a unique charm to this drama.

This freshness not only improves the quality of the series, but also provides a new idea for the industry as a whole: young actors can also take on big responsibilities, and if they are given the opportunity, they can shine brightly.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

This bold attempt has shown great success, which will undoubtedly influence the trend of future casting, and also provide more opportunities for more young actors to promote their growth.

First of all, the setting of the plot is closer to real life. The screenwriters went deep into life, listened to the voices of young people, and integrated the confusion, dreams and struggles of young people into the script.

For example, the character of a college student played by Zhao Jinmai faces a conflict between academics and personal interests, which often plagues young people in real life.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

Topics of concern to contemporary young people are added to the play, such as environmental protection and social justice, which not only enriches the plot, but also reflects the sense of social responsibility of the younger generation.

For example, there is a plot line about college students participating in public welfare activities in the play, which not only shows the enthusiasm of young people for public welfare, but also reflects their ideals and confusion in the face of reality.

"In the Blizzard" shows excellent quality at the production level. The excellent cinematography, the right soundtrack, and the delicate post-production have all greatly improved the quality of this show.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

Especially in some scenes of emotional outbursts, the photographer's lens language and the actors' performances are perfectly coordinated, showing the inner world of the characters vividly and vividly, bringing a strong emotional impact to the audience.

Not only that, the crew also cleverly integrated some new media elements, such as social networks, short videos, etc., to make the show more contemporary and close to the lifestyle of young audiences.

Many young audiences born in the 00s and 90s have a strong sense of identity with this drama. They felt that the show was a true reflection of the times they lived in. They can find traits similar to themselves in the characters in the play, and feel strong resonance.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

Especially the role of a college student played by Zhao Jinmai, the academic pressure and emotional confusion she faced resonated strongly with young audiences, and the idealism and realistic contradictions shown by Wang Xingyue's character also aroused the thinking of many young people.

In addition, social issues such as environmental protection and social justice involved in the play have also sparked heated discussions among the audience and sparked extensive discussions on social media. Many viewers said that the show is not only highly entertaining, but also has a certain social value.

Overall, the film "In the Blizzard" has succeeded in bringing freshness and identity to the audience, and this positive response has undoubtedly given the production company and the young actors a lot of encouragement and confidence.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

The success of "In the Time of the Blizzard" is undoubtedly a pioneering move forward. With the strength of post-00s actors, it confirms the audience's high support for real and life-oriented idol dramas. The influence of this drama is likely to continue gradually, and will have a profound impact on the casting trend and production concept of idol dramas in the future.

According to industry insiders, more producers will choose to use young actors in the future, especially in youth-themed works. The use of young actors not only increases the realism of the work, but also fosters a new generation of power for the film and television industry.

Post-00s actors such as Zhao Jinmai (born in 1999), Wang Xingyue (born in 2002) and Zhang Linghe (born in 2001) are likely to become the main force in the idol drama market in the future.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

At the same time, this trend will also force the entire industry to improve the level of production, because it is not enough to rely on young faces, but also need to be supported by good scripts and sophisticated productions.

Take "In the Blizzard" as an example, it has a plot setting close to life, in-depth character building, and attention to social issues, which are all important directions for the development of idol dramas in the future.

For post-00s actors, the success of "In the Blizzard" undoubtedly strengthened their confidence to continue to shine in the film and television industry. We have reason to believe that in the future, there will be more outstanding post-00s actors who will emerge and present more excellent works to the audience.

"In the Blizzard": When I saw Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue, I knew that the post-00s began to rectify idol dramas

On the whole, the success of the work "In the Blizzard" is not only a victory for post-00s actors, but a successful change in the idol drama market. It points out the direction for the future development of idol dramas, and also allows us to see the vibrant future of China's film and television industry.

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